Danse Macabre

DMFrank's page

47 posts. Alias of Doomdigger.



We should let Samurais kill themselves at 10th level (If they fail?) and get to 11th level for free, just to add dramatic flavor to the Society Games. We should RAW/Additional resource it...but just for this one specific window of time (lvl 10-11). I'm pretty sure after 30 games of credit we could creatively make a thread for each base and sub class "dying boon".

This would not be cooler than the "Risen" title some factions bestow on you, but Ninjas and Samurais...need more love...not from me of course..."I hate ninjas" but everyone else should throw ideas out to make dying more enjoyable for these weaker classes.

Rogues have been Abandoned by this game that I love, my 1st level Magus is a better Rogue than any rogue...I named him "Rouge" because new people both misspell and mispronounce this word really often.

He uses true strike (5ft step in) then improved disarm if that is legal? I do it unarmed (no whip no flail) because I want to be able to hold the weapon and I roll high enough to make the enemy drop everything in both hands all of the time.

I would never use the Steal Maneuver unless I was built like the pregen Merisel but modified for level 9.

Feel free to post "any" dying boon idea.

I like the "Good Lich" any spell caster at level 11 or 12. Wizard/Cleric/Sorcerer would be standard, but Druid? Neutral Lich? or Bard maybe?

All of it would be bragging rights...what's the epitaph? What do you want on your tombstone?..... Sausage or Pepperoni?

State of Gaming Table Address:

"My fellow Pathfinders..."

This guy Ben wrote:

I get why GMs who run PFS modules are so grumpy all the time...they're not allowed to change the story-line. PFS would be amazing if they allowed you to run the game into higher tiers while keeping the players at the same level.
For example: Tier 1 -- New & / Or Regular Players Tier 2: Challenging & Bigger Rewards Tier 3: Power-Gaming & Huge Rewards
And then you provide rewards to the GM that matches the level....
Tier 1: GM gets a lot of rewards. Tier 2: 50/50 split Tier 3: Normal Rewards

Then you're getting a good mix of players and GMs playing the game. Everyone then understands the complexity of the game. Okay, you're playing a Tier 3: As a GM -- we're expecting a TPK, therefore you do not get a lot for it. Then vice-versa: Okay you're playing the game normally so here is a few rewards and a bonus for bringing in a new player to the fold.

That's how I would fix just about any RPG, but PFS specifically. That would-be amazing to see...
Anyone up for Tier 3 game at level 2? I'll GM.


I feel that "Optimizing" characters is just another aspect that I have to deal with as a GM or table-mate playing PFS, it's a tournament game to me unlike the "Legacy" games I grew up on. Unlike the GenCon one on one games I lived for. I personally think I have the pregen player record for this very reason. I play with the best character builder in the game, so it's too easy to win 75% of the time. I get sad when the monk can Trip the whole village with vicious stomp.Season six writers -- "Wabbit Season"--When Alien Hunters attack!!!!(Whatever)... should consider revising the CMDs and CMBs in the modules, Kyra in Black Tentacles is laughable. Gibbering Mouthers should form a union.

I want fame so I act silly, I was the first to reroll a Natural "20" and I miss the nostalgia of the good ole days having played longer then most of the players have been alive.

Ben might not see GMs be able to freestyle, but it happens all of the time. Last convention we did like 145 hit points to the boss that had at most 60. I spiritual weaponed it while making a stabilization check (Nat 20-Of course).

My proposal is a star for a Hard Mode system set up just like the GM stars system, if you see a 5 Star Player, expect "Epic".

I just feel some great players never GM but even with one star, they get an added bonus to their rerolls and it gives the game a new way to inspire greatness.