About Cysgood DewinMale Half-elf Bonded Witch 1
(1) Knowledge (arcana) +7
Languages Common, Elven, Draconic, Infernal, Abyssal, Celestial HEXES
Bonded Item (Sp)::
At 1st level, a bonded witch gains a bonded item instead of a familiar. This bonded item is similar to a wizard's arcane bond bonded item, and follows all the rules of such an item with the following exceptions.
A bonded witch's bonded item serves as a vessel for her spells and a conduit for communication with her patron. A bonded witch must commune with her bonded item each day to prepare her spells. The bonded item stores all of the spells that the bonded witch knows, and the bonded witch cannot prepare spells that are not stored within it. A bonded witch starts with the same number of spells and gains new spells the same way as a witch, and can even add spells by learning them from scrolls in the same way, but a bonded witch cannot learn spells from another bonded item. Since a bonded witch does not have a spellbook, starting at 2nd level, a bonded witch's bonded item can be used once per day to cast a spell dependent on the type of bonded object chosen by the bonded witch. The spell is treated like any other spell cast by the bonded witch, including its casting time, duration, and other effects dependent of the bonded witch's level. This spell cannot be further modified by metamagic feats or any other ability. As the bonded witch gains levels, the bonded item gains new spells that the bonded witch can cast in this way. She can cast any one of these spells once per day using her bonded object, but gains greater flexibility in what spells she can cast, and gains more powerful spells as she gains new levels. Meerschaum Pipe: Cysgood’s bonded item is an exquisitely carved meerschaum pipe. The front of the bowl has the face of a beautiful half-elven woman. Her hair sweeps back along the sides of the bowl, flowing up into the stem. In her hair are flowers, stars, and small animals serving as decorations; although, anyone who has seen the pipe more than once would swear that these decorations move. Cysgood needs neither tobacco nor a source of ignition to light his pipe (Note: The coal from the pipe cannot be used to light a fire outside of the bowl). He generally does add real tobacco to the bowl, noting that it improves the flavor of the smoke. He has absolute control over the appearance of the smoke (shape and color) as well as the odor (including giving off no odor at all) (Note: No in-game effect.) Spell-casting
Spells Known:
1st-Level Witch Spells—cause fear, comprehend languages, cure light wounds, enlarge person, mage armor, obscuring mist, unseen servant. Spells Prepared & Cast
Worn (free) Explorer’s Outfit (-) Quarterstaff (5 gp) Dagger, cold iron, in wrist sheath. (2 gp) Dagger (boot) (-) Meerschaum pipe (worn on cord around neck) – bonded item Ready in belt
(71 gp) Masterwork Backpack (28 lb total)
Currency 25 gp ============================================== DESCRIPTION
Cysgood is a tall thin half-elven male with long, dirty-blond hair, worn in a pony tail. He is dressed in a long shabby leather great coat. He smokes a pipe, constantly. He is either smoking the pipe, cleaning it out, or filling and lighting it, but it is constantly in his possession. PERSONALITY
One day, Csygood was making his way to the local market to find something to eat, when he strolled past the local tobacconist. He had passed this way many times before, hardly giving the shop a second look, but this day something made him stop and peruse the merchandise in the window. On a stand near the front of the window was a beautifully carved meerschaum pipe. It mesmerized him. He stood staring at it for several minutes before the proprietor noticed him and chased him off. However, he couldn’t stop thinking about the pipe. Every day for the next week the pipe intruded upon his thoughts. He dreamed about it at night. Every fiber of his being yearned to possess it. Finally, he couldn’t stand it anymore. Late one night, he broke into the shop and took the pipe. From that day on, Cysgood began to change. Once in his possession, he still dreamed of the pipe, but now the carving on the front began to speak to him. It whispered secrets that he would have no way of knowing. Eventually, he began to hear the whispers even when he was awake. The pipe taught him many things, and Cysgood began to develop powers of his own. He began using his new found powers to provide for himself. At one point, he drew the attention of the sheriff. Figuring he was close to imprisonment, and not liking the idea, he left town. He started off heading south, into the River Kingdoms. He fell in with a group of bandits that were working the trade routes between Brevoy and points south. Every day, Cysgood communed with his patron, and his powers grew. The leader of the bandit group gradually grew to distrust Cysgood, feeling that the half-elf was working to undermine his authority. The two nearly came to blows when Cysgood decided it was time to leave, and headed back to civilization. He went to Restov. There he learned of the exploration charters the swordlords were awarding. Figuring this sounded like a great plan for developing some credibility (and attendant wealth), Cysgood managed to sign up with one of the chartered groups. |