Cryda |
I am the player...that's not quite what I said. What I said was it costs a grit point to make the attack as a surprise attack with the added benefit of getting a free attempt to knock the opponent prone. I can see why that attack costs a grit point.
But would it not make sense that I could make a normal melee attack, not use a grit point and not get the surprise/trip benefits.
It just seems odd that I could use a bayonet without a grit point and not the butt of a gun...but somewhow I can use the the butt of a gun to great effect with the grit point.
Using the butt as a normal attack is not some great advantage--I have to hit the opponent's normal AC and I do less damage. This is more for flavor...if not, I'd be more than willing to step back and spend the grit point on a Deadly Shot that does far more damage. The only reason I stand in combat is for flavor (so I'm not shooting all the time) and to take hits for the rest of the party.
But, this seems to be causing a problem, so I am ok with just using the grit only rule. Les I'll just get the bayonet and get the advantage of the magic on the weapon too.