
DM Buckeye's page

Organized Play Member. 8 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

Is there a way (other then bashing the life out of it) to defend against a Witch's cackle and supernatural attacks? It could be a stretch but Protection from Evil nearly talks to the mental impacts but I think that's a far stretch. Seems if the Witch gets a fairly high will save and hits the save lowering attack then it's quickly downhill from there. Is there no defense? Even Silence on the witch doesn't matter.


If a weapon (GreatSword) has 2D6 for base damage and has the weapon has a bonus of Impact on it then Enlarge Person is cast on the person, what would the new damage be?

The errata FAQ states these are 2 different weapon size change types so they would stack.

Is it 2d6 to 3D6 for Impact then what when enlarged?


Is there a chart someplace (excel or tab-text or online) listing all the prestige classes with the requirements to help people find where their character may go during a campaign for prestige classes?

So example filter on alignment 1st and can cast ____ Spells or not etc. So you could determine if you took 2 more ranks of Knowl Religion for example you could now qualify for XX and XX classes.

Not everyone plans the character with those in mind at the beginning.


Have a 9th level group I'm looking for some modules for. It's 3.5 and they are veteran gamers liking a mix of RP and Combat. Most base cores covered. I'd prefer Pathfinder because it won't be an old module they've played before spoiling the fun.

Any suggestions for something that can last for quite a while? I'm not looking for a mini-module.

Thanks for the help!