Cornuthaum's page

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Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
Hayato Ken wrote:
I´m hoping for a healthy part of advanced high tech, perhaps along with magic.

So are we!

Magic is a force in Starfinder. Rituals and gods and magic swords didn't cease to exist. But they do now share stage time with plasma rifles, medpacks, and megacorporations, so they don't hold as prominent a place in the overall day-to-day life of folks.

I suspect most characters won't have a magic sword, because with powered armor and jetpacks and arc cannons, a magic sword just isn't as useful The design team is certainly mindful of what is needed, both logically and in the rules space, for advanced technology and magic to both be of note in this game.

And they are coming up with some cool as heck stuff!

Why is it always magic swords and tech-guns? Why can't we have it the other way around for a change?

"What's that you have there, my good man?" asks Slicer, the Ninja.
"Oh, that? That's a Fierach II plasma rifle! See this? First magazine chamber is for the tiny portal to the Elemental Plane of Fire - second one, slot it in right on top, make sure the luminifers touch, yeah, like that, second chamber's a tiny portal to the Elemental Plane of Water. C'mon, hold my beer, I'll show you what happens when you hold the trigger."

(egregious amounts of plasma fire later)

"An' what's that you have there, Slicer?"
"Oh, those are Vibro-chainsword-katana-chucks. Luna Titanium blade, nanopoison dispensers, smartmatter exothermic reactors, the whole works."

Brevoy. All of its glorious spanish-russian, perpetually near-civil war glory.

And how they manage to reconcile these themes with living right next to Unwashed Barbarians Fighting Laser Scorpions Country.

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Looking at the thread title...

I want high level martials to be able to do, in no particular order:

Throw a spear so hard that the gate of the fortress standing in their way explodes into a thousand shards, scything down the spearmen standing ready behind it.

Ride their mount with such skill that it defies the boundaries of logic and reason. Not rain nor lava nor inclement weather or confounded gravity shall keep this cavalryman from their duty.

Shoot an arrow around four right angles, hitting the neck of the rogue that was about to backstab them.

Bash their axe against their shield with such force that its thunderous wave throws the insects clawing at them off their feet.

Hold high their hammer and crash it into the earth, splitting it asunder with all the fury of their herculean might, sending into disarray anything they face.

Use their CMB for any Strength check, instead of their Strength bonus. They shall be as Herakles.

Intimidate the world itself into granting them safe passage through dangerous terrain.

Divert the course of a major river through nothing but the force they can muster.

And many, many more.

But mostly, anything that lets them get away from "I full attack. Hit, hit, miss, hit, damage is X, I'm done, next."

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1.) Fighters have a good reflex save and 4+Int skills/level

2.) There is no Ninja. The Rogue is the Ninja, replacing Poison Use with Trapfinding and pooling both Tricks and Talents into one thing (yes, this delays evasion.)

3.) Every class has Perception as a class skill.

4.) Armor does not slow you down unless it would encumber you strength-wise. If it encumbers you, then it encumbers you. If you have the strength not to be burdened by it -you won't be burdened by it-.

5.) You add CMB to things like Strength checks such as to break Manacles. Stats are largely static and the DCs are such that you will ordinarily never manage to break these things even on a natural 20. Generally, if young Herakles can do it, so should a 11th or higher-level full-BAB class.