
Cryodain's page

7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


My problem with the new edition is that I have spent yet another ancient dragon's hoard on several bookcases full of rules for 3-3.5 ed. They sit next to the other bookcases filled with 1st and 2nd ed. I realize that I control what I spend on my hobby and who gets my money, however WoTC is still putting out more books for an edition that is going away. Money aside, 3ed came out in 2000, we have had 7 short years to relearn the game mechanics and begin to explore what the system is capable of offering. There is still quite a bit I have not tried yet. I have already lost my best player, as he will not convert 3ed, and stand to lose the rest if I convert to 4th. I guess it boils down to that as I approach my third decade as a gamer, am I really that interested in re-education...again.

I too feel betrayed by Wotc, I have dragon #48 on up to current and dungeon since Paizo took over. I enjoy being able dig out the back issues to find an article that I remember from over a decade ago.It will not be the same scrolling thru e-mags to find an article. Anyway, I look forward Pathfinder and the continuance of the great material that I have come to expect from the Paizo gang.

Please add me to the next mailing.


My party decided to get the information on the Land family in an interesting way. They waited at the Feral Dog for Kullen, then slipped out back. Not too long later Bask came out to get some fresh air and "water the bushes". As he finished up the mage was ambushed and nearly killed. They tied and gagged him and hid him out of sight. Then Todrik and Rastophan came out to see where Bask went. They too were bushwhacked. Then, suprisingly, the party took their captives and left. We ended not long after, and I'm still scratching my head as to how Kullen will react to this problem. He knows by now that his henchmen are missing, but not what happened.

I too would like to thank everyone responsable for the adventure paths. As a gamer reaching 40, with all the fun that goes with being an adult, I can not say enough about how Dungeon has pulled my game from the brink of death. After everything one must do in a day I have little juice left to put towards my game. With the AP though, a few tweaks here, an adjustment there and I have a game worthy of players with 20+ years of experience. Thanks again

As a reader of Dragon from issue 48, I think the fiction has added a great deal to my games. As I get older I find less time to create from scratch and therefore pluder the novels I read for ideas. Without the fiction in Dragon, I would have never read several of the great authors that have graced these pages. If they continue to eliminate the fluff, I may never understand Downer (I know thats Dungeon, but if fluff is elimanated from Dragon, then Dungeon will be next) Just my 2cp

The calender of Harptos is the standard calender for the Forgotten Realms.