DM Arad's page

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7th Sea looks close to what I'm imagining, but you seem more a part of a nation than in charge of it, which is more what I'm looking for.

Savage Worlds seems promising but I can't find an expansion that quite fits what I'm looking for. Got any recommendations?

Thanks for the link, but I was thinking more along the lines of a grand strategy-type, where the players are in charge of factions and interact with each other through diplomacy, war or intrigue. Ultimate Intrigue seems more like a "court life" type game, which isn't bad, but not quite what I'm looking for. I'm proposing a brand-new, simple RPG system made interesting by player interaction.

I don't know, I just made the name up right now.

Hey all, I'm new to PbPs and this forum, but have DM'd for a few years now. I'm posting here to see if there's any interest in a strategy-type RPG, one full of intrigue and war - think Game of Thrones. I was thinking about this the other day - there are plenty of RPGs focusing on adventurers, but barely any that focused on lords.

I've always wanted to DM a grand-strategy type campaign in which the players are pitted against each other but never had the people nor the system. Well, I'm posting here to see if there's support for such a system and for your input. Also sorry if this has already been done or something :O

Oh, and a better name. Please suggest a better name.