Concordia's page

Organized Play Member. 95 posts. 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character.

Sovereign Court

Hi guys,

The rogue in our party had a question that we wanted to run by the Paizo community.

Halfling rogue. Fights with a small rapier. So far, no question.

What he would like to do though is wield his sling in his off-hand, thus being able to switch back and forth to the desired weapon.

GM thinks this is two-weapon fighting, thus needing the required feats or applying the -4/-8 (a sling is light) penalties.

Rogue argues that a fighter with a shield doesn't suffer two-weapon fighting penalties. This is right until he shield bashes, right?



Sovereign Court

Bonjour !

A question arose during our last session:

Does a rogue with Uncanny Dodge is still flat-footed when failing an Acrobatic check to move through a threatened area or those the passage that says "using Acrobatics in this way, you are considered flat-footed and lose your Dexterity bonus to your AC (if any)" only applies to the moving on "narrow surfaces and uneven ground without falling" bit.

(Uncanny Dodge says she can't be caught flat-footed.)



Sovereign Court

Hi there!

Are the bonuses granted by Heroism/Greater Heroism affect rolls to beat SR?



Sovereign Court

DISCLAIMER: I know it's been covered before, but there are 1387 topics with iPad, the ones I read didn't make it for me or were 3 years old! Sorry!

Hello everyone!

I just received an iPad and since I'm tired of bringing 12 books to the table, I was wondering what apps to use to read the Pathfinder pdf books.
I am more than willing to rebuy my whole collection in pdf, but I'm a complete noob with a tablet and don't know where to start/what to download.

So what is the best reader, how do you use your iPad, what are the steps I should follow? If someone would be so kind to take me by the hand and show me the way, I'd be really grateful!


Sovereign Court

Hey everyone!

Do turned Undead resume attacking if they are the target of a hostile action?



Sovereign Court

Can you select the Opposition Research Arcane Discovery as a feat multiple times? We can't clearly find an answer to this.


Sovereign Court

It happened last time we sat down for our session: the raging Barbarian got dazed.

Does he stop raging and begin to suffer the aftereffects or he just counts rounds while he's dazed?


Sovereign Court

Do their bonuses stack?

I'd say no, my mage would like it to be yes!


Sovereign Court

Hy everyone!

We feel as a group that the various Pit spells are too strong. Anybody else find this?

We currently play a level 7-10 adventure (AP 3 of Serpent skulls), and we got a level 9 Wizard casting the pits.

The level 4 and 5 ones (Acid and Hungry Pits) are DC 19 and 20 respectively (Wizard INT = 20). Than, it's a Climb DC 30 to get out and you need 4 in a row ? That means that every encounter we play, once the creatures fail their initial rolls, I don't even bother playing them on their initiative, cause they all need 4 straight 20 climb rolls to get out.

(Then, by finishing their turn beside the pit, they would need to succeed another Ref save, right?)

With a Climb DC of 30, Acid Pit almost garantees that the creatures within it will be stuck at the bottom, for a free 2-12 acid damage at the end of their turn. So it's only a question of when they will die.

Hungry Pit, with its DC35, is quite frankly out of this world for a vast majority of creatures/PCs. So 4-24 damage every turn. Again: it's only a question of how many/how many potions they have.

If I reverse engineer this, and if I put a Level 9 wizard with the same spell list, I probably TPK them if they miss their original Ref save every time.

Now, PCs have way better saves and skill checks then encounters, I acknowledge that. But casting those spells unfairly tips the scale of the encounter.

Frankly, we find these spells rather dull and way too good. If you don't have access to flying device/spells or climbing device/spells, you're roasted.

Anybody else find them way too good and hard to save for their levels? Did you tweak them? Do we play them wrong?


Sovereign Court

HI there!

I just built a ranger. She got STR 9 (I know...). BUT, she's got DEX 19! So, she's shooting a bow!

At level 1 (Base attack bonus +1) and Weapon focus: Longbow, shouldn't she have a +6 attack bonus? I didn't think the STR affected the attack rolls, only the damage ones. Am I right in thinking so?

We use sCoreForge for our character sheets, and it gives me a +5 only.

Who's right? Me or the Excel Character Generator? And if the answer is +5, can you pinpoint to the rule?



Sovereign Court

Can't find it in my downloads. Does it mean there's none yet?


Sovereign Court

Hi guys!

We are soon beginning the third book of this adventure, and quite frankly, I'm disapointed.

I decided to subscribe to APs because I wanted to run already made adventures, but the thing is with this AP, I feel it's incomplete. I feel I must "do" several parts, not just read it and make sure I'm ready.

AS an example, in the second book, thw whole traveling part was a complete nightmare. Why impose on the GM to roll countless RE rolls? Why not just say on day X this happens, on day y this happens ?

The only choice I had was to roll all of them while preparing the adventure (what a boring series of rolls!), or have my players roll Morning-Midday-Evening-Night RE rolls, and then again for the next day. We just couldn't wait to get there!

And lastly, (I admit I haven't read books 4-6 yet), do you really feel there's a race? I surely don't. This is one huge part of this adventure (I think), and I really wish it would have been more detailed. "While your group does this, opposing factions discover this,this and that. If your group decides to explore there instead, then opposing factions discover this and that."

Are all APs built that way? Cause sincerely, if it is, I'll just stop spending that money.

I'm sad to write this, cause we were (and still are) really excited about the ruleset used by PFRPG, but this adventure, for us (and me as the GM particularly) is a huge disapointment.


Sovereign Court

Hi guys!

If I have Dex12 and buy myself nice Gauntlets of Dexterity +2, can I choose Dodge as a feat (Min. req. Dex13) ?


Sovereign Court

Hey guys!

We are running this AP since the beginning. We started with a little side-quest so people entered level 1 or 2, BUT I XP-Cap them to the highest level they should be in the quest.

We are a big group (8), but rarely complete: most of the weeks, I have between 4-6 PCs.

As of now, entering Tazion, people are between level 5 and 7. As I am reading this part again, I fear it won't be a challenge for my party. Charau-kas, be them 3 at a time, just won't cut it for us! Even the bosses don't seem very challenging.

The party didn't have access to extra magical items beside those in the AP, exception made to the stuff they were able to buy with the gold coins (but then again, nothing unbalancing).

So, what happened to us? If I'm not mistaken, the adventure is for 5 pc's, levels 4 to 7 right? Why so many CR2 and 3 at the end of this quest? Anybody else faced the same problems? How did you do to make it challenging?


Sovereign Court

Hello everyone!

My party decided to associate themselves with the Pathfinder Society. Now, they all got wayfinders. Good! For someone who recently began playing Pathfinder though, it's not good: you can't find them anywhere in the core books.

Now, I found a definition on PathfinderWiki (reliable source? Help me out here!) that says that it's basically a compass that can emit light. Great! No more torches!

But wait! It also says that there's a place to put a Ioun stone, but that every wayfinder reacts diffrerently depending on the Ioun stone. Where can I find this rule? Cause our rogue damn well likes the fact that the Ioun stone he stole the party can be hidden in there!


Sovereign Court

What about Lunge and Whirlwind? Can you use them together?


Sovereign Court

As simple as that!

Do they stack?


Sovereign Court

There are 1273 topics with Vital Strike when you search for it, so I'll ask!

Can you use VS and Whirlwind together?

GM question here: would house-ruling that you can select one of your attacks during a WW action (before rolling the dice) to be affected by VS be too much a bonus to give your player?



Sovereign Court

N large city
Corruption +4; Crime –5; Economy +3; Law +7; Lore +5,
Society +1
Qualities insular, prosperous, rumormongering citizens,
racially intolerant (Mwangi), superstitious
Danger +10
Government overlord
Population 11,340 (11,200 humans [700 colonials, 10,500
Mwangi], 140 other)
Notable NPCs
General Alban, governor of Kalabuto (male human fighter)
Commander Ursel, Praetor of Kalabuto, commander of
the Kalabuto militia (male human ranger)
Tabansi, Kalabuta foreman (male human rogue)
Base Value 10,400 gp; Purchase Limit 75,000 gp;
Spellcasting 5th
Minor Items 4d4; Medium Items 3d4; Major Items 2d4

I might have missed the rules in either the Core Rulebook or the GameMaster Guide, but I have no clue how to read this. No clue. Can somebody help and enlighten me? If the rules are in either of those books, just point me the right pages, I'll go and read them!



Sovereign Court

Hey guys!

Does this feat apply to all your attacks in a round, or only the first one?

As sub-question: if you announce a cleave, can you use power attack on that roll?


Sovereign Court

Hi guys!

I'm pretty sure you can't, but I couldn't find it when we looked yesterday: are Undead immune to sneak attacks?


Sovereign Court

Hi guys!

I am using a .pdf sheet (can't find it at the office right now) to track my character advancement. Jägger the Dwarven Fighter is almost at level 5.

The «software» wishes me to select a feat at this level?!?!? Checking in the Rulebook, I don't see a bonus feat for level in the table, but in the text, it says «Starting at level 1 and every even levels thereafter, the fighter receives a bonus feat, giving him a feat at every level».

I'm confused.

Which is correct? No feat at level 5 (and 7, 11, 13, 17 and 19, for that matter), or a feat every level?


Sovereign Court

Just to clarify:

At the beginning of a round, before he acts, is an Uncanny Dodge Barbarian still flat-footed?

What's the rule here: does he lose this bonus because you are denied your DEX bonus at the start of a round?


Sovereign Court

Hi guys!

We recently switched from 4th ed. to Pathfinder, and we are having a blast with a capital B!

I used to GM in the Forgotten Realms setting. Now, I'm a bit lost, since I don't know the world I'm playing in and there doesn't seem to have a sourcebook like the FR setting book or box, depending on the edition you played.

Am I wrong? Is there such thing as a world setting that exists in one book? I've seen a couples of references to Golarion and a couple of books describing some of its region, but is there one big sourcebook?


Fred the New Guy

Sovereign Court

Was wondewring where I could find the stats for this old classic.

Any advice?


Sovereign Court

Hi guys!

We played D&D up to 4.0, but after two years of unsatisfatory game sessions, we switched to PFRPG and it rocks!! First session was a total blast and the guys are looking forward to the next one!

While reading the rules, some stuff is obviously different from what we knew in 3.5. I'd like to make sure that I understand this one perfectly: when starting an encounter, everybody that hasn't played is flatfooted?

Meaning Bill, who is Ini 13, is flatfooted because the goblins are Ini 14? Even though Bill is exploring a cave known for its goblin infestation?

If so, what is a surprise round purpose?

Sorry if it sounds stupid, we're just getting our hold back on those rules!


Sovereign Court

Good morning!

We are switching from D&D 4.0 to PFRPG. I was wondering what book(s) we absolutely need to start from scratch.



Sovereign Court

Hello everyone!

A friend of mine recently bought Dunjinni and we felt it brought a brand new twist to our gaming sessions! I felt like buying it too, but then I saw there were many more softwares that looked as interesting!

What about the one(s) from ProFantasy Softwares? Is Dunjinni better because it's an all-in-one software?

Help me here!
