lordzack wrote:
gbonehead wrote:
Nothing bad with a Lovecraftian name for Lovecraftian horrors, but the qlippoth aren't Lovecraftian.
Now, I'm all for a Dark Tapestry sourcebook, but that should be entirely different from a qlippoth sourcebook.
I'm sorry, but the qlippoth are pretty obviously at least partly inspired by Lovecraft. Heck, one former qlippoth turned demon is named Dagon! (The idea of Dagon as a demon lord predates the invention of the qlippoth, though.)
Actually, I am a god from Mesopotamia and Phoenicia, though these incompetent humans failed to preserve the knowledge on me beside my name, and I am not allowed to give these information myself. But this thing with the sea monster is mostly because I sound slightly like fish.