Sky Dragon

Cuzinlox's page

*** Pathfinder Society GM. Starfinder Society GM. 13 posts. 1 review. 1 list. 3 wishlists. 19 Organized Play characters.

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Yeah getting really frustrated now. Bought the bundle the first day and have only successfully downloaded 3 of the files.

So a couple comments in regards to what Paizo posted in the other thread about keeping us updated...

No the new hardware is not picking up the slack like you said it would - nor is any "improvements" in the programming that you may have done.

And no the files don't stay in the queue after the response of "Personalizing" comes up because when I try again later - maybe 10 minutes, maybe 4 hours - it still wants to "personalize" the files again.

So I attribute the 3 files that I did get downloaded as flukes of the system.

Its a shame that Paizo can't see past their own nose and allow other sites involved in etrade (like rpgnow and drivethru rpg) sell their files.

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What about bull rushing someone into the area covered by a black tentacles spell?