Flesh Golem

Critic of the Dawn's page

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber. 57 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
deuxhero wrote:
If the Extinction Curse PCs run a circus, are they still murder hobos?

No, I believe this would qualify them as carnage carnies.

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Name: Kamashi Godtouched
Race: Half-Orc
Classes: Inquisitor 11
Adventure: Vaults of Madness
Location: E7, Moldy Catacombs
Catalyst: Dem bones dem bones dem rawbones

The gory details: Since their encounter with the shadow demon en route to Saventh-Yhi, everything had gone smoothly for the party. Exploring the city had gone fairly smoothly, with none of the tribes inhabiting Saventh-Yhi being able to stand up to the group. Even the fearsome Green God went down with minimal trouble.

Success breeds overconfidence.

After clearing several of the Vaults, the group came to the conclusion that they were not a major threat. Having cleared the first five vaults in five days, the group decided that they were still in good enough shape to clear the sixth without resting.

The spectres in the entryway messed the group up pretty badly, but after a brief return to camp for Restoration (thanks Nkechi!) they came back again without resting for more punishment. Rushing right through the trapped chamber, the group came upon a hideous skinless vampire who took one look at them and retreated down the hall.

The party pursued, with the heavy melee-focused characters hanging back to self-buff while the Magus and Arcanist rushed forward. In short order the Magus was tripping balls and the Arcanist was nauseated, energy drained, and grappled, with both having taken a fair amount of damage from the Rawbones' vomit gore ability.

Kamashi rushed forward to the rescue while the party's Ranger provided fire support, and in short order the Terkow was cut down. This gave the Magus and the Arcanist time to retreat while the Druid moved forward to support Kamashi against the remaining Rawbones.

Unfortunately, the Rawbones continued vomiting gore, and soon the repeated shotgun blasts of blood and bone began to take their toll. Kamashi went down, out cold, and the last Rawbones had just enough time to toss off one last Vomit before going down itself. This was enough to kill Kamashi, and left the druid in pretty rough shape as well.

Fortunately, with the help of the flying Magus, the party's Oracle was able to get into position to use Breath of Life to bring back Kamashi before a round had passed, but the death still totally counts!

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Name: Zordlon Vaus
Race: Elf
Classes: Arcanist 5
Adventure: Racing to Ruin
Location: O, Bodies on the Riverbank
Catalyst: Itombu the Shadow Demon, revenge is a b!&%~

The gory details: Having previously defeated a wandering girallon with little trouble, a dire ape with 50% less arms seemed like a cakewalk. Then things started going strangely.

The ape somehow had spell resistance, which seemed odd. It also seemed to hit unusually hard.

The fact that a shadow demon popped out of it when they cut it down was also somewhat odd.

Unlike some parties, mine almost instantly remembered the spirit fetish and even tried to use it, but they had given it to the party's oracle, who is... not great at hitting things. The banishment attempt ended up missing, therefore.

The druid had a bright idea as well, however. Literally. Casting Diminish Plants, the druid managed to clear enough of the thick jungle canopy to bathe the shadow demon in sunlight. With a shriek of rage and humiliation, the shadow demon fled into the forest.

Unfortunately for the party, it held a grudge. Biding its time, it waited until over a day had passed for its second attempt to slay the party and/or find a new host. The party awakened to crocodiles rushing forth from the river, but a quick spell from the druid caused them to dissappear in a burst of shadowy vapor.

As the Arcanist attempted to explain what the hell had just happened, the Shadow Demon materialized in mid air above the party and dropped a Shadow Evocation fireball right in the middle of the party. Zordlon failed both the will and the reflex saves, and was dropped to just 1 shy of dead.

Unfortunately, he was next in initiative order and didn't manage to stabilize in time. The fight ended in a "To Be Continued!" with most of the party heavily injured, Zordlon dead, and Gelik unconscious. Can the party manage to smack the Shadow Demon with a monkey head in time? Or will they all die horribly? We'll find out next week!