CptJackal's page

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So I'm running a Viking themed campaign, and my player want to take a stab at the noble Scandinavian tradition of raiding foreign lands, looting their settlements, and stealing their people to farm their iron and mine their crops, but mostly the looting part.

I tried looking through the rules for an established method for raiding, or looting settlements in general, or even just besieging them, and I found it weird that there isn't any official rules for it. Seems odd to me due to all the rules for kingdom building and mass combat (though nothing for war).

So what I want to do is reward the Vikings based on the stats of the settlement, but I'm not 100% on how to do it. I was origionally planning on giving them BP (or maybe even Plunder, from Skulls and Shackles so i can limit their liquidity and Fame) based off the Economy modifier of the settlement, but then I realized small settlement can very easily have a negative modifier.

Basically what im looking for is any advice or tips the public might have, especially if you've run this sort of thing before (unfortunately it seems no poster on this forum has wanted to loot a settlement before).

Could a paralyzed character be coup de graced by an attack that deals non-lethal damage? The Specific attack here is a Tooth Fairy bite, which deals 1d4-3 normal damage, but since this is usually less than 1 it becomes 1 nonlethal. Could the character be coup de graced if the tooth fairy rolls less than a 4 for damage?