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![]() So I had a potential player approach me the other day telling me that he was going to roll a level 8 Shadow Dancer/Assassin/and something else, thus breaking the game. I know he comes from a mechanic breaking heavy background, apparently. What do I do about this? From a GMing pre and during game stand point? ![]()
![]() So I realized there's a level 2 spell called Command Undead, which is very useful in this campaign and I don't have too much of an issue with it. However it doesn't seem to present the PC from stockpiling undead encounters to turn into allies. Worse still, there's book 5 to think about, how would it run when PCs can use that spell on the Vampires? While there's a good chance they'll resist, I don't trust my luck (it fails me at the worst times), and will probably end up with 1,2,3's... Help? ![]()
![]() Summon Monster is a neat spell, when it comes to animals and monsters with 2 intelligence or less. At later levels, when devils and angels are summoned and other intelligence creatures, does such a creature have their own will or just work on the will of their summoner? That's something that never quite sat right with me... Could a caster summon a devil to attack other devils? Can't they be encountered later on, unsummoned intentionally? I would feel rather annoyed as any summoned devil/angel. ![]()
![]() Looking through Schloss Coromac, I noticed that the whole place is rather narrow and small, especially for several creatures of large sizes! Especially for the last guy in the end, they barely, if at all, have space to move! I think a few could squeeze through the doors (I don't know about the stairs or trap door though). It doesn't seem much of a threat if the PCs could just close the door in front of them and back away. Am I missing something there? ![]()
![]() I was wondering if stealth was used in the combat (like slipping away or with an obstacle), or somebody was using stealth to sneak up to one person, how would perception checks work? Who would get to roll and what would be the action be considered as? Immediate or as a move action? If one person in the party spots the person but not the target of a sneak attack, would the sneak attack still work? ![]()
![]() Is there a particular formula that GMs follow when it comes to giving out magic items? Some are rather powerful with simple effects, fire or keen, etc. Personally, I'm wary of handing them out. I also notice that sunder item is an option to destroying them, how often do you apply this to players? Sometimes it doesn't seem too hard to turn someone's +2 vorpal blade into scrap metal. ![]()
![]() With a group consisting of a Chaotic Evil, Neutral Evil and Lawful Evil character...I'm wondering how it's suppose to work out when it comes to conflicting view points. The Chaotic Evil character is a loose cannon ala serial killer. If that character were to commit a murder/crime without reason, what would be the typical reactions of the other two characters? I'm trying to find two things, one views point where they can all continue to exist together and another where they can realistically be outraged at each other. Perhaps determining a middle ground and a way that they would police each other. As a GM, I'm tired to hearing players go "Oh, well my character is evil and would look the other way" without taking Neutral and Lawful alignments into consideration. Thank you in advance! ![]()
![]() With most of my player deciding to play evil player and picking up Carrion Crown two, I've hit a bit of a road block. With Daramid's quest to find more evidence for the Beast, one of them have gone under the pretenses of the 'cleaner', who basically takes out the witnesses in the smaller towns so that there will be fewer things to pin crimes on the beast. While probably a good idea at first, I can see this backfiring in the a few ways. Does anyone have any suggestions on making this tougher or perhaps even some achievement there could be XP given in place of investigation? ![]()
![]() Reading through the bestiary made me know of some low CR creatures that have energy and ability drain, which are quite powerful. After 24 hours if they're not restored, they're subject to a saving throw roll for each level. Players could potentially lose 2 levels or more without help. Is this true? How do you go about a game when some players are 1 or even 3+ levels behind the rest? ![]()
![]() I was wondering if size bonuses were relative to your opponent or something you get regardless of your opponent's size. For example, if a halfling were faced against a goblin, would both still get their bonus AC and attack? If a halfling was against something that was large, would their bonus increase beyond normal. Bonus question, are the monsters in the book, have they (AC) been calculated with Medium opponents in mind? Thank you. ![]()
![]() This has been brought up by one of my players and it's irked me that suspension of belief wasn't a good enough answer in explanation. They're argument is that... Undead/constructs are not affected by sight magic (smoke too I believe?) nor require their heads to see...it must mean that they're always blind because they have no senses... How would you explain science on a magical creature?! Silly argument I know, just a bother that a player thinks I'm cheating. ![]()
![]() I always thought that the 'Detect Evil' spell was something that often spoiled the plot and eliminated any gray areas the story could have. It could serve as an excuse for PCs to cut ties with that certain character or even provoke combat. A secret villain could be ferreted out, an evil character who actually shares the same interest could be misunderstood. How is that spell handled in your games? Also, does anyone have good examples (like from movies, shows, books) of each alignment? I've been trying my best to convey chaotic, neutral and lawful of each type. ![]()
![]() So I recently had my first PC death, being flanked and luck of the dice managed to do him in. Since the other PCs were so close to getting to leveling to level 4, I allowed him to reroll nearing 4 but minus 1,000XP. Basically the same character was rolled, same stats, same class, same bloodline, same alignment and the same personality. Only HP, which had to be rolled, was different. Is there something against doing this? I don't want to start a trend where all players treat their PCs are merely disposable lemmings... How would you deal with this and answer the question of "Why not?" ![]()
![]() I'm trying to make heads and tails of the Bestiary. At lower CR, it's understandable that most monsters get only one attack per round, same as the PCs that go against them. At later levels, they get more, like a balor, who can attack 4 times with his sword. But when I read over a Dragon with the same CR, they seem to only have one attack, is this right? When something is listed as "2x Claws", does that mean that they have the option to attack as if using two handed weapons or they actually have two attacks that can be rolled without penalty? ![]()
![]() Hello! I'm new to the game and I have a few questions... 1. In attacks of opportunity, when you get your attack window, could you use flurry of blows or the multiple attacks that come with higher levels? Or is it only a single attack? 2. For Flaming Sphere, does it continually lasts as long as it's active, enabling it to damage multiple people with one casting? |