
D. G. Hamilton's page

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There looks to be some obvious confusion in the Ultimate Combat book under siege weapons. The "Structure Hardness and Hit Points" section seems to transpose Gargantuan and Colossal size categories when applied to buildings and gates.

Apologies if this was already mentioned, I did try the search feature first.

Dezhem wrote:

How fitting that a thread about undead got necro'd. ;)

The requirements for creating skeletal champions and other powerful undead types are laid out in Undead Revisited. Skeletal Champions require:

CL at least 11 and greater than the HD of the undead to be created
Create Undead
Enervation or Energy Drain

Beautiful, thanks! Will add that book to my collection.

Ravingdork wrote:

How does one create skeletal champions within the rules?

Animate undead creates skeletons and zombies of various kinds. Create Undead gives us ghouls, ghasts, mummies, and morhgs. Create Greater Undead allows us to produce shadows, wraiths, spectres, and devourers.

The lich template is pretty clear on how one can go about becoming a lich (CL 11th, craft wondrous item, lots of time and money, unspeakably evil rituals).

But no where can I find rules on turning an intelligent living creature into a skeletal champion!

I would also like to know how a character might go about creating ghosts, vampires, and wights.

This is a fair question, I've been looking for the answer as well. If they are created from upset spirits or self-propagating like wights/vampires that would be good to know.

From a GM perspective, I have a lich who would need to find/make a new skeletal champion bodyguard, but I'm unsure what kind of mechanic to bring into play there.