
DM Klumz's page

49 posts. Alias of Alan Sinclair.

Hey guys

Happy new year and all that.

I usually see my orders delivered 5-10 days after shipping, however this order has not yet arrived (shipped on 16th December).

FYI they recently allowed private contractors to deliver mail in North London and surprise, surprise, they have been finding mail dumped in rivers.

I'd happily pay more to guarantee shipping via Royal Mail if that is an option.

Rather than ship it again, it may be more cost effective for me to buy a hard copy locally and for you to put a credit on my account.



Um, I had a bit of a brain fart and appear to have purchased the Inner Sea NPC Codex twice. When placing the download into my pathfinder folder on my PC, I noticed that it was already there with a date stamp of the 19th January 2014???

[I blame your site and not the bottle of Chianti I have just finished. It is very confusing to a drunken man who has mislaid his glasses!]

Any chance I can convert this to a credit, seeing as I will be spending money soon?

Pretty please with a cherry on top?


Klumz (the soon-to-be-hung-over)

Ok, I'm considering giving fighters these feats for free at 1st level;

Combat Expertise, Power Attack, all the improved combat manoeuver feats.

For a bit of background, I don't allow actions as an attack of opportunity if they themselves provoke an attack of opportunity.

So, what could go wrong with this idea?

A character in my campaign has committed a mortal sin and I am wondering which kind of fiend would be taking an interest in his soul?

In my game, unless allied to planar powers, character alignment is more an outlook/perspective rather than an absolute. One of the few things that may change this are mortal sins.

The character in question is an elven ranger rogue whose favoured enemy is gnolls, who has the gnoll killer trait, the all gnolls must die feat, is a worshipped of Calistria (vengeance aspect) and whose back story involves his family being wiped out by gnolls. Did I mention that he does not like gnolls? Although his sheet says CN, when push comes to shove he is fairly solidly CG, or even NG.

Whilst on a solo scouting mission I deliberately had him come across a small group of gnolls that, when the fight started, protected one of their number who was holding a small sack. A swift combat later, he found the sack had two gnoll pups.

YMMV, but I decided that slaughtering innocents is a mortal sin and so he is now evil on the ping-o-meter. (The player is ok with this turn of events and his character plays exactly as before.)

The set up was an off the cuff thing and now I want to explore the situation a bit more.

Obviously a mortal soul tainted by such a sin will attract some form of fiendish attention, which can only lead to some good rp. But I am not too sure if it should be a devil or daemon (I have discounted demon but would change my mind if someone came up with a good reason it should be one).

So good people of the boards, which fiend would you introduce?


I am trying to reinstate my subscription to the rules so that I recommence with the Bestiary 3, but the website keeps wanting to give me the Beginners Box (which I do not want).

Please let me know what I am doing wrong.


My search-fu may be lacking, but I cannot find anything on the boards that clarifies this issue that came up in game last night.

From the PRD

"Soft Cover: Creatures, even your enemies, can provide you with cover against ranged attacks, giving you a +4 bonus to AC. However, such soft cover provides no bonus on Reflex saves, nor does soft cover allow you to make a Stealth check."

As this bonus has no name, if the party ranger shoots at a target, through two allies, will that target get a +8 bonus to AC, +4 soft cover from each ally?

I cannot find anything to go against this, but applying this to the game table is going to make the player of said ranger very sad.

How do I go about suspending my subscription for the rules so that I miss out the beginners box as this is not something that would interest me.



I'm not sure if I am imagining this, but I dimly recall that there were items back in the day that allowed you to retrieve a scroll or a potion as a free action?

Can anyone help me with where I may find a reference to such items?



My party of pyromaniacs and mayhem makers have got their hands on a necklace of fireballs, and I just know that this will crop up.

So, the RAW seem (to me) to suggest that this tactic will not work.

It states that the spheres must be detatched by the user and thrown.

It also states that when the wearer of the necklace fails a save vs magic fire, the necklace must make a save (at +7) or explode.

So, what if you throw a full necklace at the BBEG?

I'm thinking of ruling that one sphere (the biggest) goes off as normal. Then the necklace needs to save (at +7 vs a 14).

Good idea. Bad idea?



So a salamander's tail slap does does 2D6+1 plus 1D6 fire damage if it hits.

It MAY then attempt to establish a grapple as a free action because of the grab special ability (at -15 on the roll if it does not want the grappled condition).

Furthermore, it causes an additional 2D6+4 plus 1D6 fire damage WHEN it establishes a grapple because of the constrict ability.

Please, for the sake of my players, tell me I have got this wrong and explain to me how it does work.

I keep reading the passages in the Bestiary and come to this conclusion every time.

If I have not made an error, I take it the damage for the constrict ability is only ever applied when a grapple is established, and not every round.



Does he have to make a save against the stench ability for each one? (And therefore does the DM have to keep track of which trogs he has saved against?)


Does he save once, but against a higher DC? (Which is far more DM friendly)

I am hoping that somewhere I have missed something that makes the latter case valid.



I have sitting on the wall, beside my game table, a 36" flat screen hooked up to my mac mini media server.

I can make quite reasonable battle maps using CC3 from profantasy (although printing them can be expensive).

Whilst clearing away the last session's figures, maps etc, I looked at the TV on my wall and though to myself there has to be something easier than this.

So, what software do people recommend I use for a VTT to support face to face play. The priority is displaying maps and moving characters about. Lighting and spells effects would be nice too.

I am not that much of a tech (it took me forever to get to grips with CC3), so in any replies, please assume I know nothing.

I have at home the mac mini and a PC with a reasonably fast wi-fi network.

I am trying to subscribe to the Carrion Crown adventure path. As a non US subscriber your system is insisting I supply a telephone number, however, it keeps spitting out the number I give it.

What am I doing wrong?

You are almost certainly aware of this, but I have put a thread up here just to make sure.

When using the good reader app on an ipad to view the core rulebook pdf, the headings and subheadings are garbled. The main body text is fine. I am not a tecchie but I am given to understand that this is due to the fonts used.

This is a shame as, IMHO, the good reader app is the best out there for viewing PDFs in the ipad. As things stand, it makes it almost impossible for me to use the PDF at the game table on my ipad.

I have raised this with the guys at good reader but have yet to get a reply (no surprise there).

Please do not take this as a rant, as it is not, I just thought you guys would like to know. (I can go back to using the PRD on the ipad).

Totally unrelated to this, if I take a subscription to your Adventure paths, campaign setting and player companion, what are the shipping costs for the UK? I cannot seem to find this on your website?

Ok, I am wearing my flame retardant black-leather battle shorts, but go easy all the same.

Now that I have your attention, I was thinking of adding two teeny, weeny little bits of 4E to my PFRPG.

1) Marking - My fighter loved the idea that threatened opponents ignored him at their peril.

2) Moving my allies about the board on my go with Powers like Covering Attack and Get Over here.

I was toying with the idea of making these feats as I did not really want to make them class abilities.

Here are my thoughts so far.

Mark - As a swift action you mark an enemy you have just attacked (not necessarily hit). Until the beginning of your next turn, should that enemy make a melee attack against someone else, and they are threatened by you, you get an attack of opportunity.

Greater Mark - As mark above except that it is now a free action and the target suffers a -2 penalty on all melee attacks where you are not the target. Prerequisites: Mark, BAB6+?? Maybe more??

Covering Attack - As a standard action you make a melee attack at -2. If you hit, an ally adjacent to the target gets to make a 5-foot step as an immediate action.

Get Over Here - As Covering attack, but this time it is in place of a melee attack, rather than a standard action. Can only be applied once per target per round, but can be used more than once per round. Prerequsites: Covering Attack, BAB 6+??

Good idea, bad idea? Have I just broken the game?