Lord Almir

Cyrus Wright's page

11 posts. Alias of Enchanter Tim.


As the evening winds down, Cyrus takes his leave from the group, but not before offering to help stand watch. "I can take first watch, if you'd like." He picks up a tree branch about as long as his arm. He whispers a prayer to Deadeye, and the tip begins glowing as bright as a torch.

He smiles at Gyasi. "See, I told you I wasn't opposed to magic." He turns and begins to unload his bedroll and blanket from his saddlebags.

Cyrus considers Gyasi's words. "Magic is important, I'll give you that. I don't want it going away. But how it's applied is also important. A simple spell to help the crops or an incantation to heal the sick. That's what most people around here appreciate."

Spellcraft 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22

Cyrus looks up at Gyasi cleans himself off. "Well. A mage. Ain't seen one of you around in a long time. I thought you said you were a pilgrim of Nethys." He pauses to think for a second. "Though, I suppose that at least makes sense if you learned arcane arts along the way. Please don't take offense though, if I decline."

"Thank you for your kindness. Don't mind if I do." Cyrus sits on a log next to Edvard. He gingerly take a piece of sizzling meat with his dagger. "I'm just moving from town to town as long as people have good will. Don't much care for the destination. It's the journey and the company that matter. I do hope to get to Port Freedom at some point, though. How about you all?"

"Indeed, they probably did. They either thought us monsters or spirits, I bet." A tall, slender man dismounts off a chestnut mare. The horse had built up a good sweat under the heat of the day and the man calmly ties it to a nearby tree. Afterwards, he comes to the fire to share in the juicy, but tough meat.

"Name's Cyrus. I'm a traveling preacher of Erastil. Old Deadeye has decreed that I spend what's left of my time ensuring different towns hear some of his stories and get his blessings. Especially out here in the wild." He looks at Hob and bows his head toward him for a moment. Then he gestures to the aurochs meat roasting over the fire. "Blessed be the hunters. For they provide for us all."

That seems to be the consensus. I'm good with it. Just wanted to get a decision.

This is why I asked. :)

How do you see that? It doesn't say it reduces it by a step. It says it reduces it to a set action. Two-handed firearms get reduced to a standard action to reload. One-handed firearms get reduced to a move action. Am I missing something?

One question, since it'll impact someone's build, I'm sure:

How do you want to rule on Rapid Reload? I see two options:

1. Feat stands at written. Rapid Reload has no affect on advanced firearms(because I can't see it making it worse). While initially, this seems a bad choice, it basically means advanced firearms have the Rapid Reload feat built-in to them, which does make sense.

2. Feat reduces reload time to free action. This would keep in the spirit of the feat. It would allow Rifles to be able to be fired as a full-attack.

I'm wiling to try anything. If it ends up not fitting what we want, we can make a modification at an appropriate point, right?

Preacher-man got a profile up.

2nd level HP: 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12 Hells, yeah!