Night Monarch

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In Pathfinder RPG,it seems like all polymorph does is duplicate the effect of other more limited shapechange spells. I know it was abused in 3.5 and was a rules headache with applying templates and advanced creatures or monsters from obscure sourcebooks. I,however,really liked the idea of assuming unorthodox forms,so i was thinking of reverting to a compromise between 3.5 and PFRPG. Nothing's concrete yet,but definitely requiring familiarity with said creature and possibly part of creature as component or focus.

For those unfamiliar with complete mage,the substitution mentioned above grants the sorcerer 2 extra hit points per level,Martial Weapon Proficiency with one melee weapon of their choice,and Weapon focus with that weapon. In exchange, they know one less spell of the highest level spell they can cast,and whenever they would learn a 2nd spell of the highest level they can cast,they instead learn a spell of the next level down. The reason I think this might be overpowered is that a 1st level sorcerer would have 2 less hit points than a fighter(assuming they have the same Constitution). The average hit points on a sorcerer's d6 is 3,+2 for the sub,making 5 which is the fighters average,so the sorcerer will only ever be 2 hp behind the fighter. Am i missing a balancing factor?

Hey,The CommaMaster is tossing around this idea for a new class. The idea is a full caster whose main class feature is a familiar-like golem whose abilities increase with the character's levels. The CommaMaster is thinking of it as a base class but He's open to prestige ideas. All opinions are appreciated by the CommaMaster.