DJNMahalaleel's page

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Chris Self wrote:

Also of note:

The distributor Amazon buys from, Diamond, releases new items on Tuesday. Paizo releases new items on Wednesday. So, Diamond will release their new Paizo items the Tuesday after Paizo releases them. Which means that Amazon won't have them on release day.

A few days before release date, Amazon's algorithms will say, "Huh, we don't have this book that's releasing on Wednesday in stock. Let's push the release date back a month."

Viola. Amazon says that the product isn't available and is releasing a month late.

Cool, thanks for the reply, gentlemen and ladies. I have an unwavering loyalty to Amazon due to getting books for class at over half off and free two-day shipping, and this is the first time anything has been delayed for me, including pre-ordered materials. Odd to see so many people in different threads who have had bad experiences with them or hold them some grudge.

bittergeek wrote:
Yep, got that email. If it really takes that long to ship I'll have to change the order, but maybe they'll surprise me with a sooner appearance. Meanwhile I bought the pdf from Paizo so I can still get familiar with it even though I don't get to enjoy the dead tree version.

Yeah I feel like it has to be an error, as that seems like an arbitrarily long delay for a book that was pre-ordered, so probably isn't out of stock.

Did anyone else use Amazon to order their copy of Ultimate Magic? It was scheduled for a May 19th ship date and I just received an email stating that the book was delayed until July 14th. Obviously this isn't true, as people have their copies now, but I was curious if anyone else ordered from Amazon and got the same email.


seekerofshadowlight wrote:
I did link their boards in the 2nd post of this thread. I agree with dabbler it's a win/win

The beauty of the d20 based system is that its so modular. I can take the Dreamscarred Psionics updates and apply them to my campaign (which is what I'm doing), any someone else can just as easily use the revamped Vancian "psionic" whatever system that Paizo may or may not release in the future.

On the topic of PP v. Vancian, there are a few things in Pathfinder that I disagree with, but most of the time those things are justified by Paizo's overarching job, which is to create a system that marries fun and complexity with ease of use. They can't go crazy with rule systems that are too complex, because they need to appeal to as broad a player base as they can, to give as many people as possible a system that they can enjoy. So, if they go Vancian, then power to them, clearly they feel that the majority of the player base will respond better to that. I'd prefer PP, and so I can just go ahead and use that instead.

Its the best part of role-playing games, no one can tell you what to do, just make suggestions.

seekerofshadowlight wrote:

Feel free to search for the threads and read em, but don't resurrect them. Some times necromancy is a bad thing.

Oh and welcome to the boards Hands DJNMahalaleel some Rum

Oh, yeah, I don't really care to read all the arguing and shouting, I just like simple advice much like what you've given me.

I accept your rum, sir, but I do mix it with Coke, no ice, and a lime wedge.

seekerofshadowlight wrote:

Paizo has not plans to make psionic rules for some time. When they do make such rules it will be using the Vancian system just like every other caster. They will not be making the 3.5 system.

Deamscarred press is doing an update with the 3.5 psionic system however. You might want to check there.

Dreamscarred forums are here

Interesting that they'd go Vancian rather than keep a point pool, but that's neither here nor there. Thank you for the link though.

In lieu of an official Pathfinder Psionics sourcebook, does anyone have any advice on a good homebrew Psionics system thats been updated for 3.75, as it were?

I'd love to get something Paizo for it, but I'm unable to find anything post-Complete Psion. One of my players wants to play some manner of Psionic class for an upcoming campaign, and while I could homebrew something myself, I'd like to defer to anyone who has done a good job already making the conversion. So, any ideas?

Does anyone have any thoughts on how Warpath handles HD? I've read and reread the book and I can't find anywhere where HD type is addressed other than Page 11:

"Step One: Determine the Unit Strength. The unit strength is equal to the unit’s number of HD × # of troops in the unit (also known as the Unit Count). For example, if the creatures that make up a unit have 6d8 hit dice, you multiply their Unit Count by 6 (it would be the same if it were 6d4 or 6d10)."

Am I missing something or is it very odd that 100 Wizards are as tough to mow down (spellcasting excluded) as 100 Fighters?

I actually just finished reworking the Bard from the ground up for a campaign I'm running, simply because I love the idea of a very versatile support class but I hate how weirdly balanced the Bard is.

The changes are long and I can post them if anyone cares, but the baseline is this:

The Bard as it stands is fundamentally broken. It is a jack of all trades, master of none, but no one wants to play something that does what everyone else can do but worse. What makes sense, is if the Bard can choose what exactly he is a jack of, and focus accordingly.

What I did was made 5 Bards - essentially - on a template system. The 5 templates are Skald (Fighter), Knave (Rogue), Evangel (Cleric), Harmonizer (Sorcerer), and Bard (... Bard). At chargen you can choose which of those Bards you are, and then apply that templates data to your levels.

An example: The Skald receives a Fighter BAB, but has correspondingly worse saves and loses some skill points, as well as having more limited spell casting (no Conj-Healing, no Abj, etc). The Skald also receives Fighter Bonus feats and Armor/Weapon Mastery, albeit at a far reduced rate. In addition, the Skald receives two new songs, called "Banner Unfurled" and "Gleams of the Burning" (which are taken from an Irish Folk song called "Tis Gone and Forever" by Sir Thomas Moore). These songs provide effects that coordinate with the Skald Bard's warrior tendencies, giving a number of Barb/Fighter-esque buffs that scale.

There are details to the songs, certainly, but what's important is simply that the songs change. Each template has songs that are unique to that template and that buff the party along very specific paths. The Bard then becomes very useful and important, while maintaining its party support role, as well as some of its versatility.