
Crys and Sand's page

No posts. Organized Play character for AsmodeansShade.

Full Name

Crysztal and Granite <Crysztal and Sandstorm>


Oread and Lion <Oread and Eidolon>


Sacred Huntsmaster 2 <Summoner 2>






Chaotic Neutral <Neutral>


Calistria <Nethys>

Strength 17
Dexterity 12
Constitution 14
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 16
Charisma 5

About Crys and Sand

Crys was raised with his twin brother Sand. An artifact located near their birth created a strange confluence of the the Prime Material Plane and the Plane of Earth. Because of this, Crys was called the Prime his home, while Sand called the Plane of Earth his. Crys soon found that he could summon his brother to his side across the planes. As there was no limit to this call, they grew up side by side. Eventually the strange duo attracted the eye of the Pathfinder Society, and the two eagerly joined to seek out new relics like the one that created their unique bond.

However, tragedy struck. An insidious Paizo Demon decided to test their bond. It determined that they had not spent enough time together and was able to determine a way to sever their connection. It chained Sand back to the Plane of Earth, never again to tread upon the Prime.

Crys has since converted to the Worship of Calistria and has sworn vengeance upon the Demon. He now searches the planes for any trace of either his brother or the Demon. Since his is a lonely existence, he has found a new faithful companion - a large cat he has named Granite.