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I am the player...that's not quite what I said. What I said was it costs a grit point to make the attack as a surprise attack with the added benefit of getting a free attempt to knock the opponent prone. I can see why that attack costs a grit point.

But would it not make sense that I could make a normal melee attack, not use a grit point and not get the surprise/trip benefits.

It just seems odd that I could use a bayonet without a grit point and not the butt of a gun...but somewhow I can use the the butt of a gun to great effect with the grit point.

Using the butt as a normal attack is not some great advantage--I have to hit the opponent's normal AC and I do less damage. This is more for flavor...if not, I'd be more than willing to step back and spend the grit point on a Deadly Shot that does far more damage. The only reason I stand in combat is for flavor (so I'm not shooting all the time) and to take hits for the rest of the party.

But, this seems to be causing a problem, so I am ok with just using the grit only rule. Les I'll just get the bayonet and get the advantage of the magic on the weapon too.

Mort the Cleverly Named wrote:
No. The Alternate Racial Traits replace existing racial traits, but not all existing racial traits. Besides, Mystic Past Life specifies "This racial trait replaces Shards of the Past."

Thanks, I guess it would help if I read the entire entry.

prototype00 wrote:

So cracking open my copy of Advances Races Guide, I saw that the Samsarans get to add their spellcasting mod in bonus spells from other classes list.

You add a number of spells equal to 1 + your spellcasting class’s key ability score bonus (Wisdom for clerics, and so on). The spells must be the same type (arcane or divine) as the spellcasting class you’re adding them to.

So do you have to trade ALL other racial traits for this ability? It's a really cool ability but you lose the ability increases which is tough. Quote from the book below.

"The following racial trait may be selected instead of existing samsaran racial traits."