
Dakkar.'s page

282 posts. Alias of Razzocnor.

Hello, I was working on calculating out the full underlying stat block for the Oliphant, so that my gaming group could work on upgrading it.

Unfortunately, I found a problem with this: The Oliphant's initial configuration is using 27 more PCU than its reactor generates! On top of this, the reactor listed (Pulse Black), can't actually be installed on ships of the Oliphant's size (Medium) in the first place!

While this should be relatively straightforward to fix by just giving the ship a larger power core to start, I was wondering if there was anything intentional going on with it, or if this is just an oversight. Some of it is that the ship's thrusters aren't listed in its block: By working backward from its speed it can be determined to have M12 thrusters, which are actually consuming a whopping 80 PCU.