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Liberty's Edge Assistant Developer

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I really adore that hobgoblin chaokineticist. She's probably my favorite art for this book.

Once again, Owen Stephens did an amazing job with the art order, and Sonja Morris picked the perfect artists!

Liberty's Edge Contributor

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The Occult Adventures playtest has me revisiting Carrion Crown in me head, and considering running it as a Victorian era horror adventure, rolling across most of Europe. I was wondering if anyone had suggestions.

The basic idea would be that the heroes are either agents of the young queen, appointed to investigate and resolve superstition and unseen dangers from her kingdom, or else locals hired in the small English town of Harrowstone.

From there, they'd be hunting a terrible monster in rural France and tackling its creator in Switzerland.

By book three, they're hunting werewolves in Germany.

Book four becomes Cthulhu cults in Venice.

After that, the trail leads them to either Greece or Cairo, to stop a war between vampires and witches.

And finally the adventure ends in Jerusalem, stopping a new age of darkness from spreading out from the Holy Land and consuming three continents.

Races would be limited to human, though I'm considering allowing Half-elves to represent high-born and educated nobles, and half-orcs to reflect hard-living, low-born commonfolk.

Magic--both arcane and divine--is generally the prospect of old, superstitious entities or people who've struck dark deals with inhuman powers, so classes would be limited to Alchemists, Brawlers, Fighters, Gunslingers, Investigators, Rangers, Rogues, Slayers, Swashbucklers, and anything from Occult Adventures

The rules wouldn't need too much tweaking, besides limiting races and classes. I would use the "Commonplace Guns" rules, and probably treat natural AC (at least for supernatural creatures) as part of the touch AC for firearms attacks. Also considering adding a dodge bonus to AC for each class based on their BAB, since armor will probably be uncommon (what with it being ineffective against guns).

Any other thoughts or suggestions?

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Discussion thread for Goblinworks Blog: Now I Understand the Supernova Scene

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Discussion thread for Goblinworks Blog: Brass in Pocket

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Discussion thread for Goblinworks Blog: Beyond this Hill It Floods Rays of Hope

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Discussion thread for Goblinworks Blog: The Window's a Wound, the Road Is a Knife

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After a minor technical hiccup, I'm afraid we lost the discussion thread for today's blog. My apologies.

Liberty's Edge Digital Products Assistant

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Dicussion thread for Goblinworks Blog: By the Time I Lose It, I'm Not Afraid

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Discussion thread for You've Got the Brawn, I've Got the Brains

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Discussion thread for Jigsaw Falling into Place

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Discussion thread for Goblinworks Blog: On We Sweep with Threshing Oar.

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Discussion thread for Dust Off the Moon and Let's Begin

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Discussion blog for Join Together with the Band

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Discussion thread for Goblinworks Blog: Racing Around to Come Up Behind You Again

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Discussion thread for Goblinworks Blog: On the Road Again

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Discussion thread for Some Good Reason for Your Little Black Backpack

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Discussion thread for Goblinworks Blog: Milestone 2 Update

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Discussion thread for Goblinworks Blog: Making Movies

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Discussion thread for Goblinworks Blog: PaizoCon Report

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Discussion blog for
Iron and Coke, Chromium Steel

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Discussion Thread for Goblinworks Blog: A Stately Pleasure-Dome Decree

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Discussion thread for Goblinworks Blog: Don't Ask Me No Questions

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Discussion thread for Big Things Have Small Beginnings

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Discussion thread for Goblinworks Blog: Just Keep Truckin'

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Discussion thread for Goblinworks Blog: Programmed by Fellows with Compassion and Vision

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Discussion thread for new blog entry Goblinworks Blog: An Echo and a Stranger's Hand

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Sweet! My very first small-press publiction!

Download it, everyone, and give me some feedback.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

One of the great highlights from last year's PaizoCon was getting to see dozens of different gamemasters and burgeoning writers put their spin on the setting with cool custom adventures and even new takes on the system. Let's start a running list of what will be run this coming year and who might be interested.

Last year's format was very effective, s let's just borrow from that. Be sure to include the following in your pitch:

Title of the game
Description of the game (the back cover kind of text)
Minium/Maximum # of players
Gaming System/edition
Maturity rating (G, PG, R)
Player experience req. (None/some/walking PHB+DMG)
For what Character levels, or will characters be provided?

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Toying with the idea of a late-Renaissance/Age of Discovery campaign done with the PFRPG, but I’d like to keep magic mysterious and difficult to obtain. This means dropping the magic-fixated classes (Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, and Wizard) and eliminating spellcasting from the remaining classes. I don’t mind keeping supernatural abilities the classes may provide, as those can simply be explained-away as ‘cinematic,’ but how do you adjust and compensate for a Paladin’s loss of spells and turning? Or a Bard’s complete loss of magic?

Here are my thoughts:

The Bard is a core spellcaster (spells from first-level onward), but to me they’ve never felt like a magic-focused class. Instead, they feel like a jack-of-all-trades and a face. Taking away their spells does eliminate some of their combat options, though, so I think we can replace those by giving them access to some custom Rogue-style talents, likely built from their low-level spells anyway.

Paladins gain a big divine link through their spells, so I’m reluctant to just give them bonus feats to make up for the loss of spells and channeling. Instead, I’d be more inclined to develop a class ability that gives them bonuses and buffs linked to their faith. Starting at fourth level, they can call on their faith to gain temporary hit points and an AC bonus, similar to a Rage.

I’ve always thought that Rangers get a good deal even without the spells: Bonus feats, tracking, good skill points, two good saves, great BAB progression, animal companion, favored enemy, and favored terrain. They don’t really seem to need any compensation for the loss of magic.

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