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Organized Play Member. 227 posts. 2 reviews. No lists. 2 wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters.
Picked up a few of these with the PDF versions of the AP and I really like them. They would actually solve a lot of hassle we go through with drawing full blown maps, fold-out maps, dry erase markers, trying to hide certain parts of the map, etc. I had the brilliant idea to put them on my tablet (Asus Transformer with Android Ice Cream Sandwich) and take it with me and project the maps onto a larger screen with a mini-HDMI cable.
As it turns out though the interactive features will not work on the tablet in any PDF viewer I've used so far, Adobe viewer included, and I was wondering if anyone else has successfully attempted this or knows of a solution to make this a possibility without going out and picking up a full blown laptop.
Any help everyone can offer is greatly appreciated! Thanks. :)

So, I'm running for a new group with a new adventure path and they're doing really well through the first book so far. I picked up the second book so I'd be ready for when they complete the first and the first encounter I see is a phase spider.
The tactics section basically says it moves to the Ethereal Plane to prepare an ambush, jumps to the material plane (free action), attacks (standard action), and jumps back to the Ethereal Plane (move action) to wait for the poison to take effect.
How are you ever supposed to fight this at level 4? Dimensional anchor is a level 4 cleric/wizard/sorcerer spell and thus unavailable. I suppose grouping up and readying actions to attack it when it jumps back in would work to an extent, but the spider would maneuver itself about to minimize the danger it's in when it jumps back and forth. Allowing the spider to jump back to the ethereal as a move instead of a standard seems a touch overpowered for a CR5 to me, unless I'm missing something?
Also, with a rogue and invisibility, a rogue gets their sneak attack damage on their first attack because the attack is what triggers the fall of the invisibility. Enemy is flat footed because rogue is invisible -> Rogue sneak attacks -> sneak attack triggers the end of the spell. In the case of the phase spider, it is attacking against the PC's full AC because it shifts into the material and THEN attacks, correct? Phase spider is "invisible" -> shifts into the material plane and becomes visible -> attacks.

One of the players in my group is a winged race and has this idea of sinking ships by dropping objects onto the ship from up high in an attempt to damage and punch holes in the hull.
Basically, I'd like to ask you guys to double check my thought process here and make sure I'm doing this right and make sure I'm not overlooking a feat or combat rule somewhere.
Whatever they're dropping is going to be an improvised weapon so, without the proper feat(s), it's a -4 to their attack roll right off. Then there's the cumulative -2 for every range increment beyond 10 feet. Thrown improvised weapons have a max range of up to 5 additional increments and fired improvised weapons have a max range of up to 10 additional increments. Since dropping an object obviously isn't firing it in any way I'm going with the thrown ruling.
Whatever they drop isn't going to just stop falling after 60 feet though, it's going to continue to fall no matter the range. I'm of two schools of thought here. Either a) the object simply splashes down somewhere in the water and is an automatic miss because they are too far away to be any kind of accurate, or b) since the object will eventually make it the necessary distance, just not necessarily to the correct position, we just keep adding -2 penalties for every 10 feet. So if they're 100 feet up they can make a ranged touch attack with a -22 to their roll.
The ability "Curse of the Deep" (Su) allows the creature to, on a successful grapple check, regurgitate water directly into its victim's lungs and triggering a fortitude save to cough up the water and keep from drowning.
If said creature also has an aura which requires a will save to keep from being paralyzed, and the target fails the save, would they be able to make a fortitude save to cough up the water and shake off the effect?
I know paralyzed subjects are still able to breath but would they be capable of the violent reactions necessary to force the water back out?
So, this may be a question better directed at the venture captain but it will be a while before we can speak with him again and my group is curious.
Per PFS bartering rules you may spend prestige points for a "free" purchase of an item up to a given value in relation to the number of prestige points spent. Would it be possible, then, to use the prestige points along with gold to purchase an item of a higher expense?
E.g., An item costs 750gp. Could you spend 5 prestige points for a "free" purchase of an item up to 500gp and add 250gp to the points to purchase the 750gp item?
The rules state if you attempt and succeed a trip attempt against a flying NPC the NPC loses 15 ft of altitude. If the NPC is simply hovering at ground level and is tripped will that cause them to fall to the ground prone?
If it does, would standing provoke an AoO or would the NPC be able to simply "float" back to a standing position with their weapons at the ready instead of having to roll over, get their feet under them / get to a knee, turn back around, etc.
If not, does the fly spell effectively grant the subject a fly speed and therefor allow them to take a 5-foot step during flight? If so, would it be possible for the flying NPC to be tripped, fall prone, and simply fly straight up 5 ft to escape their attacker(s) without provoking their death?
Anyone know where I might be able to find or dig up RAW on setting objects alight, how fast a fire spreads, if there are any special rules above and beyond a full-round action to put it out, etc.?
To be a bit more specific, I have a ship that is about to be attacked with obscene quantities of alchemist's fire. I know it's a full-round action to extinguish the flames and those flames will spread if not tended quickly enough, but surely they would spread more quickly vertically than horizontally, yes?
Anyone know where I may be able to find a supplement to back the ruling at the table?
My group is playing skull and shackles and I was wondering what your guys' thoughts are on how far away a ship would be able to be seen on the open sea on a clear day? With or without a spyglass.

Ran my first PFS game last weekend as a rogue and had a lot of fun, but I want to have a couple characters at hand in case I show up next game and there are two other rogues at the table. With that in mind I figured I'd take a stab at a sorcerer. Never really played much of a caster before, and the whole bloodline bit is completely new to me, so I figured I'd get a second opinion before I jump in, if you guys don't mind?
Kieran Level 1 Elven Sorcerer (Bloodline: Elemental - Air)
Initiative +4(2 Dex, 2 Reactionary) Senses: Low-light vision
AC12 (2 Dex)+10
HP 9
Fort 1 Ref 2 Will 2
Speed 30ft (60ft Fly)
Str10 Dex14 Con12 Int14 Wis11 Cha16
FeatsEschew Materials, Breadth of Experience
Skills Diplomacy 7, Fly 6, Knowledge(Arcana) 6, Spellcraft 6
Languages Common Elven Sylvan Draconic
Spells 0:Touch of Fatigue, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Acid Splash
1:Sleep, Magic Missile
Traits Calistrian Prostitute: +1 to Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks made to gather info and one of these skills is a class skill.
Reactionary: +2 Initiative
So I had my first PFS game last night. I wasn't entirely sure I was going to like the constricted form of play, but I had a lot of fun, met some cool people, and so now I'm interested in running with my character.
I'm running a human rogue which, in a perfect world, I would like to turn into an assassin. With the PFS rules however that obviously isn't possible given the alignment restrictions. Aside from simply building the character, skill and feat wise, into a damage heavy, combat oriented rogue, can anyone think of any other prestige classes that would suit a combat rogue?

Pretty self explanatory. E.g., Older dragons are incredibly intelligent creatures and very familiar with magic. They would recognize spell casters as the biggest threat (In 3.5 I used the argument a dragon knows a spell caster can render them immobile with a single touch [Shivering Touch]) and so will attack the spell casters first either in melee or with a breath weapon.
E.g.2, A cyclops in Pathfinder has the ability, as an immediate action, to once a day look into the possible futures and choose the exact result of one die roll before the roll is made. Per the stat block, they wield large greataxes, 3d6+7 damage, x3 on a crit. Given their limited intelligence I would think a cyclops would use this ability to grant himself a nat20 on an attack roll out of sheer anger at the PCs.
In both these examples, I feel the Role play aspect is accurate in the enemies' actions, however playing monsters accurately like this has led to the demise of many PCs and, at times, entire groups. I don't necessarily want to start holding back and walking on eggshells all the time because I worry the PCs will get too used to having their hands held when they get to the big leagues, but at the same time, they aren't getting to the big leagues. Any ideas?
Edit: In re-reading, I supposed I should clarify in my dragon example, when I say older dragons, I mean young or adult-ish dragons. Mid CR range or so. Not necessarily wyrms.
Any thoughts on base damage or possibly some math formula I could use to calculate the amount of damage a feather token: anchor would deal if dropped on a target from above?
Lets say, for example, a group of travelers are on the road and they're attacked by bandits. They are victorious, but during the fight their cart was damaged. The spell Mending specifically states all the pieces must be present in order to make repairs. If all the pieces could not be found, but new materials are able to be supplied for repairs, could the spell still be used to make repairs on the damaged cart?