Radi Hamdi

Daanu's page

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Hello all

I am facing a dillema with my ninja in the AP. My ninja is now 200XP away from level 9. So far every encounter we have faced in book 3 has been a huge disaster for me. I'm running into the following.

-Just about everything we run into is either in some way incorpereal or immune to sneak attacks. Lots of enemies with concealment up to this point means I picked up shadow strike. Is this is continuing trend ion the later books or is it something that gets better in later books?

-Also struggling with gear. So far all my extra money had to go into keeping the caravan running as it get's wrecked at every turn. The DM is not allowing us to buy any magic gear not listed for a settlement. Not a lot of meaningfull settlements around near the northpole. And if they have something it is out of my price range or not at all usefull to me. Is there any decent ninja loot to look out for? (dex based ninja)

Would it be better to start taking a ranger levels for the last part of the AP? Or something else dex-based. My main worry is combat capability as I find myself being completely useless once combat starts.

Stats are

STR -12
Dex - 18
con- 10
int- 12
wis- 10
cha- 14