Cleric of Pharasma

Daiomadex "Dex" Billins's page

3 posts. Alias of pippinTook.

Strength 16
Dexterity 18
Constitution 10
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 12
Charisma 8

About Daiomadex "Dex" Billins

Human Warpriestess of Iomedae 1
N Medium humanoid (human)
Init +0; Perception +6
AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+4 lamellar leather armor, +1 buckler, +4 Dex)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +2 (2 class), Ref +4 (0 class, +4 dex), Will +3 (2 class, 1 Wis),
Speed 30 ft
Melee: Shield Bash +5, 1d6+4 bludgeoning
Ranged: dagger +4, (1d4+3) 20' range
Str 16, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +0; CMB 3; CMD 17
Feats: weapon focus (shield bash), improved shield bash, upsetting shield style, combat reflexes
Fate's Favored (+1 to all luck bonuses)
Shield Bearer (+1 to shield bash damage and 1/day add a +2 trait bonus to an adjacent ally's AC as an immediate action)
Rescued (Shelelu, +1 to acrobatics and it's a class skill)
Skills (2x1=2; ACP=-1) Acrobatics +8 (4 Dex, +1 trait, 1 rank, 3 class, -1 ACP), Climb +3 (+3 Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy -1 (-1 Cha), Handle Animal -1 (-1 Cha), Heal +1 (1 Wis), Intimidate -1 (-1 Cha), Knowledge (engineering) +0 (0 Int), Knowledge (religion) +4 (0 Int, 1 rank, 3 class), Profession +1 (1 Wis), Ride +4 (4 Dex), Sense Motive 1 (1 Wis), Spellcraft +0 (0 Int), Survival +1 (1 Wis), and Swim +3 (3 Str).
Languages: Common
Prepared Spells:
Orisons-stabilize, light, create water
1st Level-divine favor, cure light wounds
Sacred Weapon: Shield bash does 1d6 damage
Upsetting Shield Style: enemies hit with shield bash take a -2 to attacks against me until the start of my next turn
Combat Reflexes: 5 AoO's per round
Dancing Scarf: +2 deflection bonus to AC for 1 round if I move 10 feet or more, +2 to bluff attempts to feint
lamelar leather armor (25 gp), dagger (2 gp) cold iron buckler (10 gp), dancing scarf (150 gp), 5 days of trail rations (2 gp, 5 sp), bandolier (5 sp), 40 ft knotted hemp rope (1 gp), grappling hook (1 gp), 2 belt pouches (2 gp), 1 gp

Dex' Question/Answer Section:
-Who are you and how are you doing?
I'm fine, thank you for asking! I'm a HS history and English teacher and I love stories and cause/effect relationships and how events lead to more events so nothing is in isolation. I think that's a lot of what makes AP's so appealing to me.

-How often do you tend to post?
I check the forum multiple times per day and post when I think it would be fitting. I won't force five posts a day or anything, but sometimes it can pick up quite a bit. I'd say one to two times on average.

-What kind of tone are you looking for in this game?
Well, I do enjoy a balance of humor, and the dynamics of character relationships (which is not always drama). I love the role play aspect of Pathfinder far more than the sheer stats and ability scores. I want an effective character, sure, but more importantly, I want an interesting and enjoyable character who lives in a fleshed out world.

-What do you expect out of your fellow players?
Character interaction. I want our characters to be more than just flank buddies. As an example, in an AP I was playing, my soft-hearted bard saw an orphan child trying to sell badly made dolls in the marketplace, failed the sense motive role to recognize that she was a con artist, so the rogue (who he has a massive crush on) picked his pocket so the little thief couldn't. She then gave his coin purse back to him later without any real explanation and his only response was, "Oh, thank you!." An interaction like that comes from letting the characters build relationships and understand each other.

-What do you expect out of me (the GM)?
A fleshed out world with realized/fleshed out NPC's. While the focus is, of course, on the four potential love interests, if the rest of Sandpoint (and other places we go) are just a watered down background, the story world loses something. Again, an example: I run a Pathfinder club at the school where I teach and the gal playing the "mom friend barbarian" (I love my creative crew!) was so enamored by a little street urchin that they encountered (intended to simply provide some information and fade into memory) that she praised and fed the child and invited her home with them to have a soft bed and food and eventually adopted her and we role played the whole adoption process. Sometimes the story world grows with the characters.

-What is your comfort zone? Where's the line for you in RP terms?
No reason not to let the characters have real, fleshed out lives. Sometimes there's good, sometimes bad. As to the idea of this as a "romantic adventure," that may lead to potentially awkward places, but as long as everyone handles it maturely, no worries.

-How do you see your character progressing as a character?
Dex is in the midst of change as the AP starts. She has already experienced loss, connection, fear, growth, and now she is finding that there are aspects of herself she is only just discovering: her own sexuality, for example. The adventure will be a journey of self-discovery for young Dex, not only in terms of will she be with Shalelu or Koy, but also, is she just the tavern brawler, just the caravan muscle, or is she something different altogether from either of those? Bear in mind, she is a warpriestess who is not actively a priestess and bears the unholy symbol of Rovagug on her hand. Will she follow her adoptive father's example as a warrior, her biological father's example as a servant of Iomedae, will she balance them, or will she find a different path? Her journey is one of love, life, and faith.