Cotesia's page

8 posts (680 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 aliases.


Male Human Student/12, CollegeStudent/4, Master Student/3, Epic Student/6

Chary walks beside Whiteclaw on the way to the tower.

Male Human Student/12, CollegeStudent/4, Master Student/3, Epic Student/6
Rev Rosey wrote:
I'm also working on the gentle introduction of a new pc...a friend of Pat's... I'll send him a message and invite him to post here and introduce himself :)

Message received, discussion thread found, Introduction commencing:

Hello all. You will soon be seeing an description for a currently un-named ardent drow (details and background still to come). I hope that he will fit nicely in the group, but I am still catching up on your [cough, cough] short history here. Anyway, looking forward to getting involved with this campaign. Thanks for the invite (Rev Rosey) and the reference (Pat o'NP).

Male Human Student/12, CollegeStudent/4, Master Student/3, Epic Student/6
Pat o' the Ninth Power wrote:
Cotesia wrote:
I am not sure how Peasant's advice applies to me. I didn't think wardens used implements (or am I reading the wrond advise from Peasant)?
Pretty sure she meant the advice Peasant posted as Norrin.

Thanks... I found peasant's incognito post shortly after I posted that response. I subsequently edited my post (which I won't do in the future) so now everyone is wondering what we are talking about!). At least you had the decency to quote me :)

Male Human Student/12, CollegeStudent/4, Master Student/3, Epic Student/6
Norrin Axebeard wrote:
Rev Rosey wrote:

Good to go:

I'm sorry if this reply is too late for you, but if you're still looking for suggestions on a format to post you character details might I suggest an arrangement of Barel's powers according to action. Something like my character profile where the class and item powers are grouped according to:

  • Opportunity Actions
  • Immediate Interrupt & Reaction
  • Free Actions
  • Standard Actions
  • Minor Actions
  • Move Actions

That way I can go through the list and remember that although I was knocked prone this round, I can use a free action to activate my Surefoot Boots to stand up then use Twin Strike (standard action) followed by Ruffling Sting (minor action).

This style was inspired by the new MM3 stat block format and I'm hoping this method will make it easier to keep track of the myriad powers you get at paragon tier. (I guess we'll soon find out in the test encounter!)

@Norrin: thanks, I like the idea. I may reorganize my profile in a day ro so, but I just finished posting it and am afraid I have already held up the combat thread too long!

Male Human Student/12, CollegeStudent/4, Master Student/3, Epic Student/6
Rev DM wrote:

@Cotesia - Peasant's advice above is a good plan.

@Rev DM: My profile should be complete now...I changed a few things from the CS I sent you you want another copy (I may change a few things after this combat though).

I saw Norrin's advice after finishing my current profile...I will modify organization (but not content) in a day or so.

Male Human Student/12, CollegeStudent/4, Master Student/3, Epic Student/6

@Rev Rosey

I just finished up my char sheet and emailed it to you. I am now figuring out how to post character details on this piazo system (no matter how that sounds, it is not yet a defamation of the paizo posting system!).

Barel Dlode is a dwarven warden that I think will be fun to use and can soak up lots of attacks while playing a little bit of a controlling role.

Male Human Student/12, CollegeStudent/4, Master Student/3, Epic Student/6

I am finishing up a dwarf earthstrength warden currently and will be posting him this evening. I am on EST, same as several others including Pat-o-the-ninth.

Rev Rosey, I would like to claim a spot also. I would most prefer defender of some sort, but would fill a leader slot if that would be more helpful. I am new to Piazo, but have played PBP in the past, so I appreciate the ruthless dmpc'ing.