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There’s another option I hadn’t considered until I saw Master of the Fallen Fortress was also a good introduction to the Pathfinder Society—albeit more loosely than First Steps.

However, since there is no real descriptions of who the PCs meet during the Conclusion I could simply introduce the PCs to the Season 0 Faction leaders!

It’s not ideal, but it might work as a compromise.

noswald wrote:
Here's a link to a post where someone has a Season 0-2 handout for faction missions. I've decided to use this for my players now even though they are well versed in the faction conversions already.

Thanks! This is a fun resource for making the transfer of Factions smoother, but again it only address the part I’ve got no concerns with because it’s actually covered in the Guide to Organized Play and I’m 100% comfortable with it.

It does nothing for my concerns about the discrepency between Pasha Muhlia Al-Jakri and Trade Prince Aaqir al’Hakam; Baron Jacquo Dalsine and Lady Gloriana Morilla; or why Major Colson Maldris was suddenly demoted to Captain.

Those are the questions most likely to plague my players after being introduced to everyone from Season 3 and jumping into Season 0 from the beginning. In my first post I mentioned the only two ways I can see around this: skip Seasons 0-2 and jump into Season 3 after First Steps (which Paz pretty much backed up) or skip First Steps and just start with Season 0.

Lanlis wrote:

You can always do scenarios from earlier. It isn't perfect for continuity, but you can "go back in time," so to speak, and play earlier scenarios despite having played First Steps and having been introduced to Faction Leaders who weren't around back then.

If the players belong to factions that didn't exist, yet, they "default" to other factions for purposes of Prestige Points. For instance, I, Lanlis, have completed a few pre-season 3 scenarios but take my orders from the Sczarni. When there aren't Sczarni missions, I just do Taldor missions. (Who does what missions is explained in the PFS Guide)

I already mentioned I’m familiar with this type of conversion, and I’m looking for something different. I’m not as worried about converting Faction mission as I’m worried about “going back in time” with players who have no idea what is going on because they haven’t played any scenarios at all.

My running of First Steps would be their first experience with Pathfinder Society scenarios. If I were running for people who already had some idea of the changes it would be a completely different matter, and I wouldn’t worry so much about the continuity.

El Baron de los Banditos wrote:
Just because you're handed a mission from Baron Jacquo Dalsine doesn't mean Lady Morilla doesn't exist. It just means she didn't magically have something for you to do in the place you were shipped off to only moments ago; but someone who is related to your faction did. Perhaps she owed him a favour, or maybe he was just quicker on the draw. Mission fluff is variable, from what I think I remember reading somewhere. Expecially so during "mission conversions" in Seasons 0-2.

This is something I’ve considered, but then what happens when my players get to the scenarios where the change-over happened? Suddenly my explanation seems quite bogus…

I’ll admit I haven’t actually read the scenarios in question, so maybe someone who has could let me know if doing things this way is plausible? It would mean some Factions have two “leaders,” but I can live with that since the Factions in Season 0 are sort of like two Factions in one anyway.

I was going to run First Steps for a group of completely new players, who’ve never been exposed to Golarion or the Pathfinder Society. I heard these free Season 3 introductory scenarios are the best at explaining things about how the Society works.

The only problem is I want to take them on the same journey from the beginning that everyone else got to experience. However, Season 3 changed things up considerably from the others that came before it.

I know about the Faction conversions from the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play for Season 0, but what about the Faction goals from back then?

Or the Faction leaders who are no longer a part of Season 3?

It seems very strange to me to introduce Qadiran’s Trade Prince Aaqir al’Hakam to my players in First Steps when in Season 0-2 the Qadiran's leader is suddenly and mysteriously Pasha Muhlia Al-Jakri.

I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions or knows where I might be able to find a way to convert First Steps so my players aren’t blindsided by the sudden changes. I guess the simple solutions are to just run Season 3 scenarios after First Steps, or just skip First Steps and start with Season 0 scenarios.

Will this product ever become available again as a PDF? I can understand not offering it in print anymore, because it’s been replaced by the Campaign Setting, the Inner Sea World Guide, and the Inner Sea Primer…but, I’m curious about why you pulled the PDF. I thought part of the charm of PDF versions was you could still get them long after the original print runs sold out and no longer got printed.

It seems really strange to me that I can't get this PDF version, but could still get the Print Edition here.

I do realize that much of the information has changed, and is possibly outdated now, but I would still very much like to own this piece of Pathfinder history. Is there any way I could buy this PDF?