Cythwulf |

Hi there. First time I've posted, so I'll apologize if this is in the wrong spot.
We were looking at the Ghoran (Alien Archive 2 56-57) which mentions:
Photosynthesis (Ex) Ghorans undergo photosynthesis to gain nutrition instead of eating (although they can eat if they so wish). A ghoran can go without light (either sunlight or UV light, such as from starships) for 3 days, after which they must attempt Constitution checks to avoid starvation (Starfinder Core Rulebook 404).
The Solar Manifestation ability of a Solarian (Starfinger Core Rulebook 101) shows:
You also choose whether your solar manifestation (in any form) either glows brightly with one color common to stars (including blue, red, white, or yellow) or is the perfect darkness of a black hole. A glowing solar manifestation, regardless of its form, sheds dim light in a 20-foot radius. You can shut off the light or darkness as a standard action in order to blend in or assist in stealth, but whenever you enter a stellar mode (see page 102), the glow or darkness returns immediately.
So the question is, does the mote produce enough of or the type of light needed to sustain a Ghoran?