Thanks for the response here.
Ok, so forgetting about the compatible with PF logo for the moment, if I'm understanding it correctly, so long as my eventual app covers the following:
1: Does not at any point reference the trademarks Pathfinder or Paizo in connection with the app. Which means I can't describe my app as "Fully compatible with the Pathfinder RPG".
2: But I could instead say "Fully compatible with the PFRPG".
3: The content of the app is ok to reference pretty much the whole rules system as long as it does not contain any product identity, which according to my copy of the PF core rule book, is any one of: All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper names (so can't reference Valeros, or Asmodeus for example), dialogue from the books, plots from the books, storylines, locations (such as Golarion), characters (again, like Valeros), artwork, and trade dress (which I assume means things like the look and feel of your pubications visually and thematically, that would make it iconically Pathfinder or Paizo).
So, correct me if I'm wrong, but given my intended app would centre around character generation and live management, all I'm concerning myself with is the actual ruleset.
So I'm thinking that all the ruleset stuff like CMD and CMBs, Feat names, descriptions and mechanics, skill names, descriptions and mechanics, spell names, descriptions and mechanics.... etc, would be considered open content and ok to include in the app?
However, according to the list in number 3, above, this would prevent me from having a mechanic that would allow a user to create a Cleric and have him be a Cleric of Erastil, or a worshiper of Torag. Is that correct?
Sorry for all the questions, but I just really want to make sure I respect your copyright on your excellent product.
Oh, and I need to include an appropriate copyright notice where I site my sources (Paizo and Wizards of the Coast as appropriate).