The dark purple Dakoyo is the Clutch’s physician and spiritual leader. He is a priest of Ibra, the god of celestial bodies and the mysteries of the universe, and as such, Dakoyo believes that all living beings are composed of the same matter as the stars and the planets. This fundamental connection allows him to heal wounds by pulling that unchanging quintessence out of the surrounding space. Dakoyo is contemplative, often studying the sky (or staring out of a viewport) for hours on end, but excitedly begins spinning descriptions and tales regarding any visible constellations if asked.
Dakoyo joined the crew only a few months ago, when Nakonechkin discovered him stranded on an asteroid in the Diaspora. The skittermander had asked to be dropped off there to study the rock’s wobbly orbit, believing it be a sign from Ibra, but hadn’t given any thought as to how to get home. By that point, Nakonechkin was already employing three other skittermanders and hoped this quieter one would help bring the others in line. Besides, the vesk figured that it wouldn’t hurt to have a healer around!
Dakoyo is fascinated with the techniques of ancient doctors and surgeons, going so far as to carry an antique stethoscope with him at all times. He is particularly interested in how those practitioners of medicine dealt with the many diseases and other ailments that he is convinced must have run rampant before the advent of modern curatives. He has collected a list of folk remedies (such as rubbing half a potato on a wart and burying it during a full moon) and likes to cite them as being remarkably more inferior than whatever first aid he is currently administering, be that magical or medicinal healing.