Trinia Sabor

ConnorElzaim's page

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Lets face it, unless we're dealing with a DM who goes out of his way to balance things such that players are at most badass normals, players in D&D and by extension Pathfinder are like the super heroes of the setting. They have physical or magical strength that would on a bad day would still literally blow the minds of your standard townie NPC, whose death has yet to come at the hands of a house cat.

Essentially, you 'are' the avengers or some other group of extraordinary individuals who surpass normal conditions for human(or otherwise) capabilities.

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I am reminded of a depiction of someones campaign from /tg/ on 4chan where the players killed, I think, a Lamia, but after the battle found the Lamia's child. The party paladin stated he would raise the child, as it had been they who'd kill its mother. He stated that, even if the child grew up to obtain revenge on him, it was still the righteous thing to do.