
Damien Locke's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Paulicus.

Full Name

Damian Locke














The Shackles

Strength 17
Dexterity 12
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 14
Charisma 11

About Damien Locke

Orcish, rough-looking, eyepatch, worn black trench coat and tricorn hat, bandana

Grew up in the Shackles/Sargava in a rural area. His family were farmers. Sent to "spirit talker" up in the hills for tutelage when of age. It was a tradition in the family that the second(?) son go. Normally they commune with nature spirits and help grow crops, but This guy was always a little more rambunctious. He formed a bond with the spirits of past warriors, who granted him even more battle prowess. Still, he learned to speak to other spirits. He returned home, and helped for a time, but his new sense for adventure led to boredom. He decided to leave to pursue his fate out in the world. Luckily, his family was ok with this, and they get along well to this day. He even visits them every few years, and always brings his mother flowers.

Found adventure in the ports of the Shakles, signed up on a ship and got hooked on the adrenaline. Eventually worked his way up until he had his own ship! But he always found the sound of cannon and the clash of steel more rewarding than the treasure and trinkets afterward. Some might find it odd for a sea captain to bond with the spirits not only of battle, but of fire. Why not beseech the water spirits? Well my friend, have you ever been out at sea with your lone piece o' solid ground going up in flames? I tell ye true, there be no greater fear in any sailor's heart.

Besides, I don't be limiting myself. I speak to the water spirits all the same to keep me ship safe.

* Found "Gorum" (spirit of battle) in his travels and has become one of his faithful. Also venerate Besmara, as any god-fearing pirate captain should.
* Joined PFS because....... he signed up with some Qadiran 'trader' (underhanded like him of course) to smuggle some goods. Pathfinders came on to take something(?), but a larger enemy attacked & they worked together. This guy came to respect them? Heard there was more opportunity for action in PFS...?

(Captain? Maybe First Mate? Quartermaster?)

mechanics ideas blah-dee-blah:

conductive FALCHION -> evil eye hex?

---or, spell-storing sword? & (Bite Attack + hex???)

----Impact Greataxe/vital strike? chant/misfortune?

1- Power attack
3- Improved unarmed strike
5- hex strike
7- cornugon smash
9- spirit talker? (L10?) (stone, trip feats)
(can shift around^) -- +heavy armor?
extra hex? Divine interference?

2- Evil Eye (retrain from Cinder Dance)
4- Gaze of Flames --> [Goz Mask/*Fortune??]
6w- Cinder Dance
8- Battle weapon feats hex
10- Battle Ward? Flight? --> [*Soothsayer??]
11- Spirit Talker:Stone trips

wandering spirit/hex: gaze of flames

spells: a few buffs, battlefield control spells (fog, wall of fire, entangles, etc.)

spirit animal: sea krait (snake)? -- +2 fort saves

traits: Eastern Mysteries, Fate's Favored??