Gnoll Warden

Cuenta's page

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Knight who says Meh wrote:
PossibleCabbage wrote:
kyrt-ryder wrote:
What's the alignment of a puppet?
Well, Kermit is LG, Gonzo is CG, Sam the Eagle is LN, Dr. Bunsen Honeydew is LE, Animal is CN; so it takes all kinds.
Um...those are Muppets, thank you very much.

They have the mop and the puppet subtypes, so they ping as puppets.

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Gallant Armor wrote:

To all those saying OP is paranoid, take a look a this recent thread.

Is this thread not an intentionally lampoon or joke of that thread?

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rainzax wrote:
_Ozy_ wrote:
Wand charges are 30% the cost of a potion.
Is that true?

1st level wand cost = 750

Wand charges = 50
750 / 50 = 1st level wand cost per charge
= 15

1st level potion cost = 50

1st level wand cost per charge / 1st level potion cost = 0.3

Therefore, wand cost per charge is 30% that of a potion.

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Tacticslion wrote:

Actually Rovagug can be killed. Just drop him on Azathoth.

(At least Rovagug v. Azathoth, Azathoth wins, according to James Jacobs.)


... but carry on!

How much fall damage does a falling Rovagug cause?

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Instead of offering a staight buff to those races, you could just give them the option of removing one of their +2s (their choice which) to remove their -2. So a dwarf could have +2 con, +0 wis, +0 cha instead of +2/+2/-2, likewise an elf who wanted to be more martial could be +0 con, +2 dex, +0 int, etc.

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Truth be told, you don't need to buy anything unless you want to play PFS. I played for over a year before I bought anything, and even now I only buy stuff because I want Paizo to stay in business.

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RDM42 wrote:

Start at first - definitely at first.

Although I will usuall do two things; give max hp and toughness as a free bonus feat.

Max HP (as though your class HD was rolled maximum) at first level is already RAW.

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I put in a partially cursed Vorpal battleaxe once. It cuts the foe's head off as usual on a 20 (with confirmation), but a 1 cuts the users head off (with confirmation) as well.

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  • It's easier than being a Wizard
  • I'm a power-hungry prick

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dysartes wrote:
What happened to types I to IX?

[joke] VII VIII IX [/joke]

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You don't multiply multiples.

Core Rulebook, Combat, page 179 wrote:
When you multiply damage more than once, each multiplier works off the original, unmultiplied damage. So if you are asked to double the damage twice, the end result is three times the normal damage.
pauljathome wrote:
paraphrasing 1.5x str bonus stuff from you

I am unsure if you get 1.5x str with a lance while wielding it in one hand. Appropriate rules...

Core Rulebook, Combat, page 179 wrote:
When you deal damage with a weapon that you are wielding two-handed, you add 1-1/2 times your Strength bonus
Core Rulebook, Equipment, page 141 wrote:
Two-Handed: Two hands are required to use a two-handed melee weapon effectively. Apply 1-1/2 times the character's Strength bonus to damage rolls for melee attacks with such a weapon
