
DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish"'s page

1,625 posts (2,512 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 12 aliases.

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Then join Gorlaug's Avengers!

Hi everyone, I'm DM Mooshybooshy, and I run homebrew games. This campaign will be run using Dungeon World rules. If you've never played Dungeon World, I strongly encourage you to check it out. I prefer it over Pathfinder (even though I love PF) because DW is far less crunchy and obsessed with minor details. I want theatrics, I want drama, I want adventure, I don't want to waste time calculating a bunch of obscure modifiers from different sources.

This campaign is centered around a group of kobolds that formerly lived in a dormant volcano called Moontower Mountain. At the center of Moontower Mountain was a slumbering black dragon named Gorlaug the Corruptor. The Mountain, as well as all the miles of swampland around it, were his domain, and your tribe were his happy and loyal subjects under his protection. Until the adventurers came.

Drawn by legends of Gorlaug's wealth, a group of powerful heroes invaded the mountain home completely unprovoked! Slaughtering the kobold tribe by the dozens as they leapt to Gorlaug's defense, the adventurers looted and pillaged as much treasure as they could, slaying the dragon in a climactic battle that destroyed the very mountaintop in a fiery eruption.

This eruption made Krakkatoa look like a fireworks display. It put Mt. St. Helens to shame. Ash and smoke still choke the sky for miles around, and the swamplands surrounding the mountain have been completely desolated.

My current party, consisting of Smoog the Blue-Scale Tinkerer, Thunk the Red-Scale Barbarian, Sees-Death, the Black-Scale Bard, and Hegh, the White-Scaled Dragon Mage, have been traveling together for over a week since the desolation of their home. They have escaped Moontower Mountain's destruction and are seeking their vengeance on the adventurers that killed their Dragon, Gorlaug. The gameplay thread starts here.

Along the way, a dragon, the scion of Thunk's patron dragon, has hatched, and is now being cared for by the party. Her name is Tanard, the End of All Paths, in Dragontongue.

At this point in the campaign, my kobolds have already killed one of the adventurers that killed their dragon - a necromancer. They are hunting another adventurer, a Dwarf barbarian king.

If you'd like to join, you have some options. You could come up with a character concept that the kobolds could encounter along the way, and find a way to join them somehow. You could be a kobold from Moontower Mountain, and we could just pretend you were there the whole time. Or you could play an orc.

The kobolds, you see, recently fought with a group of orc slavers that they encountered along the road leading south to the Barbarian King's domain. They gave the main group of slavers the slip, and found the slavers' camp, where they encountered a lone sentry and subdued him. Using Sees-Death's bardic magic, they coerced the orc into serving them. The orc has no name currently, but could easily be turned from a hireling into a PC.

Here's the skinny on how Dungeon World works.

1) The wiki is here. The "Playing the Game" section is very useful to read for beginners.

2) Everything revolves around 2d6. To do anything that requires a roll, you choose which of your stats makes the most sense for what you're trying to do, add that modifier to 2d6, and away you go.

If you roll a 10+, you succeed! You successfully attack and deal your damage, or you avoid an enemy attack, or you trick someone, or you cast a spell - whatever!

If you roll 7-9, partial success. You achieved what you set out to do, mostly, but I as the DM can add a messy complication.

If you roll a 6 or below, you gain an XP, and you fail at what you were trying to do.

Critical successes or failures for rolling double 6s or snake-eyes is also a thing.

3) The DM doesn't roll anything. If I want to do something, I do it, and it's on the players to respond. That being said, it's the DM's role in Dungeon World to be a fan of the players, so it's my job to make the combat and story exciting for you all.

4) There's no kobold racial moves offered for the classes listed in the SRD. Since racial moves are determined by class as well as race, let me know what class you'd like to play and we'll work together to homebrew a racial move that makes sense for kobolds. You can feel free to use kobold lore from Golarian regarding scale color to inform your character in my world.

I also offer alternative classes beyond what are offered in the SRD, though I do recommend giving the base classes a shot if you've never tried the system. They're great. One exception - if you want to play a Cleric, let me know and I'll get you the Priest playbook instead. It's more flexible and fun.

List of Classes:
Arcane Duelist
Barbarian (claimed)
Bard (claimed)
Cleric (see: Priest)
Wizard (see: Mage) (claimed)

Alternative Classes
Tinkerer (claimed)

Discussion thread - off-topic discussion goes here, if it's in-character, it's in the gameplay thread.

Does anyone else think Chief's avatar looks like Nicolas Cage? The resemblance is uncanny. I literally made this thread so I could ask that.

Gameplay thread OPEN!

Hey all.

Post apocalypse due to nuclear war - but these nukes also had the weird side-effect of creating a persistent nucleo-psychic maelstrom high above the earth's crust in the atmosphere. End result? A screwed-up hellhole of a world with influences taken from Borderlands, Mad Max, Fallout, Shadowrun, and even Warhammer 40k.

Setting: 100 years post-nukes Twin Cities. Specifically, you're starting out as a resident of Walker's Hold, a Stronghold located in the ruins of the Walker Art Center. The first Hook will be investigating a nearby Vault that was discovered to have recently opened underneath Loring Park.

Game style will be sandboxy - I want curious players who want to explore and find out the hidden treasures of Minneapolis and Saint Paul. As a lifelong resident of the Twin Cities, I know a lot of places that could be a lot more interesting if they were suddenly a lot less civilized - Hell's Kitchen, Nicollet Mall, the Minneapolis Institute of Art, the Mall of America, First Avenue, the Capitol Building, and the Skyway Network just to name a few.

Character sheets can be found here. The character sheets explain how the rules work in a large degree.

The system uses the Powered by the Apocalypse engine. It features dice-rolling checks for challenging situations of 2d6 plus a relevant stat. Results of 10+ are successes, while 7 to 9 are a partial successes or hard choices, and results of 6 or less allow the GM to make a move. A notable feature of Apocalypse World is the inclusion in each class's playbook of a special rule for what happens when a character of that class has sex with another character.

The stats are Cool, Hard (Violent, Intimidating), Hot, Sharp, and Weird (Psychic), with each PC having Hx (History) with every other PC. The default playbooks include the Angel (medic), the Hardholder (gang leader), the Gunlugger (badass gun-nut), the Battlebabe (mixes high lethality with high charisma), the Driver (Mad Max anyone?), the Operator (plotter/manipulator), the Hocus (Cult Leader), the Brainer (Psychic), the Savvyhead (Mechanic/Inventor), and the Skinner (artist or stripper).

I've never DM'd Apocalypse World before, but I have 3+ years' experience DMing Dungeon World on these forums. They use similar systems and I welcome newcomers to Apocalypse World. Let me know if you have questions.

Discussion - establish Bonds/backstories here!

Gameplay thread OPEN

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Hello everyone, my name is DM Mooshybooshy, you can call me Moosh for short. I'd like to run a homebrew campaign using kobolds for evil purposes.

You don't need to know much about the world; much of it is just pointless detail to you. Why? You're a kobold, that's why. All that matters is your tribe. And your tribe...your greater scaly family, the nest of kobolds that dwells in Moontower Mountain, is in a bad way.

Like all large gatherings of kobolds, your culture revolved around the worship of those who were scaly and stronger than you. At the center of Moontower Mountain was a slumbering black dragon named Gorlaug the Corruptor. The Mountain, as well as all the miles of swampland around it, were his domain, and your tribe were his happy and loyal subjects under his protection. Until the adventurers came.

Drawn by legends of Gorlaug's wealth, a group of powerful heroes invaded your mountain home completely unprovoked! Slaughtering your tribe by the dozens as they leapt to Gorlaug's defense, the adventurers looted and pillaged as much treasure as they could, slaying the dragon in a climactic battle that destroyed the very mountaintop in a fiery eruption.

You are a kobold survivor of that dreaded day. The chieftain, the head witch doctor, the strongest warriors and best mages and trapmakers of you - all are slain. You are only beginning your journey into full maturity, still young, so you were overlooked in their mad quest for phat loot.

While picking through the remnants of what used to be your home, you found each other; kobolds of all different colors that survived, like you.

Enough hiding in strongholds and amassing loot to be stolen by others. This world, it seems, calls for murderhobos, not kobolds living in peace worshipping an acid wyrm. It's time to become adventurers and give the bastards who did this a taste of their own medicine.

It's time for revenge.

Discussion thread BEGIN

Here we discuss backstories and BONDS.

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Gameplay thread BEGIN

Hello, everyone. My name is Mooshybooshy. You can call me Moosh.

I would like to start a homebrew campaign using Dungeon World rules.

Quick rundown of how Dungeon World is meant to work:

Dungeon World is a story-driven ruleset for sword and sorcery RPGs. The system is based around 2d6 dice.

When you want to take an action, you roll 2d6 + the modifier of your relevant stat. If you roll a 6 or below, you gain an XP point (XP is tracked individually, 7+your level to level up) and fail the roll. If you get a 7-9 result, you succeed at what you're trying to do, but there's an unforeseen complication. Maybe your armor gets damaged, you get injured while trading blows in combat, or you get thrown into a disadvantageous position by a cave troll. If you roll a 10 or above, you succeed! It's basically that simple.

The game works in a very free-flow manner. If you want to attempt something, attempt it; I as the DM will tell you if it needs a roll to determine success.

All the rules for specific situations are on an easy-to-navigate SRD Wiki found here.

As for my campaign, like I said, it is homebrew. The world will be known as Gaia; I don't believe in improving on what is easiest for everyone to remember when it isn't that important of a detail.

In Dungeon World, there are 11 classes that are available to everyone:
Arcane Duelist (3pp)

Meanwhile, there is a big list of alternative, third-party classes that fit Dungeon World rules. I'll allow use of any of them, if you can make the PDF of the class you purchased available to me for reference. Otherwise, stick to the 11 that are publicly available.


What races/alignments/terrains are available?

Races: Any and all you can find on the SRD I linked above can be found somewhere in Gaia, though they may be more or less common. Humans are no longer the dominant or populous species on Gaia; that spot has been usurped by the dwarves.

If there's a different race that you would like to try to use, I'm pretty flexible, and custom racial moves can be designed if one has a creative and balanced idea.

Alignments: Any, but I'm not allowing PvP. I might change my stance on this if I grow to know the players in the party well enough, but at first I'll be enforcing this rule pretty strictly.

Terrain: Gaia has all environments represented in its diverse biosphere. The planet contains a single supercontinent that dominates one hemisphere and is surrounded with endless ocean. There are islands and one island archipelago nation, but they hold little importance to those who are landlocked.

What level of technology is the planet at?

Repeating crossbows and long rifles exist, but have not crowded out melee combat at all. Because good suits of armor are often treated with spells that help to resist bullets, bayonets of anti-magic steel are commonplace where rifles are used. Astronomy and mathematics are known to the learned, but only around the level of Leonardo da Vinci and Copernicus - this world's equivalents are dwarven, not human.

What motivates one to a life of adventure in your world?

The three biggest problems facing the civilized world at the moment are, in no order:

1) A bright red comet in the night sky that has heralded doomsayers to pop up in every city and hellgates to randomly appear in the wild, only to close and reopen again elsewhere; these hellgates have either lured in mortals that are never seen again, or has spat out hellspawn to torment all good folk in the surrounding area.

2) The ever-increasing population and volatility of the Skaven race from the deep places under the earth has been of great concern to ruling kings and presidents around the planet. (please don't sue, Sega);

3) A vicious, virulent plague is sweeping across the south continental shelf. The speed and efficacy of its spread has led many to suspect it is being done intentionally.

Players who would like to join my campaign can select which of the three problems they'd enjoy tackling. The other two problems will interfere and advance as they're dealing with the one that the party all agrees to pursue. This will also affect your starting location and your starting circumstances.