New to the forums, but wanted to chime in on this:
Unithralith wrote:
1. I am inclined to say no. In every other case I'm aware of, a weapon must specifically have the race's name along with the weapon name to qualify as a racial weapon (eg. Dwarven Longhammer, Elven Curve Blade, Halfling Sling Staff, etc).
2. Technically, since the flask thrower doesn't indicate a reload speed and all it states in terms of function is that it increases the range on alchemical weapons, it uses the standard attack rate of a splash weapon (eg. a standard action to fire, no reload required). Of course, this is my interpretation based on their very flimsy description. RAI may be different.
3. On this note actually, I would say yes it should. An alchemist bomb is indeed "a thrown substance that deals splash damage". If you go by my earlier logic about the lack of a specified reload, that also means you could make a full attack using bombs from a flask thrower, making them pretty useful to a bomb-focused alchemist.
4. I think you already knew the answer to this one, but I would say no. It is neither a sling nor a double sling; it is a flask thrower.
5. Unfortunately, no. An alchemist focusing on throwing flasks of acid and the like is interesting flavour and would give bomb-based intelligence alchemists a much needed backup for when they run out of bombs, but RAW, there is no way to make more than one attack per round with them. If your GM is reasonable, they may allow you to full attack with alchemical weapons. It's not particularly overpowered; yes, they target touch AC, but with terrible crit range/damage and unimpressive standard damage, not to mention how many enemies have energy res in the 5 -...
1) I'm inclined to disagree, since the table they are listed in is labelled as "New Gnome Weapons", and say yes, these count as Gnome Weapons.
2) I agree with you here, but it becomes moot once we look at #3.
3) Once again I agree with you, however here is where the idea starts to also fall apart. The range on a Flask Thrower is 20 feet. The range on a bomb is already 20 feet. Other than feel, or character fluff, there is no actual benefit of using the flask thrower for bombs. It benefits Tanglefoot Bags, Holy Water, Alchemists Fire, etc, because they only have a range of 10 feet.
4) That may not be as clear cut as your response makes it out to be. The description says "This weapon resembles a halfling sling staff, except that the cradle at the end is designed to hold and hurl flasks as well as stones or bullets." Since ammo drop and juggle load work with sling staffs, this likely comes down to GM Caveat. Personally I'd allow it.
5) I agree, RAW there's nothing that really supports it. Once again GM Caveat would have to come into play.