
DM X's page

806 posts. Alias of Xaaon of Xen'Drik.


CotCT GameMaestro

About DM X

Current Battlemap:

Under the 2d10 system that I'm working on, you don't roll for damage as typical, you compare your to hit roll to the armor class and do damage accordingly, gone are the 2 HP damage critical hits. You rolled high you do high damage; as it should be.

The standard crit threat ranges are normal in 2d10, so a long sword threatens on a 19+, but with auto crit on doubles.

So the 'margin' of success for an attack is compared like so:

Modified To Hit roll: 22
Armor Class: 16
Weapon damage 1d8
Strength Bonus +2
Multiplier x3
min 1+2
max 8+2
MAX 1d8+2x3

Damage Range Min: 3, Min Crit = min overal+max normal damage Max dmg=max on die+Strength bonuses Absolute max dmg = (1d8+2)x3=30

In this weapons case The Margin is 6. So add 6+min (3) = 9dmg.
If the attack were a critical attack, the damage would be MIN+max+Margin=3+10+6 10 damage.

If the attack had been a critical with a margin of 17, MAX damage would have been 30.

Local Coinage:
"Pinch" copper
"Silver Shield" Silver
"Gold Sail" Gold
"Crown" Platinum

Harrow Point Uses: to draw a card, Roll a d6 followed by a d9.
d6 suit
1: hammers (Str)
2: keys (Dex)
3: shields (Con)
4: books (Int)
5: stars (Wis)
6: crowns (Cha)

d9 Alignment
1: LG
2: NG
3: CG
4: LN
5: neutral
6: CN
7: LE
8: NE
9: CE

Harrow Points:

Reading the harrow is a traditional Varisian method of divination, and most Ustalavs believe to at least a small degree that the mystical forces that flow through a harrow deck influence their fate and control their destiny; thus, including harrow readings adds a wholly Ustalavic feel to the campaign. Presented herein is an optional system you and your GM may wish to add to your campaign as a way of further exploring this flavorful element of Golarion.
Harrow Points combine the fateful elements of the Harrow Deck with the Hero Points system from the Advanced Player’s Guide—or similar systems like that presented in the GameMastery Plot Twist Cards. By drawing from the Harrow Deck, you gain a single-use ability determined by the specific card drawn, which you may play at any time to benefit yourself or a fellow player. The cards’ effects on your campaign represent fate smiling on your party and the heroic destiny that awaits you. Each player begins play with a single card, and draws a new card at the completion of each adventure in the campaign.
In addition to cards automatically gained through progressing in the Adventure Path, your party will have
the opportunity to obtain additional, specific cards by achieving certain plot goals in each adventure. If you wish to use this subsystem, be sure to remove the following cards from the deck before beginning your campaign: The Crows, The Eclipse, The Hidden Truth, The Marriage, The Survivor, and The Uprising.
These specific cards have unique effects when played; see the individual volumes of the Carrion Crown Adventure Path for more information on how to gain these cards and their effects when played. A player may play a card during each of the six adventures, or save them to play in one sweeping mass of fate in the final installment; you may have more than one card in your hand at any given time. Once a card has been played, however, it is removed from play.

Hammers (Str): If used before a roll is made, a
hammers card grants you a +8 luck bonus on any one
d20 roll. If used after a roll is made, this bonus is reduced
to +4. You can also use this card to grant a bonus to
another character, as long as you are in the same location
and your character can reasonably affect the outcome of
the roll (such as by distracting a monster, shouting words
of encouragement, or otherwise aiding another with the
check). Cards of the suit of hammers spent to aid another
character grant only half the listed bonus (+4 before the
roll, +2 after the roll).

Keys (Dex): You can spend a keys card to take your turn
immediately. Treat this as a readied action, moving your
initiative to just before the currently acting creature. You
may only take a move or a standard action on this turn.

Shields (Con): You can spend a shields card on your turn
to gain an additional standard or move action this turn.

Books (Int): You can spend a books card to recall a spell
you have already cast or to gain another use of a special
ability that is otherwise limited. This should only be used
on spells and abilities possessed by your character that
recharge on a daily basis.

Stars (Wis): If you feel stuck at some point in the adventure,
you can spend a card of this suit and petition the GM for a
hint about what to do next. If the GM feels that there is no
information to be gained, the stars card is not spent.

Crowns (Cha): You may spend a crown card to reroll any
one d20 roll you just made. You must take the results of the
second roll, even if it is worse.

Lawful Good: You may smite evil, as the paladin ability, gaining
the benefits until the start of your next turn. If you have levels
in paladin greater than half your total Hit Dice, use your paladin
level to determine bonus damage; otherwise, your bonus damage
equals half your character level, rounded down (minimum 1).

Neutral Good: You channel positive energy that cures a creature
touched of an amount of damage equal to 1d6 × your character level.
This effect damages undead creatures as spells like cure light wounds.

Chaotic Good: You receive a +4 circumstance bonus on one CMB check to
avoid or escape a grapple or on one Escape Artist check.

Lawful Neutral: You gain a +10 bonus on any single Sense Motive check.

True Neutral: You may gain a one-time insight into the future as the spell
augury, using your character level as your caster level. Meditating
on the particular action in question requires 10 minutes and does not
expend material components.

Chaotic Neutral: You gain the effects of rage, as the spell, lasting a
duration of 1 round + an additional round for every 3 Hit Dice you possess
above the first.

Lawful Evil: You can give another creature a command as per the spell
command. This command can affect undead that are normally immune to
mind-affecting effects, but not other creatures that are immune to mind
affecting effects. The DC of this command is equal to 10 + your character

Neutral Evil: You channel negative energy that deals an amount of damage
equal to 1d6 × your character level to a creature touched. This effect
heals undead creatures as spells like inf lict light wounds.

Chaotic Evil: You may instantly force any creature to reroll a saving throw
it has just made, taking the result of the second roll, even if doing so
means the check will fail.

House Rules: Skills: all 2+int classes have 4+int

GM Only:
Blood Veil—contact or injury; Fortitude DC 13; incubation
1 day; damage 1d3 Constitution and 1d3 Charisma.


Jeek Valkoor Vampire 1 (L5 Expert...second story man): Str:+3 Dex:+3 Con- Int:+1 Wis:+1 Cha:+3
AC 20(+6 nat,+3dex,+1 dodge), Hp 40 Knowledge (local)DC12: Known in the underground circles as a first rate second story man.

Vladim Marishko Vampire 2 (L6 Commoner) Str: +2 Dex: +3 Int: +1 Wis:+2 Cha:+2 AC 20 (+1 armor, +1 dodge) Hp 35 BAB: +5 MAB: +7 KN(Local)DC12:Known around town for cheap produce, often near spoiler, a layabout, and not missed over the last several weeks.

Borishk Harlouf Vampire 3 (L5 Warrior) Str:+3 Dex:+0
int:+1, Wis:+1 Cha:+1 +1 adamantine chain shirt, AC(+6 nat,+5 armor,+0dex,+1 dodge) An overweight Vampire, 5'10" 250lbs worth. 2 LARGE Silvered Daggers, Masterwork. Warrior Feats: Power Attack, Cleave. HP 36 Kn:local Varisian Known around town by his adamantine chain shirt, which he claims he took off an ork raider. A Competent warrior who often worked muscle jobs.