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Just a note, implied meanings, intended meanings and other vaguely defined aspects of rules are like chum for Rules Lawyers. Please, DO NO FEED THE RULES LAWYERS ! Once you feed them, you can't get rid of them!

First off, the Golden Rule: "if a card and this rulebook are ever in conflict, the card should be considered correct". This pretty much discredits any "but the rules say" arguments. As to the "implied" meaning, maybe write things so the meaning is clear and direct, like on the majority of items in the game. The very prevalent use of "you" and "your" to make the use restrictions clear undermine the contention of an implied meaning. The wording used on the Thieves' Tools and Masterwork Tools is very much like that used on anytime/anyone cards. In case you are tempted to argue the rules say you can't, go back and reread the Golden Rule. (Yes, it paints you into a corner, but once you throw that rule out, the can of worms you create will be terrible, please don't do that!). Instead of trying convoluted rationalization to justify the intended use, how about just correcting the wording. Using the obvious convention present throughout this game, the proper wording should be "You may discard this card to defeat a barrier YOU ENCOUNTER whose highest difficulty to defeat is ...." and be done with it.

Do not fault someone who reads the rules and interprets Thieves' Tools and Masterwork Tools as use at anytime for anyone (refer the Golden Rule!) Literally the inclusion of the 2 words "you encounter" fixes this !??!?!?!?!!? And especially for any future cards, please, please, please, spell it out !!!!!!!!

It is a simple, strait forward fix and any debate on it becomes moot. How about it ?

Is there an error here?

"When you play a weapon ( __ or armor) you may recharge it instead of discarding it"

It would seem that for armor, it should be " . . . you may recharge it instead of burying it" as armors so far do not have a discard power or effect. Should there be an errata or are there going to be discard effects on armors in the future?