
Corvax of the Dunes's page

2 posts. Organized Play character for Radbod Jarl.


Scarab Sages

"Serpents indeed!" a Tengu in a disreputable slouch hat, wearing a necklace of silver spoons, caws. "Gammon, ha ha!" He clucks mournfully. "We must hang together, else hang separately," he mumbles. "To eye each other with suspicion would be to give the guilty party what they want! Spinach, ha ha! How they would laugh, to see proud Osiriani fight one another and bicker and sleep with dagger 'neath pillow! Present a united front - only that way may we undo the foul plots of the orca!"

Scarab Sages

The weatherbeaten, moulting Tengu cleric sitting in the corner caws in anger, fingering the brass bell he carries. "The Ulfen speaks for me too!" he caws. "Gammon, ha ha! I owe the Sapphire Sage everything - he helped me become a Pathfinder, when I could no longer preach after that...*&#!-ridden orca ruined my first prayer meeting. And I serve Osirion - the land of my hatching - with all my heart. And I shall continue to serve the land, whether its ruler may wish my service or not. Spinach, ha ha!" He raises his bell. "And to all those who disagree, I have but one thing to say." With a mighty arm, he begins ringing the bell. "REPENT! REPENT!"