Gold Dragon

Cubed64's page

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I dont think humans need a boost at all.

The extra skill point and feat is a big boost, and choosing where to put your +2 is also quite good.

aside from racial traits though, humans are everywhere and fit in very well in any environment.

I thought so, probably just a typo.

Still, quite a big oversight.

Beckett wrote:
Cubed64 wrote:

Forget Heavy armour proficieny and just get mithral full plate

Pathfinder has changes this. You need Proficiency with the original Armor type even with Mithral. So you need to have Heavy Armor Proficiency for Mithral Full Plate, not Medium Armor. I would avoid it in general, anyway, and try to keep your touch AC higher too by going with Dex based bumps.

OH snap, i just read the mithral section in special materials and yeah, you are right.

forgive me, im still adjusting from 3.5

looks like i got some bad news to tell one of my players.

Warrior class is an excellent class if you want to make a monster a little bit more of a challenge to your party but dont want to effect its CR too greatly. D10 HD, +1BAB and almost full proficiencies is nice.

want to make a minotaur just a bit harder without a massive CR change? give him 1 lvl of warrior, throw a breastplate on it and adjust its HP and BAB/attacks accordingly.

warrior/adept is also very good for very low level town npc's. town guards, temple servants, priests, thugs etc etc.

Forget Heavy armour proficieny and just get mithral full plate

selective channel/extra channel are very good feats. Combat casting as well to help you out with the very difficult defensive casting that pathfinder has. maybe some creating feats like craft wand/scribe scroll too if you want cheap items to use.

if you are going anti-mage, perhaps spell focus so your debuffs hit the spellcaster harder. keep your caster level high for dispel and spell penetration checks.

Hey everyone, i was just browsing through the Beastiary and checking out some upcoming monsters ill put in my campaign when i stumbled across something odd.

The cyclops in the beastiary (pg 52) has a BAB of +7, yet it only gets one attack at +11. with a BAB of +7 shouldnt it get two attacks at +11/+6? Other monsters with BAB's of +7 have two attacks (Bralani, Lillend, Babau etc etc) yet the poor cyclops doesnt.

Or am i missing out on something very obvious and making a complete fool of myself.