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As this is a GM forum, I don't expect I need to write this, but I will anyway: If the names Vin, Vek, Musket, and Andrew are familiar, GTFO!
So, my PCs succeeded in defeating Unity, and I upped the ante on the Divinity Drive: rather than as-written, Unity's final action was to set it to self-destruct, and one of the PCs, along with an uploaded Casandalee, sent it up into space to have it detonate (mostly) harmlessly, killing the PC and elevating Casandalee to demi-god status (whereupon she revived the PC with her remaining comrades). The PCs, beforehand, got to customize her as-written beforehand and came up with the following, intending her to be a goddess of technology and androids:
Casandalee, the Iron Goddess
Domains: Artifice (Construction), Charm (Love), Good (Friendship), Knowledge (Memory)
Now, I have two plans to do post-IG:
First, they want to (at her behest) set up a domain in Nirvana for her, but I'm not 100% sure what will allow them to do so. My plan, initially, is for their movement into the Outer Spheres to tempt the Angels to use the PCs' mortal tendencies to solve a dispute between Archons and Azata, but I don't know what that dispute would be. In addition, I want to have this not just be a diplomatic encounter, as only one character is a face. I don't want to send them to any of the Evil-aligned planes, as I want this to be deliberately focused on getting Casandalee her small corner of the realm. Any suggestions here would be nice.
Secondly, I want to have a bit of a timeskip to 4718, when the Osirion doomsday clock ends. I want that prophecy to come true, although rather than having a small-scale invasion of Numeria a la "Sinister Aliens", I want it to be full-blown across the world (with Numeria as the staging ground). In this case, I want to go to three places: back to their Kingmaker kingdom, where each of the four level 20 PCs there (CN Swashbuckler, CN Wizard, CN Barb, CG Dragon) have to deal with an invasion of their land; to Absalom, where a group of high-level Pathfinders are pulled from their stations to invade the capital ship of the invasion; and back to the IG PCs, where their successes or failures on the previous missions determine how difficult it is to fight back the invasion force on Numeria. In this case, I already have planned the plot of how everything goes down, but what I need is ideas for creatures the Dominion of the Black has for invasions. Any suggestions would be nice there as well.
Thanks in advance for any ideas you folks give.