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![]() Startled by the Jaws snapping right next to his face, Magpie can only strike out with his spear, striking the beast firmly in the flank. In dogged protection of his master, Vorax leaps at the beast, clawing and biting at it's other flank. Greywulf charges, however, he stumbles over a stray tree root just as he swings his Axe, and it narrowly misses Magpies head and thuds harmlessly into the tree. Focussing his thoughts, Kai approaches, and pauses for a moment before sinking his sword deep into the neck of the creature, severing it's head and after a few convulsions, it falls out of the tree, dead. Sorry, Magpie doesn't have the right knowledge to Identify it. Hint: you need Knowledge (Arcana). Nice shot Kai, that is a stack of damage you can pump out. Hopefully soon we have a combat that goes longer than a round or two :) ![]()
![]() Sorry, I have been flat again, with ANOTHER exam, this time Hebrew, but I just got back so let's move it along. Unfortunately, we are just hitting exams at college, so my posting will be a bit infrequent for the next 3 weeks or so until they are over. After that things should get moving again. Thanks heaps for your patience. As magpie moves in closer to inspect the tree, searching for some moss his eyes notice some movement in the tree above him. He turns his head just in time to see a large, reptilian creature launch it self at him. It looks like a snake, but has the head of a dragon and a pair of clawed forelimbs. Fortunately for magpie, it jaws snap harmlessly on thin air, although it was very close. It's Initiative Time!! Could the next one to post please roll initiative for everyone so we can get started. ![]()
![]() From your vantage point on the edge of the clearing, you can clearly see the ancient, massive tree, but alas, not moss, at least from your current position. Sorry, I included the Hobgoblins gear earlier under spoiler tags, here it is again. Spoiler: A search of the corpse yields a suit of Studded leather armor, a buckler, shortbow, a quiver with 24 arrows, a longsword, 2 daggers, and 2.3 gp in silver and copper ![]()
![]() Sorry for the delay, was making sure everyone had the time to do what they wanted. After surviving your first experience of combat, you head off again and continue you search for the cure ingredients. After a brief rest for lunh at midday, about an hour later the dense trees and thick brush of the forest give way, parting seemingly in respect for the titanic darkwood tree that dominates this clearing. Several times taller than a temple minaret, in one direction the obviously ancient tree reaches into the sky with branches like a giant’s arms, while in the other it plumbs the earth with roots thicker than a man’s waist. Its limbs broad and strong, its bark thick and so richly colored as to almost be black, and its leaves the size of bucklers, the giant thing is less a tree and more a cathedral of boughs and branches. Let me know what you are doing, and can everyone give me spot checks please. ![]()
![]() The fox is a Darkmoon Firefoot, a species of fennec unique to this region. It is a small fox with large ears and wispy patches of flame-colored fur around its paws. It's hindquarters are pretty badly slashed from the trap. With a cantrip or two and a week of care, you should be able to nurse it back to full health. However, first you have to get it out of the trap (DC 14 STR check, 2 of you can try). ![]()
![]() Greywulf finishes off the remaining Razorcrow, to the relief of Magpie, leaving him to patch his wounds as best as possible. That's everything dead. Well done on your first successful battle. It was looking there for a moment like that final razorcrow would take Magpie to negatives, glad you guys got it in time. If you search the Hobgoblin: Spoiler: A search of the corpse yields a suit of Studded leather armor, a buckler, shortbow, a quiver with 24 arrows, a longsword, 2 daggers, and 2.3 gp in silver and copper ![]()
![]() Don't worry about not posting, I know how it goes. And real life is more important than PbP gaming anyway :) Arianna unleashes a burst of eldrith energy at the remaining Razor Crow, but not wanting to hit Magpie, her attack misses, exploding harmlessly amongst the trees. Magpie than attempts to finish off the bird, but his attack also misses. Greywulf is up. I'll give him until tomorrow to post, otherwise I'll post for him again. Glad to see you are concerned with not trampling the fox, although he is about 20 feet from the tree line, so not really in danger. ![]()
![]() Man that sucks, sorry to hear it. It should be fine if your posting rate drops a little for the next month or so. I'm heading into end of year exams, so not sure how regular I would be anyway. If you are fine with me running Arianna when it is needed, I am fine with you being a bit sparodic. It's only a month, we should be able to cope. ![]()
![]() OK, I'm not sure exactly where everyone has got to, so I'll take the turns of those who haven't posted yet, and to a wrte up of the first full round of combat (ie after the surprise round) Kai, hearing Magpie's yell of surprise, takes off through the undergrowth, reaching the edge of the clearing just in time to see an arrow fly wide of Magpie. Tracing the path back, he is just able to make out the hobgoblin hiding in the tree about 50 feet away. 2 Razorcrows close on Magpie, scratching at his face with their talons (for 3 total damage). As the arrow flies wide of Magpie, Estra arrives in time to see Arianna releases a burst of Eldritch energy, that strikes the hobgoblin solidly in the chest. Magpie then returns serve with his club against one of the Razorcrows, striking with an unconfirmed critical that still does enough damage to swat it out of the sky in a puff of feathers. He then calls for Vorax before retreating to the cover of the tree line. As he makes it back to the tree line, Greywulf arrives. Starting a new round... Kai takes a deep breath, and bursts from the undergrowth, attempting to close the distance between himself and the Hobgoblin. He makes it to the base of the tree, and prepares to climb to the Hobgoblin 10 feet above. The hobgoblin switches targets, and takes aim at his new foe, firing at Kai. Although the arrow thuds against Kai's armor, it is unable to penetrate. The remaining Razorcrow pursues Magpie into the undergrowth, provoking an attack from Magpie, which misses. The bird again scratches at Magpie's face, for 1 damage. Estra then lines up the hobgoblin with a great kill shot that pierces him through the chest, and knocks him out of the tree. Arianna you are up. There is one Razorcrow left flying around Magpie's head. ![]()
![]() Sorry it has taken me a while to get back to this. I got distracted by study for an exam on friday arvo. Kai's Rolls
Initiative Order
Arianna: You see an arrow thud against Magpie's armor. Tracing it's flight back, you can see the Hobgoblin hiding 10 feet up a tree, about 50 feet or so away. Flying towards you are a couple of Razorcrows. Kai, Estra and Greywulf: About 30 feet or so away through the bush, you hear Magpie's startled reaction to the arrow bouncing off his armor. It will take a full round action through the undergrowth to reach him. Kai takes off towards the sound, and ends his round just inside the cover of the bushes.If you want to do somehting different, let me know The Hobgoblin shoots again at Magpie, this time shooting wide (hit AC 8). However, the two Razorcrows finish closing the distance, and strike at Magpie with their talons. The first one hits for 2 damage, and the 2nd one also hits, this time for 1 damage. Kai: You made it there in time to be able to spot the Hobgoblin as he shot at Magpie. ![]()
![]() Magpie wrote: I get the feeling I've just pressed the 'bad stuff happens to Magpie' button but what else could I do ? :) Close, but it should be alright. And as you said, what esle could you do? As Magpie darts from the undergrowth, an arrow bounces off his armor. Looking at where it came from, he sees a Hobgoblin hiding in a tree about 50 feet to the northeast, and 2 Razorcrows flying towards him. Can everyone roll Initiative, Listen and Spot checks. If you haven't posted by the time I check back in the morning, I'll roll for you. ![]()
![]() OK, I think you guys slightly misinterpreted what I said. The whimpering is not coming from up the path, but off to the side towards the lake as you are skirting around the edge of the lake. Magpie and Arianna head off towards the lake to check out the noise. You travel about 20 feet or so through the undergrowth, and come to the edge of the tree line. Not far from the edge of the forest-shrouded lake, a fox with large ears and bright orange fur lies bleeding, its hindquarters caught fully in the jaws of a crude iron trap. Its about 20 feet from you to the fox, straight ahead, and the fox is about 10 feet from the shore of the lake. ![]()
![]() "Ok" He replies. "Let's go guys. No use hunting here anymore, I bet these guys have scared off most of the game anyway. Let's get going." With that the three of them move off and leave you to finish you watch in peace. The rest of the night passes uneventfully. In the "morning" (if you can call it that, it is hard to tell under the thick canopy), you break camp after a breakfast of trail rations supplemented by left over rabbit stew. It is about 9am or so by the time you head out. After another couple of hours of travel, as you draw near to the lake, can you all make listen checks please? DC 16: Spoiler: You can hear the whimpering of an animal, obviously in pain, coming from the direction of the Lake. ![]()
![]() Kai Renyu wrote: Still brandishing his blade and eying the trappers suspiciously, Kai says slowly, "We have made no noise to bother the animals." As they moves closer, you smell the strong scent of moonshine on the breath of all three men. "Ok, but make sure you keep it that way. You wanna drink?" he says as he offers you grimy, half filled bottle. ![]()
![]() Greywulf: You manage to catch a small rabbit in the woods. It cooks up pretty good, definently makes the trail rations taste better :) Kai: During your watch you hear the sounds of movement just up the path. You just have time to draw your weapon when 3trappers stumble in to view. It's hard to tell who is more surprised, but one of them sputters out (slurring his words slightly) "Hey, what do we have hear? Quiet, or you'll scare the game away." ![]()
![]() Sorry it has been a little while, I meant to get this up earlier today, but I was at college all morning. It's late morning as your rather motley crew set out up the path North east out of Falcon's Hollow to begin your perilous journey into Darkmoon Vale. The sun is bright (warming your stiff bones), the path is road is empty, and you make good time. With a brief stop after a couple of hours for lunch, in about early afternoon you pass a lumber camp as you leave the rd and head for the Vale you can see looming. After another hour or so of travel, you finally reach the outskirts of the dark, foreboding forest. The trees grow thick, with only faint light filtering through the thick canopy, leaving the forest floor in a perpetual twilight. After a brief discussion about spending the night here, and heading in in the morning, the assurances of Magpie and Greywulf, and your desire to push on and find the cure push you on for another few hours before you make camp. After a another couple of hours trek, you find a decent clearing to set camp. I assume you are setting a watch? Can you let me know who is taking which shift, and anythings else you are doing as you get ready for sleep. ![]()
![]() Half an hour alter everyone meets at the Sitting Duck, packed and ready to go. Once you tell me where you are going, you will set out. You don't really know much more info than what I have already given you. If you have any specific questions, I'll try to answer them, if your characters would know them. But you really only have heard vague rumours of these places. ![]()
![]() That sucks really bad mate. Sorry to hear it. In that light, not posting is the least of your worries. So where do you guys want to head first? It's about 25 miles NNE from Falcon's hollow to where Magpie suspects the Eldest Tree can be located, then about 7 or 8 Miles west (and slightly south) to the Witch's Hut, and then a further 7 or 8 miles WNW to where Magpie and Greywulf have heard the Dwarven Monastery is. However remember, this involves a perilous journey through Darkmoon Vale. Falcon's Hollow itself is about 8 miles or so from the edge of the Vale, so the first part of your journey is not too difficult. If you head to the Eldest Tree first, there is a Road that heads NE out of town to a couple of Lumber camps. This path meets the Dale almost directly south of where the Eldest Tree is. However, there is a sizable Lake about a quarter of the way in from the Eastern Edge of Darkmoon Vale, that is fed by a river that cuts the Dale basically in half form the Western Edge to the Lake. My suggestion would be to follow the path to the edge of the Vale, skirt the edge of the lake and head up to the Eldest Tree, then across to the Witch's hut, then on to the Dwarven Monastery, and head back to down straight through the Vale, crossing the river on the way. Although if you want, you can do them in whatever order you like. Just let me know. ![]()
![]() Nice rolling guys. Greywulf, although you have never visited it, has told you about the Witches hut, so that if you were ever in need of assistance, you would have somewhere to go, but he warned you that her help carries an... unusual cost. You have heard rumors of a Dwarven Monastery on the otherside of the vale, in the shasow of the crags, and with Magpies help, you are reasonably confident you can find it pretty easily. Magpie, although you aren't able to pinpoint exactly where the Eldest Tree is located, you do know where to look, and once there you should be able to find it relatively easily. ![]()
![]() Instead of giving you a bonus on the rolls, I decided to let Magpie and Greywulf roll twice and take the highest of their two rolls, to represent the greater knowledge they have from wondering around the forest. So you guys can make the checks again. And make a separate check for each location (so three checks in all). Sorry I didn't say this earlier. Does anyone have any further questions for Laurel before you leave? ![]()
![]() Sorry I have taken a while to post, I have been pretty busy the last few days. Magpie wrote: This sickness is Nature's punishment on those that defile her. But she is rarely without forgiveness to balance her wrath. Surely there is something you can do ? Laurel replies "I have tried everything that I can, but to no avail unfortunately. Luckily the sickness is not exceptionally deadly, but in these condition especially, the young and the elderly are in particular danger." Kai Renyu wrote: Kai nods. "Yes... You say there is no cure 'around these parts.' Perhaps there is a cure somewhere?" Laurel pauses for a second. Then continues "My grandmother’s book has a brew in it that says its good for this kind of thing. A weird concoction that sounds more like hoojoo than real medicine." Greywulf wrote: I know these lands well, perhaps I could help guide you to find this cure? Laurel continues, "It's not so much a case of finding the cure, as finding the ingredients. It made of some rare roots and concentrations, most of which I have here, but there’s three I don’t. Elderwood moss, which I’ve never heard of, but granny says the stuff only grows on the oldest tree in a forest. A specially pickled root called rat’s tail, again, sounds like hoojoo to me. And seven ironbloom mushrooms, stunty little things that only grow in dark places thick with metal, a favorite among dwarves, or so I hear. With so many sick, and in desperate need of my services, I haven't had time to go off on a wild goose chase across the countryside. I wouldn't know exactly where to look, but I do have a few ideas. There's gotta be an oldest tree in the vale, somewhere. Damned if I know where though. But assuming you can find it, that's the place to grab the elderwood moss. The rat’s tail and mushrooms are even longer shots. Way north, toward the mountains, people say there used to live a bunch of dwarves. They’re not there anymore, but I’d bet their forges are. If you can find ironbloom anywhere around here, that’d be your best bet. As for the rat’s tail, who knows? Well. Actually. Ulizmila, the witch that lives deep in the woods might. She’s a crafty, mean thing that knows all sorts of strangeness. She might even have one. I don’t know what she might want for it, but I doubt it’d come cheap. My grandmother traded her sight to the old crone for a few pages of what she knew, and that was years and years back, and I don’t know a soul who got any nicer as they got older. You guys can either make Knowledge (Local) Checks, or Geography (For the Witch and the Monastery) and Nature (for the Tree) to find out where they are. Otherwise you will need to find a guide. Magpie: Unfortunately, you haven't heard of Balckscour Taint before, but if you ask Laurel... Spoiler:
"It’s a sickness, almost like any other, but you get the mold growing in you. It starts eating away in your chest and belly and is damned determined to stay. Your body near turns itself insideout trying to hack the stuff up, but all that does is cuts your guts up… bad." Again, if you guys have anymore questions to ask Laurel, shoot them all out, and I'll answer them together. ![]()
![]() Laurel looks up, "Sigh, it's not my damn job to treat every single nick and scrape in this town." She moves closer "Here, let me have a look at you." After examining Arianna for a moment, "Well, it appears you actually are sick after all. What d'ya know. If every one who thought they had Blackscour taint actually had it, the whole town would be dead in a week." "Let me have a look at the rest of you." Looking over the other 4, she lets a few said little sighs. After a further couple of minutes, "Well, it appears you aren't the only one who are sick. I'll tell you lot what i am telling everyone. There aint no cure round these parts. The best thing you can do is get plenty of bed rest, with some black urdroot tea." ![]()
![]() After another 20 minutes or so the last few pour souls in front of you move in to see Laurel, and you reach the front door. Creeping ivy and full window boxes cover the façade of the rugged-looking, two-story shop bearing the faded sign “Roots and Remedies.” As you enter the door, the smell of burnt earth and spicy incense chokes the air of the cramped, mud-tracked shop. Bunches of dried herbs hang from the ceiling, along with dangling pots, presses, alchemical apparatuses, and glassware of more arcane purposes. Pouches of rare plants, jars of colored glass, and all manner of dried, preserved, and jellied animal parts fill high shelves and tables doing double duty as displays and workspaces. In the shop’s rear, a rail-thin woman with severe-looking spectacles and hair pulled back tightly busies herself between an overpacked rack of herbs, a table covered in stray powders and measuring equipment, and a pot loudly bubbling over with thick gray froth. Over the din of her work and without looking up, the woman impatiently shouts, “And what’s your problem?” Instead of running this as question and answer, to speed it along, if you guys can post what you are doing, and what you want to ask her, I'll then post once with the description of the conversation. I'll give you guys about a day or so to reply. ![]()
![]() I am assuming by the lack of activity, that you are all ready to meet up at the healers? If you want to add anything, you can easily do it on your way to the healers. Kai and Estra: You arrive at Laurel's, to see the line still about a dozen people outside the shop, and two rather raggedly, skinny looking humans (Magpie, and Ariann). Although you soon see they both are sick as well, you get the distinct impression even when well neither of them look particularly "healthy". Arianna and Magpie: as the line slowly inches forward, you are joined in the line by a rather exotic looking Human (Kai), and his Dwarf companion (Estra). Obviously neither of them are from around here, and you soon see that the Dwarf is also suffering, just like you two are. No one else has joined the line since you did earlier today. It seems it is well known how busy Laurel is, and most people make sre they are in the line nice and early. About 10 minutes later, all four of you are joined by a massive man with long, hair and a bear skin cloak (Greywulf). ![]()
![]() Arianna: Thank you for stifling that urge, even if it was only to avoid drawing attention to yourself. If you can get your character sheet finalised when you get the chance, that would be great. Thanks Greywulf: Jak replies "Well, like most illnesses, the best place to start is probably Laurel, down the road, I've heard her muttering about being absolutely flat out these past few days." ![]()
![]() Guthwulf wrote: We lose our GM? Nope, still here, sorry. Been flat out with an essay due yesterday that's been taking all my time, but I'm back now. Magpie: The animals you pass by seem to be unaffected, it appears the sickness only affects humanoids. When you arrive at the herbalist, the herbalist, there is a pretty long line. As you scan the line, you can tell that not everyone (in fact most of them) in the line is actually sick. From the smatterings of conversation you pick up, you hear those who are sick (or especially have family who are) complaining that the remedy Laurel is offering isn't really doing much for their loved ones, they seem to be getting worse. Estra and Kai: Just as Estra finishes speaking, the Barman (Jak) arrives with two plates of his legendary cinnamon-crusted flap jacks. As he places the two plates on your table, he says "Don't worry, the sickness is not your fault. Half the town have it. I think it has something to do with Brookman's well, as just this morning, they banned anyone from drawing any more water from it." Greywulf: After seeing to your mule, when you enter Jak'n'napes, you see the Jak serving his delicious flapjacks to a couple f exotic characters, who you haven't seen around town before. Arianna: Magpie's sneeze startles you out of you contemplation, and you look up in time to see him jump up, and rush off. As he leaves you hear him muttering something about Laurel, and checking if the beasts are also sick. Now you have been startled back to reality, you notice a young girl (about 5 or so) tugging at your sleeve, and realise she has been there for a few minutes. As your gaze settles on her, she asks. "Um... excuse me miss, but whatcha drawen?" ![]()
![]() Were you guys waiting for me to post before you did?? :) Estra: Using the Heal skill to care for someone means you have to spend 8 hours tending to them, and unfortunantly you can't do that to yourself. As you head inside after helping the locals as much as you can, the owner is busy chatting to an exotic looking (and as you get closer, you realise he has an accent to match) young man. Greywulf: Brick strikes up a friendly conversation (as he does everytime you enter his store). "Great to see you Greywulf. How are things in the Forest?" He begins to inspect your furs, and he furrows his brown, and sighs. "I can only give you 12 gold for the lot. Sorry, but with this plague going around, not to sure when, or even if, I'll be able to move them. I've still got a couple left over from the last lot you sold me." "I'm not exactly sure what the go is with everyone being sick, but the Town Constabulary has banned us from using the spring on the edge of town. Apparently, it by drinking the water that people got sick." I have no idea at all what the furs should be worth, so I just made up a number that seemed to make sense. ![]()
![]() Magpie: Although your attempts to locate a cure in town have not turned up any new information, being a local, you do know when people are sick, they really only have two options in town, they pay a visit to either the local Cleric of Iomedae (Lady Cirthana), or the local Herbalist (Laurel). Kai: A rotund, red faced man answers you from behind the bar "Where you from Stranger? We got plenty of beds if you got the coin." Smiling, he looks you up and down, and continues"If I am any judge of a man, I suppose you'll also be after some grub and some grog as well?" Arianna: As you sit in the Sitting Duck sipping your cider, you see a small, wiry, wild looking man, come int, consciously avoiding everyone, and not looking to well. He takes his mead, and retreats to a table outside. For those of you who are infected, feel free to play up the symptoms all you want, but you aren't taking game affects. Yet.. As for money, I basically ignore anything under about a platinum. Sure you don't have that much money now, but in no time you'll have enough money to get blind drunk every night and still not run out. ![]()
![]() Perched at the edge of civilized lands, the small town of Falcon’s Hollow has always had to rely on itself to solve its problems. Meanwhile, the uncaring lumber barons squeeze the common folk for every last copper, deaf to their pleas. Now the hacking coughs of the sick are heard throughout town. The plague has come to Falcon’s Hollow and the town’s leaders can’t be bothered to stop it. The game thread is up here. Head over there and post what you are doing. ![]()
![]() As you look around the town, the signs of the sickness are obvious. There have only been a few deaths to the plague, but the death toll is only likely to rise. Just about the only topic of conversation in the town is the plague, with the residents left with prayer as their only option. Prayer they don't get sick, and prayer that their loved ones recover. Those of you that failed the DC 14 fort save, can feel the beginnings of the sickness. ![]()
![]() Once everyone has posted what they are up to, we'll get started. I like all my players to enjoy themselves. Falcon's Hollow is a tiny, little town, and so there won't be much cool gear available. If you guys give me some idea of what items your characters would like, AND it makes sense for you enemies to have it, I'll see about working it in. I'm not promising anything, but I'll try my best. ![]()
![]() Estra Laik wrote: Estra Laik is a male dwarf cleric of Sarenrae. He was born in the walled city of Janderhoff from good dwarven parents who worked a small forge making mining tools for the working copper mines. |Estra worked by his father’s side in his youth learning the forge and the way of Torag. But the Goddess Sarenrae had other plans for him. He was 59 when he heard the calling of his new god and he left his wife and forge and left town in the middle of the night with only the clothes on his back. He made his way to a small abbey and there learned of the way of the redemption. He stayed there learning of his new faith until he felt the time was right and was drawn to Falcon’s Hollow and is looking for a group of adventures to help him spread the faith and bring glory to the Goddess Sarenrae. He has spent almost al of his money and is ready to start showing his faith to all who can see. bigbubba2, is that you? I am assuming it is, since Estra is a dwarven cleric. Instead of making a whole new message board profile, it will probably be easier (both for you and for Vic I think), if you instead just add an alias to your existing profile. Click on "My Account", then under "Messageboard Aliases" you can add another alias. It makes it much easier to switch posting between the two (or more) of them. I checked you character, and it looks pretty good. Although you have an extra feat. Can you pick one to get rid of please. ![]()
![]() Magpie wrote:
Looks good flamifur. But can you post your spells memorised in your profile as well please? Thanks. It would be helpful if you there is at least some attachment between the characters at the start of the campaign, but if not, it's cools, we'll work something out. Once everyone has posted, I'll start to work out how you all meet. ![]()
![]() Arianna wrote: I just got my copy of Tome of Magic and Binder looks really cool. Is it too late to change my character to a Binder? Would that book be allowed? If not its cool but Binder fits what I've in mind for this character. If allowed I might multiclass Warlock and Binder. Sorry, I just don't have Tome of Magic, so I have no idea about the Binder, and I would like to keep things simple for this game. Arianna wrote: Also, will you allow me to create and use invocations of my own and maybe a PrC of my own creation if you think they're balanced? There isn't a heck of a lot that fits my character concept. It would be better if you could "reflavor" existing invocations / PrCs, but if that won't work, we can go this route. However, we may not get high enough level to even worry about PrCs. Not sure what we will happen to the campaign after we finish E1. I checked your character, and those feats are fine. However, you have four (I assume due to flaws), and we aren't using flaws. So if you can pick which two you want, and get rid of the flaws as well, that would be great. I am looking forward to hearing more about her. ![]()
![]() Flamifur wrote:
That is exactly what you will need to do. It would be great if you made one for your animal companion as well. As for background, either post it on this thread and / or stick it in your character alias (probably in spoiler tags). As long as they are "reasonably" straight forward, and don't require to much setting gymnastics, most of them should be alright. Oh yeah, forgot, we will be using invisiblecastle.com for all our dice rolls. ![]()
![]() And a couple of the places that every self respecting adventurer would know. You can check out a map here. Goose’n’Gander: The local general store in Falcon’s Hollow is run by the only gnome resident, Brickasnurd Hildrinsocks, who sells everything from standard amenities such as grain, lamp oil, ink, and mining supplies, to such rare oddities as alchemist’s fire, antitoxin, a petrified pseudodragon, and taxidermy nixies (all the rage this season). Hollow Tribunal: This is where the diminutive halfling Magistrate Vamros Harg dispenses merchant licenses, stamps mining and lumber claims, and passes judgment on criminal and civil cases. Jak’a’Napes: This leaning ramshackle inn located next to the town’s stables offers lodgings and food to the many travellers who pass through Falcon’s Hollow. The owner, a rotund red-faced human named Jak Crimmy, with a single wisp of bright red hair on his otherwise bald head, is a retired bard who sports an easy smile. Jak’s cinnamon-crusted flapjacks are legendary in town, as is his skill at juggling frying pans and his astonishing marksmanship with a heavy crossbow. Quinn’s Carnival: Half-elf Quinn led a band of veteran adventurers who used to venture into the vale with frequency. After a particularly dangerous quest claimed the life of Namdrin’s wife, Tess, the half-elf ended his career and established this carnival of wonders on the edge of town. Quinn and his companions wow crowds with feats of skill and magic. The Sitting Duck: Located a little too close for many folks’ comfort to the town palisade, the Duck is the local hot spot for adventurers, explorers, and other rapscallions looking for excitement. The tavern serves a potent local brew of fermented darkwood leaf that can floor an ogre in a few tankards. Raucous games of “knivesies” and “mig-a-mug-tug” (two dangerous local recreational activities both with a high rate of maiming) often rage late into the night. Many adventurers share tales of Darkmoon Vale, Droskar’s Crag, and other surrounding locations for the price of a mug of ale. ![]()
![]() You will all start in Falcon's Hollow. Why you are there is up to you, that's what character backgrounds are for! But to get you started, here's some background info on Falcon's Hollow. Falcon's Hallow is a rough frontier community. Most of the town is owned or controlled by the Darkmoon Lumber Consortium. The town rests on the edge of Darkmoon Vale, a dangerous, unexplored ancient forest. The town is home to fewer than 1,500 humanoids. Most of the townsfolk care only for the paltry coin paid for their backbreaking work and what simple comforts that can buy. A very few understand that what's bad for one is likely bad for them all but the community as a whole thrives on a tenacious mix of greed, debauchery, and stubborn self-reliance. Falcon's Hollow is perhaps better described as a scattered collection of several ramshackle communities rather than a single town. A few wealthy lumber lords sit comfortably on the “Perch”, looking down at the gathering of indigents, downtrodden lumberjacks, religious zealots, and desperate settlers who in turn gaze up at them with suspicion and distrust. Darkmoon Vale is a teeming monster-fraught wilderness that surrounds Falcon's Hollow. Danger lurks just beyond the treeline. Most of Falcon Hollow's more canny residents realize the settlement will most likely be savaged by some horrid monstrous threat sooner rather than later. Until that day, the lumber lords do their best to snatch as much darkwood from the vale as they can. It's only a matter of time before their heedless ravaging of the wilderness around the town draws the notice of a fierce woodland guardian. In the meantime, adventurers flock to Falcon's Hollow vanishing into the shadows of Darkmoon Vale, searching for ancient dwarven ruins. Some are never to be seen again, but most lose their nerve after their first brush with the unholy terrors lurking in the dark woods. Eventually they all end up slaving away in the remote cut yards or selling their swords to the lumber lords who always need more unscrupulous ruffians to keep the rabble in line. ![]()
![]() You all start out in Falcon's Hollow. Your reason for being there is up to you, but to help you out, here is some brief info about the town. Falcon's Hallow is a rough frontier community. Most of the town is owned or controlled by the Darkmoon Lumber Consortium. The town rests on the edge of Darkmoon Vale, a dangerous, unexplored ancient forest. The town is home to fewer than 1,500 humanoids. Most of the townsfolk care only for the paltry coin paid for their backbreaking work and what simple comforts that can buy. A very few understand that what's bad for one is likely bad for them all but the community as a whole thrives on a tenacious mix of greed, debauchery, and stubborn self-reliance. Falcon's Hollow is perhaps better described as a scattered collection of several ramshackle communities rather than a single town. A few wealthy lumber lords sit comfortably on the “Perch”, looking down at the gathering of indigents, downtrodden lumberjacks, religious zealots, and desperate settlers who in turn gaze up at them with suspicion and distrust. Darkmoon Vale is a teeming monster-fraught wilderness that surrounds Falcon's Hollow. Danger lurks just beyond the treeline. Most of Falcon Hollow's more canny residents realize the settlement will most likely be savaged by some horrid monstrous threat sooner rather than later. Until that day, the lumber lords do their best to snatch as much darkwood from the vale as they can. It's only a matter of time before their heedless ravaging of the wilderness around the town draws the notice of a fierce woodland guardian. In the meantime, adventurers flock to Falcon's Hollow vanishing into the shadows of Darkmoon Vale, searching for ancient dwarven ruins. Some are never to be seen again, but most lose their nerve after their first brush with the unholy terrors lurking in the dark woods. Eventually they all end up slaving away in the remote cut yards or selling their swords to the lumber lords who always need more unscrupulous ruffians to keep the rabble in line. ![]()
![]() To remind (and clarify for everyone), here are the Character Creation Guidelines again 32 point Buy
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If you want anything else, ask , and I'll check it out. Looks like we have a pretty interesting party, with;
If you guys can get create aliases with your characters (including backgrounds), and post them in this thread, once everyone is ready, we will start. I'm looking forward to this. |