White Grotto Student

Cornelius Duncan's page

No posts. Organized Play character for tamlaeyn.

I have reviewed the past posts & questions on this subject but did not come across an 'official' ruling on what action, if any, needed to engage or change the Adaptation ability in combat rounds.

"Adaptation (Ex): At 3rd level, an infiltrator learns how to copy the unusual abilities of his prey He chooses one type of creature he has selected as a favored enemy, such as “aberrations. The Ranger selects one ability or feat from the adaptation list for that type (see below). A Ranger can use adaptations for 10 minutes per day per Ranger level he possesses. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be used in 10-minute increments. If the adaptation requires the Ranger to make a more specific choice (such as what skill to use with Skill Focus), this choice is permanent and cannot be changed."

and this definition of an Ex ability via PRD/Core rules:

"Extraordinary Abilities (Ex): Using an extraordinary ability is usually not an action because most extraordinary abilities automatically happen in a reactive fashion. Those extraordinary abilities that are actions are usually standard actions that cannot be disrupted, do not require concentration, and do not provoke attacks of opportunity."

I read this as there is NO action other than reaction to activate this ability. But it does say 'most'... Is the CHOICE to active Adaption an action? If so, then activating an Adaption would require a standard action?

Just looking of clarification as this comes up in PFS games with my 10 lvl ranger quite a bit and with no definite ruling it has come down to a discussion and ruling by the GM, which can vary game to game.

Official ruling please? Would be grand if the next errata of the Archetype rules included the ruling as well.

Thank you.



So, I got all excited when this came up in my online search for Fame and Prestige spending:

Ultimate Campaign - Reputation & Fame

Especially since the Pathfinder Society logo is RIGHT THERE on the left for the menu. But after reading over again i am inclined to deduce that these options are NOT PFS legal.

Can anyone please clarify? I found nothing stated yes or no on the page or in my searches.



Been off the grid for a bit, and here is why:
I have accepted a new position as Lead Narrative Designer for a video game company starting this month, and with the production timeline for the alpha release butted up against GenCon I will not be able to attend.

Actually, the timing is not the real reason as is the location. I am moving to China.

New FTP web3D MMO called City of Steam. Think Jules Verne's Lord of the Rings. (SO much Pulp!!! yeah, i am a bit excited.)
Alpha release is in mid July! Sign up!

FYI: one of the reasons i got the gig was that i have been running Paizo/Pathfinder and Pathfinder Society games since your Alpha release 4+ years back. And i will be running Pathfinder games for the company on sundays!

All the best,
Hope to see you all again in GenCon, PAX, or PaizoCon in the future!

Expect me when you see me,


Tonight i am going to start running the GodsMouth Heresy at our Game Preserve night for PFS characters.
I have been searching for information on what xp and pa rewards go for the modules, and especially chronicle sheets? where can i find this?

and what if the players don't make all three sessions planned?


Anyone else running using past games as cannon?

We just finished session #1 of new Jade Regent Campaign.
I love how our previous Runelord campaign helped set the stage.

(one of the characters is actually Shayliss Vinder, now a cleric of Desna.)

got me reminiscing.
Epic Conclusion of Rise of the Runelord campaign from 01/2010
(yes, Santa was standing in for a Rune Giant.)


group art portrait


Have not run PFS at GenCon since 2008.
Who does one contact about being an alternate GM?
list of which Pathfinder Events are the PFS. the GenCon search descriptions are not very telling.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Rise of the Runelord 2.0 ?

Anyone run a epic level event with Sorshen?
Could you share her stat / write up?

We are running an epic level one shot this saturday with a team comprised of 19th level Runelord & Throne survivors where ...


... the forces of Lust come to free Sorshen from her entombment.
working on it now. any suggestions welcome, especially from Team Paizo.

If not, i will post the adventure here when completed.

(reposting here)

Noticed that City of Seven Spears changed the ship date to NOVEMBER 2010.
uhm, little help? we are ready to start this.
just completed book 2 last sunday.

any idea when subscribers can expect the PDF?

Noticed that City of Seven Spears changed the ship date to NOVEMBER 2010.
uhm, little help?
we are ready to start this.
just completed book 2 last sunday.

Plotty Fingers wrote:

We invite others to join us in tweeting epic (or not) quotes and comic occurrences during game @ #pathfinderquotes

tonight's are up, but the new version of twitter seems to have erased the previous ones.

join us!

example on twitter from last nights game:

"And the Wight in the back called everyone attack, and it turned into a Salt Mine Blitz!"

and yes, we had the apt music playing. Sweet!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I am big on music mixes for APs.
Had one for the Runelords Campaign I ran and Crimson Throne i played in. (i host, so i has the music).

just realized that this is our opening music for the Serpent Skull AP:
Jonny Quest (1964)

Pulp rules!

1st level Random Encounter. Six Shiv Dragons Pack (GM augmented)
>HalfJinn Monk
>Human Natural Weapon Ranger
>Aasimar Inquisitor

3rd level.
"Mother Thrunefang"/Nylithati (death by tactics)
> Tengu two weapon Ranger
> HalfOrc Battle/Oracle

--- details---
Hero Points & Story Trumping Rules:
Both the Aasimar and the Battle Oracle have 'come back' from the dead in a combo of hero point use and storytelling, giving the Isle a "LOST" feel that I am playing up every chance I can.

The Shiv Dragons were dominiated and forced to hunt for a nest of modified Aranea (Monster Manual 1, page 15) augmented with the fiendish template and GM flavor. The Aasimar awoke in webbing and was able to escape. The current party has yet to return to avenge the 2 'real' deaths and recover their fallen friends.

Mother Thrunefang used Obscuring Mist and the 5' corridor to lure them into tight quarters. The tengu and Battle Oracle fell from paralyzing touches and negative channeling. The Oracle was not dead until she burst negative energy one last time before she was defeated. the survivors buried both near the Dryad's Tree. Player of Battle Oracle is 'rising' from the grave KILL BILL 2 style at the start of the upcoming session.

Players and GM having a blast with the AP!

Serpent Skull AP getting off to a grand start.
Three PC kills from random encounter on the Smuggler's Shiv.
Six Shiv Dragon's got surprise on the party of four.

And the terrifying NEW RUNE GIANT mini!!!

But first, Dungeon Cat would like a word...

Full Slide Show.


I have cobbled together an extra adventure set in Westcrown for CoT part 1 that happens before the PCs are set to assault the Bastards Hideout.

The idea began with using the "Whitechin" story hook but with an encounter I wrote in High School (1981!), and updated to fit into Westcrown. The location is serving as back story for the PC human brother and Tiefling involving their great grandfather’s hidden shine to Norborger under an abandoned theater in the far North east part of the city.

I would like to offer it up for free use on the boards but not sure if that is allowed or welcome under OGL or Paizo's guidelines. If not here, where would you suggest? (I am not very savvy on RPG/OGL communities ... yet.)

"Plotty Fingers" aka Daniel McDeavitt

might be a simple question, or the start of a joke without a punchline:

if a Mage is grappled but has contingency to teleport/DD somewhere, does the grappler go with?

Will be adding actual content soon for the chronicle.
we are currently in the last of Book #5.

Wanted to share the splendid art created of the party:

Runelord Party
(i will post her Deviant Art account when i get the info)

Left to Right:

- Altendyn (Quadirian Elf mage)
- Orik Vancaskerkin (yes, he joined. more later on that one...)
- Ashlin Tobyn (Cleric of Desna and the OTHER foster daughter of Father Tobyn of Sandpoint. Yeah. that has been fun.)
- Lord Waydon Mog (human bard/rogue and current lord of Fort Rannick)
- Osborne (halfling rogue - Waydon's #1 guy.)
- Sajan & Sajni (Vudrani twins). Monk & Druid. Travelling acrobatic troupe.

The campaign has been amazing and has had a number of cast changes.
we are composing a timeline/story in google docs. will post as we can.

See you all at GenCon

Will be adding actual content soon for the chronicle.
we are currently in the last of Book #5.

Wanted to share the splendid art created of the party:

Runelord Party Snapshot
(i will post her Deviant Art account when i get the info)

Left to Right:

- Altendyn (Quadirian Elf mage)
- Orik Vancaskerkin (yes, he joined. more later on that one...)
- Ashlin Tobyn (Cleric of Desna and the OTHER foster daughter of Father Tobyn of Sandpoint. Yeah. that has been fun.)
- Lord Waydon Mog (human bard/rogue and current lord of Fort Rannick)
- Osborne (halfling rogue - Waydon's #1 guy.)
- Sajan & Sajni (Vudrani twins). Monk & Druid. Travelling acrobatic troupe.

The campaign has been amazing and has had a number of cast changes.
we are composing a timeline/story in google docs. will post as we can.

See you all at GenCon


Go to GM Electra Wigglebutt

"Noes! U not shoot darkness. Make save vs Stuupid!"

My pardon if this has been floated already, but i could not find a similar thread in my searches. Please point me to them, if they exist...

Ever since i started running RotR, i have wondered if there was Sin Magic, what about the opposite? and what would you call it?

I am using a working storytelling background that there were 'good' runelords, but that they might have gone into hiding or something. still mulling.

thoughts? smack downs? cookie?

Sovereign Court 4/5

Will be running a Chapter in Bloomington i believe.
Probably out of the Game Preserve or a public location.

email me or post here with interest.

daniel / aka "plotty fingers"
(danielmc at gmail dot com)

See you At Gen Con!
looking forward to the Beta and World Book!

who is attending from paizo?

is the PDF included as part of purchasing the other Pathfinder Products?
Gazateer, Monsters, etc?

wanting to order, but want both print and PDF versions.


I've been out of the D&D/D20 realm for some time.

Is the "tomb of Horrors" mentioned in Burnt Offerings the module (Bunyip, Tetramort, etc.), or a rule book? if the latter, i can't seem to find it anywhere so far.

hints? thanks.