Crazy Aido's page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts (7 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

I read through goblins of golarion and it's absolutely brilliant. A greater shower of eejits you'll never find, so since someone has hinted at a possible evil campaign in the making... Well, who am I to say no?

So, I'll see how lenient the GM is in terms of allowing me run around on the back of a big bloody spider, because I love spiders. I was thinking of also taking the trapper archetype aswell, mostly to get access to stuff that explodes. (Happiness is a naked flame and an unprotected face.)

Finally... I'm just not sure about combat style, it's the one thing that's bugging me. Thinking of it now, I might go with Ranseur and maybe something like agile maneouver for a first feat, and generally start working my way towards constant dirty tricks and such to pull on people. If I do get a chance to take a giant spider as a mount, I could also see about a bag of holding full of hornet's nests. Are something suitably horrid that will really put the shivers up people.

Yes, I know, they're stupid and they don't work, but I really don't care, because I love seige warfare and this would be the best way of playing someone who can, essentially, bring a cannon to the party.

Before I start asking about stats though, could someone please explain how firing a seige weapon(specifically cannon and mortars) works.

I know I add my base attack bonus, but do I add my dex or int bonus? Can I use true strike(XD)? I just want to be sure on bits like this before I dive in.