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A couple real dumb questions, as I'm new to both PCGen and Combat Manager (and as will quickly be obvious, Pathfinder).

First, is the export to .rpgrp functionality currently broken in PCGen? I'm using File->Export->Text->csheet_InitTool_1.0b23.rpgrp. A text file is exported, but my attack section looks like:

Thus, when imported into CM all the attacks are missing. I realize this is probably a PCGen question/bug, but this leads to my next question:

Do I care? Except for the minor annoyance of the damage not showing up in the 'Offense' block of the 'Selected Monster' window, I wouldn't ever really need to be rolling attacks for a player would I (assuming I'm the GM, of course)? I would only have the players loaded to roll initiative on them, and to easily see their stats for resolving combat rounds. Right?