CoudKazuki's page

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Yeah, I started looking at how that is usually done as well, they increase at the exact same rate.

In PFS you aren't able to enchant the black blade, as it becomes considered a custom item at that point instead of the class feature it is up until you do that. Wasn't able to find any non-PFS answer to it, so I will just have to talk to my GM to figure out what he would allow.

It does mention that for the purpose of enchantments it can be granted by spending a point that it counts as a manufactured weapon, not just unarmed strike.

They also state that for the purposes of remaking it out of special materials to use the statistics of a heavy mace for weight and price.

So I was wondering if the golem arm you get from the class feature could be enchanted as a magic weapon. I know it is considered a magic weapon and gains an enhancement bonus once you get farther into the class, but if you were to multiclass, it would never improve beyond what you get to level wise.

I noticed with Path of the Anima, that the Greater Path Possession mentions that they no longer need to spend a spell point to create an elemental creature with their possession, but at no point does it say in the possession description that there is a spell point cost to making the elemental for the possession.

Edit: Also, on the table regarding maximum elemental size, the 2nd level elemental you can possess states that it has half HP and BAB, but for the purpose of whose BAB you use while possessing a creature you use your own BAB, not the target. And it also states that the elemental only exists long enough for you to possess it and dissipates once the possession ends.

The Improved Unarmed Strike feat gives damage that scales as you gain levels, which is another good option if you didn't want to use the battle glove.

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Back in 3.5, a friend and I made a Troll-Blooded Half-Troll Troll. The templates for Troll-Blooded and Half-Troll both were able to be applied to giants, which Troll's are. This joke character had such a big penalty to Int and Cha that it was nearly impossible to get above a 3 in both stats. So much Con and Str though, and our DM thought it would be funny to use him as an NPC, but none of our characters could speak giant, the only language he knew.