Cyneric's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 1 post (92 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 aliases.

Goblin Squad Member

I have one account ready to sell, it has all the daily deals, and Destiny's Twin. It's a month one account, so it has all those bonuses of game time that came with it as well.

I may have a second account to sell, once I hear back from the person. All of these were part of a guild account on the KS.

Send me a pm to discuss prices.

Goblin Squad Member

Gol Morbis's Twitch just went live, come and join us in seeing Golgothans engage in the most epic dust fights you have ever seen!

Goblin Squad Member

2 people marked this as a favorite.

The War of the Towers has changed things for everyone involved in the Land Rush. Before this announcement, it was generally expected that groups would have a chance to get on their feet before the territory control game started. We now know that isn't going to be the case, and Golgotha is primed to take advantage of that fact.

Golgotha is the largest group within the Land Rush that has a publicly stated goal of aggressive expansion, but that doesn't mean that we are going to be stupid about that expansion. Golgotha will take what we can hold. The developers have stated that our ability to train our citizens will be dependent on how many towers we can claim, and we intend to act with that at the forefront of any decision.

We will push our influence across the map, forcing others to accept our manifest destiny of outright, lawful domination. By creating a bastion of unparalleled military strength, we will raise up the entirety of the River Kingdoms by the merit of our example. We will show the community that playing evil is not only viable, but preferable. We will be living proof that being evil and being griefers does not have to go hand in hand. The principles of Wheatons Law run deep in our philosophical core.

Our central position guarantees our ability to project our military force to all four corners of the map. No other large settlement in the current political environment can make as strong a claim to that ability as Golgotha. If a towers PvP window opens up, Golgotha alone is in a singular position to march on it, no matter its location. Mastery of a game comes through constant practice, and Golgotha will provide that to every single one of our willing citizens. We have the opportunity to create the most battle hardened force in the game, and we intend to exploit that opportunity to its fullest.

While military expansion is our primary focus, that doesn't mean that our diplomatic corps have been standing by the wayside. Our relentless pursuit of mutually beneficial agreements with our neighbors has already born fruit. No matter which role you intend to play in Early Enrollment, Golgotha will be able to provide you both Training and Support through our nearby friends. Our lands will be safe from those best positioned to attack us, our non-aggression pacts guaranteeing our citizens ability to roam close to home without fear of being harassed.

No matter your needs, Golgotha will be there, ready and willing to help. Don't wait until Early Enrollment to make a decision. Make the smart choice. Join Golgotha today

Goblin Squad Member

Name: Maelstrom Company
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Preferred Alignments: CN/TN/CE/CG
Role: Soldier's of fortune, with an interest in politics.

Story: Maelstrom company was founded as a band of brother's who witnessed tyranny from both those who had pledged themselves towards the light, and those who were more nefarious. They had no intention of letting either side rule, accepting contracts for lower costs in order to keep their reputation up, while achieving their own goals of dethroning those who they viewed as to eager, or not in their best interests. Maelstrom believes in maintaining the balance of power between good and evil, viewing both as undesirable if they have too much control at any one time.

Philosophy: While we do not mind bending or breaking certain laws, if it suits our purpose, we are still honorable in a sense. We have no intention on actively seeking out those weaker then us, and will very rarely accept contracts for such things. We will always ensure a contract is fulfilled to your specifications, and will not give up or go back on it once accepted,if you need something smuggled we're your guys. Maelstrom will happily accept contracts at lower cost, if we believe said target is a threat to an area's stability or if said settlement is making too many land grabs.

Our game focus: As a Mercenary group, we are primarily military based, but in order to fund the war machine, we need all types to contribute from crafters to explores, so that we have the materials to fight, and know what terrain suits our needs the best. We are accepting all roles, and play styles, and would prefer more roleplay oriented people, whether that is casual or hardcore, either are welcome to join with us.
We are mainly American based Timezones, but will accept any.

1) Since we rarely pick on the weak, random player killing in our name is not tolerated, there must be a purpose behind your actions, whether that be highly valued goods, or subverting a settlement getting supplied. We will however not tolerate griefing for any reason.

2) Always honor your agreements and your debts. A man is only as good as his word.

3) Be respectful, contracts come from good reputation, trolling does not lend itself well to respect.

4) We use Vent, and it is required in order to communicate effectively, you do not need a mic, but you must be on it to at least listen.

Website is currently a work in progress, so if you are interested in joining with us, either respond to the thread or send me a PM.