Irabeth nods finally, "I see it too. What do you want to do with her? We also need to get our camp packed up and marching again, the terrain is rough so it will be slower going from here on out."
Army marches at half the rate so 18 miles a day rather than 36.
Horgus clears his throat, "With the supplies we came with and those that we've recovered we will be able to support the army for just under two weeks yet. That's assuming we don't save anything for a return trip. And while I may not be as well informed about the region as our Worldwound expert, I believe we are close to Drezen.
Sosiel give the party a weak smile and mouths, Thank you.
Gibbarren offers with a malicious smile, "You can console yourself that the fiend will be slowly drained of its life as you use the gem."
A rusty ladder leads downwards but the chamber below in the tower is otherwise empty, including doors. You can backtrack through grisly galleries and into either of the remaining two towers or back down to the entry hall.
As Rinika works the lock she fails to notice a thin needle embedded within the keyhole. It pricks one of her fingers. There is no immediate effect but the pin prick and her finger begins to burn. Rinika manages to get the cask open with ease after fiddling with the lock for a few seconds.
Wand of Detect Chaos 47 charges, 6 oils of devildeath, these are oils when applied to a weapon give the weapon bane against a specific type of evil outsider, 2 for Baatezu, 2 for Yugoloths, and 2 for Tanar’ri, it wears off after a single attack, each vial holds enough for 12 applications.
Also Rinika needs to make a Fort save DC 20 after a minute, this is a poison effect.
On failure:
Rinika is paralyzed and takes Con damage:1d6 ⇒ 5 and must save again in one minute.
Thawm determines that Nurah is alive and stable. 0 HP with 13 nonlethal
Your army has gathered to view the spectacle some take your explanation at face value while others are unconvinced. Irabeth demands, "We need proof not speculation."
Aravashnial suggests, "If she used magic to conceal her allegiances they will run out after a day. It's not unreasonable to hold someone captive under such suspicion, so long as those conditions are humane."
As Cecily and Tandyn attack the prone halfling she finally goes limp from the pain of her accumulated injuries. Nurah is at your mercy. Sosiel casts a spell removing the faerie fire but none of the other spells. He yells out, ”Sorry! Her magic is pretty strong.” You’re able to wait out the invisibility easily however. Aravashniel suggests, ”I may be of assistance if you require it. I know a similar spell.”
Combat over
Scroll of Cure Moderate Wounds, Scroll of Dimension Door, Wand of Modify Memory (4 charges), MW chain shirt, horn of assured victory, ruby worth 100gp, 21 gp, 9 sp, 5 cp
The remaining cobra lashes out at Jek one last time after receiving a pummeling from the bauriar, but the cobra only manages to scrape his armor. Miss
Alone and injured the remaining cobra stands no chance against the party as it is beaten into submission. One more hit from Jek would do it, so fast forward.
Room description repost
You find a strange chamber, in the center are strands of barbed chains criss crossing every which way. In the middle of the tangle is a suspended brazier, cold ashes lay in its pan. Below the brazier is a small rusty cask. Following the pattern of the chains makes your head spin.
To one side shelves made of iron platforms suspended by chains hold a small collection of books.
If you attempt to get the cask from the tangle of barbed chains, take Slashing:1d6 ⇒ 4
From here you can see the cask has a lock on it, DC 30.
The books contain titles such as Roivas' Compendium of Darkness, Incunabulum of Banality, and The Eternal book of Chusones. They are all tomes that speak to the forces of order, obedience, and stagnation.
Arcana DC 30, neither dead or alive:
After skimming the books and the marginalia you deduce that whoever was using this library was researching why Jangling Hiter has been drained of its creativity, inspiration, and will to change. They have called the effect the Iron Shadow and were researching how to harness it and spread it across the multiverse. They haven't made much progress so far.
Irabeth moves out of the line up while drawing her longsword, she stares intently at the melee and yells out, "What's going on? I don't sense any evil on her."
Anevia on the other hand doesn't hesitate, "I never trusted her." She draws her bow and fires at Nurah sending her arrow through Aravashnial's legs but catching another link in Nurah's armor.
Nurah pulls a strip of vellum and begins to read it. The sword of Aroden strikes true as the halfling leaves herself open. Hit doesn't confirm.
Tandyn, Dorek, and Cecily may take an attack of opportunity as she retrieves an item.
Thawm lights Nurah and Aravashnial on fire, not burning them but revealing Nurah. Ahmose takes this opportunity to light a random crusader slightly on fire and stick them to the ground. Cecily and Aroden threaten the halfling. Tandyn thrusts his sword at the prone halfling but she manages to roll away at the last minute and Tandyn only catches her chain mail. She gives Tandyn a look of desperate defiance but doesn’t answer him yet.
She doesn't have a weapon out so doesn't threaten.
Nurah, with a look of determination and perhaps insanity, keeps her eyes on both Tandyn and Dorek towering over her. She finishes pulling a small bit of tree gum from her pouch and speaks a word of power before she vanishes from sight.
All of your officers line up for inspection. Aroden indeed detects magic on Nurah and nearly everyone of your advisors. He also sees a whisper of arcane power on Nurah's lips and her hand retrieving something from a pouch. Thawm isn't sure if its the tone of her voice or the fact that Nurah heard about last night's ruckus that tipped the traitorous hafling off but she's about to flee!
X-302 smashes one of the cobras into submission, damaging it enough that it can barely move. Destroyed
Xibalba, spurred by Nik's wish, tries to reach through the Ethereal plane and draw out raw electricity from the paraelemental plane of electricity. But her power is not great enough to breach the multiple planar boundaries separating her from her goal.
Spell fails
Gibbarren helpfully suggests, "A shadow fiend who's been trapped in a gem can be used to fuel your spell. Otherwise a contract with one of the Lords of the Nine or the Dark Eight. I know a guy who knows a guy..."
She fires more arrows, the first deflecting off harmlessly. The second flies right in the middle one's mouth and explodes out the back end causing it to clatter harmlessly to the floor. Destroyed
The remaining construct mindlessly continues to tear into Jek's flank heedless of how out matched it is. 5 damage
The night passes mostly without incident; a number of paladins report their bedrolls were invaded by large maggots with mouths full of sharp spikes that bit into their flesh. But there was no lasting damage done as the sores were painful but not one became infected.
The hellhound looks at Nik with a malicious doggy grin breathing a gout of fire from it's mouth. Washing over one of the cobras and Jek.
12 damage unless Jek makes a DC 14 reflex save for half.
Rinika's spiritual umbrella pierces through the metal of the greensteel cobra, leaving a hole in its plating. Three of Jek's punches are deflected off the metal but the remaining strikes connect begining to crumple the metal.
Nik's spell fizzles as it connects with the construct, the magic harmlessly being grounded out.
Sosiel casts a number of spells on Aron while he's unconscious before nodding to Thawm, "His physical need for the drug should be gone, but there's nothing I can do for his desire for it."
When Aron awakes he first looks at the party in fear but then sees Sosiel and the two embrace lovingly. Sosiel says, "I got you. You're safe."
Tandyn's words seem to allay a lot of Aron's fears. Aron quietly answers the paladin's questions, "I don't know. It just appeared in my pack. I discovered it shortly after the battle at Vilareth Ford. I didn't take it at first, but the temptation was too great. I'm sorry Sosiel, I should have told you."
Sosiel smiles weakly at Aron and says, "That's not important now, the important thing is that you're safe."
That's sufficient to restore your army to what it was before. Assuming you let the pair resume their duties.
Aron looks in horror as Dorek appears out of nowhere and cracks the side of his skull sharply. He screams at Sosiel before falling unconscious, ”See!”
As Aron falls Dorek’s shadow moves unnaturally appearing as if to devour the unconscious man. Dorek’s empty eye socket suddenly feels cold as ice, but he doesn’t feel any pain.
Sosiel runs to his fallen lover cradling him while weeping. ”I’m sorry,” he repeats while making sure that Aron is not mortally injured. He has the above nonlethal, Cold:1d6 ⇒ 1, and Wis damage:1d4 ⇒ 3
While Aron is detained and addicted to shadowblood the Knights of Kenabres lose the following advisor benefits: +1 DV, +1 Morale.
A number of crusaders have been drawn to the scene and begin whispering to themselves about what they saw happen.
You recover three doses of Shadowblood.
Gear that can be confiscated from Aron:
2x potion of cure light wounds, potion of invisibility, 2x potion of lesser restoration, mw chain shirt, mw light spiked steel shield, mw short sword, 2x dagger, bedroll, cold-weather outfit, flint and steel, mw backpack, mw thieve’s tools, 5x rations, waterskin, winter blanket, 62 gp, 4sp, 3 cp
X-302 and Jek pummel one of the cobras, denting its hood slightly. 25 damage done to yellow Skee saves Jek from the nasty poison while the remaining spellslinger prepare for what comes next. Rinika's prayers are answered and the party feels the chill wind of the desert night blow across their shoulders. Rinika sees in her mind's eye a jackel as the magic leaves her.
Forgot about your Baatezu friend.
A black composite longbow appears in Gibbarren's hands, the arrows ignite as she nocks them, filling the room with the smell of brimstone.
The greensteel cobras retaliate, luckily Jek manages to get his hooves under him and rear up in time to avoid being bitten again. X-302 isn't as lucky but its bulk means the damage is slight.
PCs go round 2! As promised you can tack on an extra attack for haste from last turn for Xibalba acting at the start of the round.
Sosiel seems to be aghast when Dorek mentions taking the drugs from him. He says resolutely, ”No, you will not steal from him. He has to make this choice himself. We can’t force him.” With that the cleric walks back to their tent.
Assuming Dorek follows but does not enter the tent with Sosiel
Sosiel diplomacy:1d20 + 11 ⇒ (13) + 11 = 24
Dorek hears bits of their conversation starting at whispers but slowly growing more loud and heated. ”We can get through this, Aron. We have before. I can remove the physical need for it, I have before. You know I love you, that I’m here for you,” Sosiel pleads.
Aron sounds extremely angry and slightly unhinged, ”No! Now that they know about my past they’re going to exile me or worse. Why did you tell them? You betrayed me.”
Sosiel patiently tries to explain, ”They were concerned about your well being. That’s why they came to me.The knight commanders know you’re a good person. We all stumble a little on our path.”
Aron begins to panic and Dorek hears him packing things up, ”They are the vengeance of the gods made flesh! They held off an army. Didn’t you see? I have to get out of here.” Then Aron rushes out of the tent, Dorek has a few moments to act before Aron escapes into the Worldwound.
Aron is just outside of their tent. Dorek is within a move action of him.
You find Sosiel at a painter's easel working on a landscape depicting Keeper's Canyon. A stark interpretation of reds and oranges evoking a serene beauty of the Worldwound you never considered.
Sosiel, despite the violence of the day, has already cleaned his vestments and armor. He greets you warmly, "Tandyn, I've been meaning to give you..." before you interrupt him and explain the situation.
Sosiel sigh, resigned and explains, "He's relapsed. It's shadowblood, when a shadow demon possesses a person their blood can be used to manufacture it. Its been some time since he last relapsed, I had hoped that it was the last time. I will help him through this. Please don't remove him from the crusade, I think he has a lot to contribute."
"Can it be that the addiction is to a drug that is some sort of demonic essence?
Alchemy DC 20:
Yes this is possible. To determine which specific drug you'd need a sample as demon essence (blood, or other things derived from demons) is relatively common ingredient in alchemical items, drugs, and potions.
The metal snakes lash out at their nearest targets, mindlessly injecting them with more poison. X-302 for 3 damage, Jek for 9
Skee notes that he believes the venom injectors on these constructs have been spent.
I misspoke before Jek would need to make four additional saves for a total of five this turn and last, DC 22. The DC will increase by two for each subsequent saves if he fails the one before. Also I've apparently been doing poisons wrong for a while.
When Tandyn approaches Aron he looks better than he has in the last couple of days, despite the surroundings. While the color hasn't returned to his face he looks like he's got a good night's sleep for once. He shakes his head, "I don't think we'll be able to manufacture any siege weapons once we've arrived. We'll have to see what resources are available when we get there."
Aravashniel helpfully adds, "Trees grow in the worldwound but take heed. I've heard stories of forests whose branches turn into vipers or some other foul surprise. We must take caution."
Nurah adds to the conversation about demons while shaking her head, "No. Turn to our side, never. We could turn them against each other, with the right motivation. Offers of power, bribes, assuming you can live long enough to talk to them. Demons have no loyalty to each other, only that which is enforced by fear."
Thawm detects fiendish presences in every direction but to her surprise she detects an aura on Aron as well.
I'm going to allow the coup de grace here but keep in mind that it may not work against other pinned opponents. Helpless condition doesn't mention pinned and vice versa.
Aroden deals the killing blow to the enemy commander as he continues to squirm and struggle against Cecily's iron grip.
You are able to quickly recover the supplies held by the tiefling army bolstering your own supplies and adding to the amount of goods.
Like the last battle your advisors don't rest. Anevia and Aron slip out into the surrounding area keen to scout ahead. Irabeth, Sosiel, and Nurah set out separately to look for survivors.
Supplies gained:1d6 ⇒ 4 Goods gained: 2
Into the Worldwound
Your route finally takes you westward into the Worldwound itself. The transition is sudden and palpable. The terrain becomes rough and difficult to traverse. Halving your army's movement to 18 miles a day. The weather is overcast with black and red clouds and the rare moment when the sky clears the sun is muted and dulled. Luckily you don't encounter any adverse weather or more powerful demons or armies before you make camp for the night.
Did anyone want to do anything when you camp for the evening?
The paladine army again slaughters the opposing force at range without any real retaliation from the dretches. A handful of wounded demons threaten Thawm, Dorek, and Aroden but they are able to quickly deal with such weakened foes.
In the sky Cecily continues to hold the enemy commander hostage, he is unable to break his hold or manage to manifest any of his magical abilities. The incubus is at the party's mercy.
Combats over, you may capture or kill the enemy commander. There's more to the post battle once you decide his fate.
How does Cecily not get hit by a tangle bomb when she's pinning the target? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Completely covered in muck and held tight by Cecily the demon is unable to move or do anything useful. He whispers into Cecily's ears, "You just had to ask if you wanted to get close, darling. No need for the rough stuff."
Pinned, entangled, and unable to fly. Cecily is carrying him if that matters.
Once Nansi is a distance away from the shield they return to their normal self and scurry within Rinika’s backpack again.
You find a strange chamber, in the center are strands of barbed chains criss crossing every which way. In the middle of the tangle is a suspended brazier, cold ashes lay in its pan. Below the brazier is a small rusty cask. Following the pattern of the chains makes your head spin.
To one side shelves made of iron platforms suspended by chains hold a small collection of books.
Too late you see three metallic snakes hiding within the floor chains, their overlapping adamantine scales twitching spasmodically, and red pinpoints of red light following you as you enter. They rear up and lunge at Jek viciously, two of them bounce off his mithral breastplate but the third slithers its way past the armor plates and sinks its teeth into vulnerable flesh. The wound is minor but some toxic substance is pumped into Jek’s veins.
5 damage, save fort DC 22 or take Con damage:1d4 ⇒ 2, this is a poison effect.
Arcana DC 17:
These things are similar to iron cobras, typically used as an assassin by the budding artificer. But these are forged from Baatorian greensteel and enchanted further to be more resilient. Connected to their mouths is a poison reservoir which is good for three bites.
Perception DC 30 to act in surprise round but it doesn’t matter much when you lose initiative.
Suprise! XibalbaWith -1 she can’t make the above check. Hidden Chains Nik Rinika Skee Jek
As Cecily, Ahmose, and the incubus commander struggle in the sky, those remaining on the ground make tactical retreats away from the dretch army. The dretches become confused at their circumstances with their dim intelligence and no guidance from their commander.
From the south the sound hooves from galloping horses on the dusty canyon ground echo off the walls, heralding the incoming reinforcements.
The dretches split their attention, one group rushing after where they saw the party disappear into the fog, the other moving south to engage the incoming paladin army. I’ll move them later, but none of them can reach the party right now.
Nik determines that the shield will attract any spiders within 500ft causing them to swarm around the shield and attack the holder. If the owner is on the move or in a space that's spider free the curse will have little effect. However he surmises that taking it to the demonweb pits would be suicide.
Gibbarren observes the scene with Nansi dispassionately but answers Rinika this time, ”I have it on good authority that Quimath, the master of this place, and the high-up of the kytons is currently traveling the planes on some sort of investigation. I felt that this was a perfect opportunity to bob him. Though his minders are still here. They are likely below us this very instant.”
Nansi does nothing but repeats his prior mantra over and over again.
Ahmose easily goos up the incubus but this is a situation he seems to be used to and manages to keep his wings clear enough so that he doesn’t fall or is hindered in any way. The burns he suffers are only mild. 5 damage done no entangle due to successful save.
Cecily invisibly flies up to the incubus and grabs ahold of him, revealing herself in the process. Without Dex to CMD you succeeded without mythic surge.
The handsome demon struggles against Cecily’s might, growing more and more frustrated as it fails to break free.
The field of battle is blanketed in innocuous and noxious fog banks obscuring most of the battlefield. Many of the dretches advance on where your position was but they dumbly don’t realize that you have moved or are invisible. Yet other dretches begin summoning more of their kind by staring off into the distance vacantly.
Cecily and Ahmose need to make 5 fortitude saves DC 13, as well as anyone entering green squares or be nauseated for as long as they are within and 1d4+1 rounds after. This is a poison effect.
After Cecily has acted at the bottom of this round Tandyn may order the paladin army to engage the dretch army. This will mean that Tandyn can have the Knights attack at range in round 4.
The erinyes gazes at Rinika demurely, ”I can answer your questions in good time my dear.”
The party picks their way through a series of rooms that appear to be abandoned. They are empty save for disused chain hammocks.
After nine of these chambers you find one that remains in use. In addition to a hammock you find the rotting corpse of a man dangling from a hook and suspended in the air. Numerous bite marks show evidence of something gnawing on the corpse.
After a minute of looking around you see that the room has an unusual number of spiders crawling on the walls and floor, they seem to concentrate below the hanging corpse and moving under the floor there. Nansi hops off of Rinika’s shoulder and begins to pace in a circle with the other live spiders. He speaks repeating the same thing over and over in a smooth tone unusual for him,
"Punish the wicked looters, punish the wicket looters, punish the wicked looters.”
Perception 20:
Below the floor directly under the corpse is a compartment which holds an iron urn stoppered with a stone cap. When you retrieve it and open it you find a collection of valuables: 224pp 2802gp 2668sp, 3196cp, a comb encrusted with rubies and emeralds worth 1000gp, a platinum headband worth 1500gp, and 12 opals worth 500gp each. Under the urn you find the source or destination of all the arachnids, a light steel shield with a girdle tie on its face.
Religion 15 see below
It is the holy symbol of Isis, the Egyptian goddess of fertility, rebirth, and magic.
The shield is a shield of spell resistance (15).
Another door leads into a final tower on the other end of the building.
The handsome demon disappears and with a pop of air directly above and in front of Ahmose reappears. He grins at Ahmose menacingly while holding his falchion.
You find a chamber cordoned off into long hallways. Within each hallway are a series of grisly displays artfully posed. Each is a collection of bones, usually humanoid of some variety or other, arranged in an abstract pattern, held together by metal chains, drenched in gore and let out to dry.
Gibbaren takes in the galleries appreciating them for their austere beauty. She comments after appreciating the majority of them, ”The kytons haven’t visited this chamber and updated their art in some time it seems. The age of the most recent display is weeks old.”
No map for this one.
There are three exits, two that lead to the corners of the building exterior, likely leading to the towers, and one leading towards the center of the building.
Dretch army vs Knights, ranged:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13
The dretch army flings noxious fumes and summons more demons to engage the knights but the valiant defenders stoically defend against the puny demon's attacks easily. This happens on initiative 10 but it won't affect or be affected by the small combat so rolling it now.
The knights retaliate against the tiefling army snapping bow shot after bow shot. Each arrow seems to find the heart of a tiefling killing them instantly. The tiefling's cohesion is nearly instantly broken as scores upon scores of their lives are ended in mere seconds. Any that are not dead or mortally injured flee. Tiefling army is defeated.
Through fate or Cayden's whims Ahmose grabs at a beverage tinged with alcohol, its labeled shield in Draconic script but the taste of burnt coffee on his lizard lips tell him a different story. He feels his heart quicken as time slows down in his perception and his ability to move quickens. Unfortunately for Ahmose he's grabbed the wrong extract and its effects are overrode when Aroden casts his spell.
Nik is certain that the spell will disintegrate a section of chain ten feet in length, it is not likely to negatively affect the structural integrity of the building. He gets the sense that it was designed in such a way that several chains could be removed before it even begins to become a problem. Especially around this particular section of the building.
The incubus commander effortlessly flies toward the assassination team looking at them with interest. He draws a serrated blade, curved and half as long as he is tall. The demon carries it effortlessly.
Sorry for the delay, incubus is now at the edge of the "eastern" edge of the map.
The main entrance to Panos Qytel appears to be open and unguarded. Through the find chain curtain that serves as a door you see a vast hall made of particularly rusty chains. While not noticeable at first, a body spending a few minutes here realizes that the rust forms intricate patterns on the walls, floors and vaulted ceiling.
A chain ladder leads to a chamber above and another fine chain curtain serves as a door on the far side of the hall.
Nansi crawls into the room beyond clicking and whirring in the ordered language of the modrons, you think cheerfully.
The assassination team picks their way through the low dead grass, rock outcroppings, and sparse shadows as the sun hangs high in the sky. They stay low to the ground as they approach the army of dretches the incubus is leading.
When the team reaches about 200 feet from the edge of the army they see a figure with silky ebony skin rise up above the masses. His majestic black wings sprout from his lithe yet smoothly muscular frame and the incubus sounds an aggravating war horn.
After the horn sounds both armies begin to march!
Lann nervously informs Tandyn, "Hey, uh, chief. I think they've been found out. What do you want to do?"
The incubus is flying 30ft off the ground 50ft off the map on the dretch side. Tandyn can order the Knights of Kenabres to engage after the surprise round.