I need some advice. I am in the first modual, yes Neil... your book, my PCs have made it through the portal. They met up with the trade caravan of sleds, and started towards the village. In an attempt to not bring additional trouble to an NPC who had already (yes they figured it out) lost her daughter, they let the evil bard go on her way. They also got spotted by the swarm of crows. The uptake to all of this is the tower knew exactly who to send out troops to look for and my PCs are blind for a few days while they recover. The modual has info for the PCs to get, and encounters to have in town, but by the only one who isn't blind at the moment has the Charisma and charm of a dead poinsettia in February.
As near as I can tell, they are going to need at least some of this info and interaction to draw them to the right decisions. I need to get this back on track without using too much handwavium, or leading the PCs around with a nose ring. I want to keep it fun for them, but I don't want to take away their triumph over the odds. Any suggestions, and I don't ask this lightly because 2 of my players read these forums, and I am committing GM seppuku just acknowledging that I do not have this well in hand.