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Organized Play Member. 594 posts (4,702 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 19 aliases.
Crustypeanuts Iron Gods Redux DM Kyle's "Rise of the Runelords" Campaign For a Sip o' Chelish Wine - Skull and Shackles PBP Hephaistos Raising... An Iron Gods thread Kingmaker: The Stolen Lands [Gestalt] Thron's Rise of the Runelords Campaign Wrath of the Kobolds! 2_________DF________2 (inactive) ACG City of Strangers Part 1 Playtest (inactive) Crusty's Psionic Rise of the Runelords Campaign (inactive) Crusty's Skull and Shackles Campaign (inactive) Crusty's Throne of Night: Overlords (inactive) Crustypeanut's Iron Gods Campaign (inactive) DM Thron's Kingmaker Campaign (inactive) Fang and Shackle (inactive) GM Cap'n Jackson Sparrowshank's S&S, Group A (inactive) Hell's Rebels: Flight of the Silver Ravens (inactive) Pathfinder: Ascension (inactive) Ruins of Pathfinder: Quest for Arcadia - Away Team (inactive) Ruins of Pathfinder: Reign of Winter (inactive) Ruins of Pathfinder: Road to Damnation (inactive) Ruins of Pathfinder: The Quest for Arcadia (inactive) Ruins of Pathfinder: The Shattered Star (inactive) Ruins of Pathfinder: The Tower of K'rthos (inactive) Skull & Shackles - Scourge of the High Seas- (inactive) Standing Against the Giants, Brimleydower's Giantslayer (inactive) Thron's Kingmaker Group 2 (inactive) To Wear the Carrion Crown (Group 3 - Trial of the Beast) (inactive)