Night Monarch

CommaMaster's page

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I def like the idea of the Dead wearing deadstuff armor. I think you might have a bit of a balance issue with the mechanist having to wear heavy armor,and being rewarded if it's heavier. The whole point of ASF is that you sacrifice the better armors. Being forced to wear better equipment isn't really a penalty.

Myself I'd scale down the spellcasting and make it more minion master oriented,but I don't think that's what your going for.


Maybe they have a focus item that occupies a body slot? And maybe could have more,effectively sacrificing slots for amped class abilities?

Just some thoughts,might be miles from what your thinking.

I really like the idea of the Animalist not wearing any armor. Maybe they could get a natural armor bonus to compensate,which they would lose if they wore armor.
i haven't checked out the Summoner yet,but I understand that they can customize their Eidolon/minion/thingy. Is that sort of what your going for with this?

I like this concept. Do you have any details or class abilities worked out yet? I think this class's wild shape could have potential for coolness (Death Shape,anyone?)

So I'm a little confused about how telekinesis works. Do you cast it on other items so you can control them? Or do you cast it on yourself so that you can control other items? I guess the crux of my question is whether or not you can switch/add/drop which items you're controlling in the middle of the spells duration?

Ingenwulf wrote:

Just for the sake of clarity, the main thrust of my initial question was "what the Monk does FOR his fellow party members".

A Monk can heal himself, fight (and as some of the posts suggest is able to effectively neutralise any end of adventure Big Bad by himself), move himself through difficult terrain. He doesn't need weapons. I don't deny he's probably fun to play.

A Monk doesn't seem to need anyone else really either. So, given the examples of reaction to other character classes (given very tongue in cheek in the OP) what would provoke the other party members to say "Oh good now we can....." rather than "Great, a Monk, nice to meet you. Off you go lad and good luck."

So far, in my opinion, a mobile, stunning foil to the Rogue seems to be the best answer. Cartigan's trap trigger may be a little harsh, we usually just use animals when the druid's not looking ;)

The Monk can do the same for his fellows as a fighter does. He can be the "Meat Shield". Primary difference is that instead of taking every hit,he dodges more. Plus his personal healing adds to his resiliency. On a similar note,imagine that the party has just finished a battle. The cleric is making his rounds and healing everyone,but he can skip the monk because the monk can heal himself. So even though his healing is self only,it still helps the party by adding to the overall healing pool and allowing the cleric to save his for others. And @Cartigan,the Monk is an excellent trap trigger due to his awesome saves,spell resistance,and boosted AC.

Crimson Jester wrote:
CommaMaster wrote:
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
I love Jennifer Aniston.
Who dat?
Shocked beyond words

Oh righhhht THAT Jennifer Aniston. The original Leprechaun Victim. Duh.

(Hides face in shame and embarrassment)

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
I love Jennifer Aniston.

Who dat? a good way though....

Crimson Jester wrote:
Nuts, they say you are what you eat.

So apparently that makes me a six inch cheddar,bacon,and steak sub with a side of Nachos???!!! Is that what yer sayin'???!!

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:

this one was pretty cool.

of course, I thought it up, but.....


Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:

.....trying to film a Barney episode in a bloody tank filled with pirahna. It's hard to sing little songs when they're chewing on your doodads.

I originally though that your avatar name was inspired by the Warwick Davis movie "Leprechaun". I now think that the movie was based on you cuz that was just too funny/gory/crazy/leprechauny

*snicker* I never liked Barney.....I am now inspired....'scuse me while I find a nearby aquarium......

Kruelaid wrote:
Cool, who resurrected this one? Whoever you are, I love you!

I couldn't resist,had to do it,too much love to let it lie dormant. Funny thing is I found it by typing the name of the Beatles song into Search cuz I wanted to know if there were any COMPLETELY positive threads on here. Totally blew my mind.

Benicio Del Espada wrote:
I like prestige classes when they're done thoughtfully, and not just to sell splat.

^What he said^

Davor wrote:
Umbral Reaver wrote:
Something like the old enlightened fist?
Aw. I was hoping I wasn't being THAT obvious :P

Enlightened Fist was awesome. Right up there with Master Of the Unseen Hand and Abjurant Champion. Three classes that almost everyone but me seems to hate lol

Overall though,I agree that PrCs are good but that there was a glut of them in 3.5. Certain concepts just don't need one and work better if just effected through feat/skill/style/weapon choices. (Or Archetypes,from what I hear. Haven't got a chance to try or look at them.) An example is the master thrower from CW. A whole class,just to throw daggers and stuff? Pointless.

(Sob)...why hasn't anyone posted on this in three years??!!.....I just....stumbled across's so........beautiful....(Sob)

Cartigan has a cool avatar.

So I'm a little confused about how telekinesis works. Do you cast it on other items so you can control them? Or do you cast it on yourself so that you can control other items? I guess the crux of my question is whether or not you can switch/add/drop which items you're controlling in the middle of the spells duration?

Oops mistake lol only one object per level Maximum 15. So 12 + 84 = 96 and that's all 1s. Hope I didn't get ninja'ed.

I love this class,and one reason is that the telekinetic wielder ability uses CASTER LEVEL + INT OR CHA as BAB. So since a master of the unseen hand adds his class level to caster level for Telekinesis ONLY,it essentially means that he telekinetically attacks and full attacks as a fighter. Oh,and imagine: Greater Magic Weapon on 50 arrows at a time,then telekinetically firing them at whatever needs to die,once every 1d4 rounds. Since arrows deal damage as daggers, 1d4+3 (at 12th level) + 4 (18 Int) times 50. If you roll 1s all around,that's 400 points of damage. For two spells and some arrows. Assuming they all hit. Which they might not.

Apparently I need to reread what I type before posting. My post was actually in favor of religion. I was referring to what others in this thread said about the Bible (And Christ) saying that we can't know when the end times will come. If that's true,then there's no sense in worrying since they probably got the date wrong because they cannot know. This would be quite a mental relief,and I owe it all to religion.

Leafar the Lost wrote:

Here is wisdom. He that hath understanding, let him count the number of the Beast; for it is the number of a man: and his number is Six hundred and sixty and six.

Revelation 13:18

"Steppin' into the Twilight zone....."

Leafar the Lost wrote:

At that time people will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. And he will send his angels and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of the heavens. Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near.

Mark 13:26-28

Whoa.....I coulda sworn this was a wrestler's obituary 5 minutes ago.......

Zombieneighbours wrote:
CommaMaster wrote:
Charlie Bell wrote:

I dismiss the idea that the world is ending tomorrow.

Of course, that more or less guarantees that it actually will end tomorrow.

Don't worry. The world can't end tomorrow. I have finals. I've been studying for months. The. World. Cannot. End. TOMORROW!!!! I HAVE WORKED WAY TO HARD TO STAND FOR IT!!!!
Good luck.

Why thank you Miss Undead Ma'am.

Charlie Bell wrote:

I dismiss the idea that the world is ending tomorrow.

Of course, that more or less guarantees that it actually will end tomorrow.

Don't worry. The world can't end tomorrow. I have finals. I've been studying for months. The. World. Cannot. End. TOMORROW!!!! I HAVE WORKED WAY TO HARD TO STAND FOR IT!!!!

Zombieneighbours wrote:
CommaMaster wrote:
Do to internet difficulties that demand I leave my house for the local library before joining the cyber community,I request permission to post though I have already eaten breakfast,on the grounds that I am doing so before I eat breakfast tomorrow.

You need to fill out a pink 42a, and a mess about with wibbly-wobbly-timie-wimme-things.

Assuming you do so, you may of cause post.

(Sigh) So much paperwork.....wouldn't it be easier if it all just......blew the wind....gone forever.....

I dismiss the commonly held belief that every Metallica album since the beginning of the nineties was a waste of plastic.

Do to internet difficulties that demand I leave my house for the local library before joining the cyber community,I request permission to post though I have already eaten breakfast,on the grounds that I am doing so before I eat tomorrow's breakfast.

Crimson Jester wrote:
CommaMaster wrote:

Ok,so the world ends tommorow. I'll roll with that. I can dig it. With a shovel. Like a grave. But it leaves me with two questions

1. How many of y'all are gonna post at 12:A.M. on the 22nd saying "HA! IN YOUR FAAACE! STILL HEEERE!!!"?

2. How many of y'all will then proceed to post on or create a 2012 doomsday thread?

Haven't people being saying 2012 for a few years now anyway?

Yes,I was just curious if after the May 21st "deadline" doesn't quite "pan out" everyone here will move on to a new "deadline" or just say "Hey we're still here! Well isn't that weird? Oh well. Hey,who wants to head on down to da diner and get some chezburgers?" Know what I mean? Like wasn't it supposed to end in 2000? I personally like what some people here are saying about that we aren't supposed to know or that we can't know. Guess that's one benefit of subscribing to an organized religion. Once in a while ya find something in it that makes ya realize there's no sense in worrying.

Ok,so the world ends tommorow. I'll roll with that. I can dig it. With a shovel. Like a grave. But it leaves me with two questions

1. How many of y'all are gonna post at 12:A.M. on the 22nd saying "HA! IN YOUR FAAACE! STILL HEEERE!!!"?

2. How many of y'all will then proceed to post on or create a 2012 doomsday thread?

wraithstrike wrote:
CommaMaster wrote:
wraithstrike wrote:
Ravingdork wrote:
CommaMaster wrote:
The thing is,the bigger the power gap between the party and the dragon,the easier it is for a DM to fudge rules and prevent you from killing the dragon. I'm not saying that he will do that,but it seems to me that if he railroads you as much as it sounds like,then you won't kill the dragon until he deems it thematically appropriate. Killing a recurring villain is satisfying,but how satisfying will it be if you kill it because the DM decided it was time for you to do so?

It's not.

I'm going to try and lead it way from the new party and kill it with dust of sneezing and choking and a ninja with Dastardly Finish. If the GM saves the dragon from that then I will at least know it was always hopeless. Can't cast limited wish when you're stunned.

Anyone know a way around possible contingencies? All I got is dispel magic I think.

Even if he has a contingency to come back to life the dust should still be on him active. He would just come back to life in a stunned condition. As for the contingency I would see that as the DM fudging spells to keep his dragon alive, or bring it back.

I would look at Arcane Sight to find out if the DM has a contingency from the school of conjuration. It won't tell you the exact spell, but healing type spells, and a spell to teleport the dragon away are the only things that I think would save it. If you don't see an aura that dragon should be dead or the DM should be prepared to give a good explanation.

@CM:Coup de grace's are hard to save from. Even if the ninja has only a +2 strength and a short sword it can force a realtively high save.

I am assuming a:

Short sword 1d6(x2) + 5d6 sneak attack + strength bonus 2(x2)

Simplification (6d6 x 3.5) + 4 + 10(coup de grace)=35

PS: Even if it fails the first time just keep doing it until it works. Any touch spells can also be used to coup de grace if they do damage.

Actually that should have been 7d6 so

Enchant the short sword. +2 or +3,maybe dragnosbane?

wraithstrike wrote:
Ravingdork wrote:
CommaMaster wrote:
The thing is,the bigger the power gap between the party and the dragon,the easier it is for a DM to fudge rules and prevent you from killing the dragon. I'm not saying that he will do that,but it seems to me that if he railroads you as much as it sounds like,then you won't kill the dragon until he deems it thematically appropriate. Killing a recurring villain is satisfying,but how satisfying will it be if you kill it because the DM decided it was time for you to do so?

It's not.

I'm going to try and lead it way from the new party and kill it with dust of sneezing and choking and a ninja with Dastardly Finish. If the GM saves the dragon from that then I will at least know it was always hopeless. Can't cast limited wish when you're stunned.

Anyone know a way around possible contingencies? All I got is dispel magic I think.

Even if he has a contingency to come back to life the dust should still be on him active. He would just come back to life in a stunned condition. As for the contingency I would see that as the DM fudging spells to keep his dragon alive, or bring it back.

I would look at Arcane Sight to find out if the DM has a contingency from the school of conjuration. It won't tell you the exact spell, but healing type spells, and a spell to teleport the dragon away are the only things that I think would save it. If you don't see an aura that dragon should be dead or the DM should be prepared to give a good explanation.

@CM:Coup de grace's are hard to save from. Even if the ninja has only a +2 strength and a short sword it can force a realtively high save.

I am assuming a:

Short sword 1d6(x2) + 5d6 sneak attack + strength bonus 2(x2)

Simplification (6d6 x 3.5) + 4 + 10(coup de grace)=35

PS: Even if it fails the first time just keep doing it until it works. Any touch spells can also be used to coup de grace if they do damage.

Right,so the dragon needs a 13 to save,but they can coup de grace every round for 5d6 rounds. Gotcha.

Ravingdork wrote:
CommaMaster wrote:
The thing is,the bigger the power gap between the party and the dragon,the easier it is for a DM to fudge rules and prevent you from killing the dragon. I'm not saying that he will do that,but it seems to me that if he railroads you as much as it sounds like,then you won't kill the dragon until he deems it thematically appropriate. Killing a recurring villain is satisfying,but how satisfying will it be if you kill it because the DM decided it was time for you to do so?

It's not.

I'm going to try and lead it way from the new party and kill it with dust of sneezing and choking and a ninja with Dastardly Finish. If the GM saves the dragon from that then I will at least know it was always hopeless. Can't cast limited wish when you're stunned.

Anyone know a way around possible contingencies? All I got is dispel magic I think.

How much damage will the ninja do? With a Fort of +22 the dragon will have a good chance to save methinks. Main piece of advice would be to not let the DM in on your plan. Sounds like you can't surprise the dragon without surprising the DM.

The thing is,the bigger the power gap between the party and the dragon,the easier it is for a DM to fudge rules and prevent you from killing the dragon. I'm not saying that he will do that,but it seems to me that if he railroads you as much as it sounds like,then you won't kill the dragon until he deems it thematically appropriate. Killing a recurring villain is satisfying,but how satisfying will it be if you kill it because the DM decided it was time for you to do so?

My only question: CAN SOMEONE ELSE DM??
Seriously,I'm not just being a smartalec. Are the other players as fed up as you?

(sits quietly and takes notes on How To Be Civil)

An example of polite (IMO) theological discourse:

Christian: Because I believe in God,my opinion is etc. etc.

Atheist: I don't believe God is real,so I can't really relate to your arguments,however I believe etc. etc.

An example of an insensitive Christian (exaggerated):

If this train wrecks,I'm going to Heaven to eat caviar and your going to Hell because you don't share my beliefs.

An example of an (extremely) insensitive joke aimed at Christianity:

Jesus loves me,and that's why he ____ed me. (no,the line doesn't represent "saved")

Insensitivity is everywhere. People ready and willing to mock and disrespect other people are everywhere. There are people who wish to engage in civil discourse,the trick is to find and talk with them. Don't feed the trolls.

CourtFool wrote:
CommaMaster wrote:
More impolite than not responding to an insult.

Really? I think not responding to an insult is an admirable display of self control. One I wish I were more capable of displaying.

Yeah looking back that was kind of unclear. REPHRASE: I feel that ignoring a compliment is impolite AS OPPOSED TO ignoring an insult. END REPHRASE. (the caps are just to stress the point of the rephrase,not trying to shout.)

MendedWall12 wrote:
CommaMaster wrote:
Ashiel wrote:
MendedWall12 wrote:
Also, just wanted everyone to know that I'm not an elitist, I just play one on the internet in order to watch inane and opinionated arguments play out in front of my very eyes. I totally optimize the crazy crap out of my characters, and can't stand people who want to act at the table. If you want to act out your character join a LARP community.
Hmmm...why can't we just optimize and act at the same time? ^-^

I optimize my acting while acting like an optimizer.

(I know I said I was done but I just had to)

Nicely done!! I'd close with that one.

I would've,but I feel it is impolite to not respond to a compliment. Almost as impolite as chewing with my mouth open. Not quite as impolite as trolling. More impolite than not responding to an insult.

Ashiel wrote:
MendedWall12 wrote:
Also, just wanted everyone to know that I'm not an elitist, I just play one on the internet in order to watch inane and opinionated arguments play out in front of my very eyes. I totally optimize the crazy crap out of my characters, and can't stand people who want to act at the table. If you want to act out your character join a LARP community.
Hmmm...why can't we just optimize and act at the same time? ^-^

I optimize my acting while acting like an optimizer.

(I know I said I was done but I just had to)

I regret that I must withdraw from this thread,with apologies to Cartigan and anyone else whom I may have insulted.

“A man should never be ashamed to own that he has been in the wrong, which is but saying... that he is wiser today than yesterday.”

The Golden Rule of society often seems to be "Try not to be offensive". I love this rule. It is a very good rule. It is essential to civil discussion. But this is only one side of the rule,the "Yang" if you will. It seems that we often forget the "Yin".

"Try not to be offended"

KaeYoss wrote:
CommaMaster wrote:
CourtFool wrote:
CommaMaster wrote:
Which is to say,I feel that I would have to verify the viability of said swamplands or the believability of said ghost stories before taking the word of,well,a self-described fool.
Glad to know you have a healthy sense of skepticism.
Glad to know you have a healthy sense of humor.
He was just referencing the famous quote from Leonardo DaVinci: "I cannot believe the drivel that is posted on the internet every day. People will believe it just because it's on the net. They should employ a bit of common sense." And when the inventor of the tank and the airplane says something like this, you better write things down!

Yeah you should check out Leo's website for SDS.

CourtFool wrote:
CommaMaster wrote:
Which is to say,I feel that I would have to verify the viability of said swamplands or the believability of said ghost stories before taking the word of,well,a self-described fool.
Glad to know you have a healthy sense of skepticism.

Glad to know you have a healthy sense of humor.

CourtFool wrote:
CommaMaster wrote:
If I had an unhealthy interest in occult phenomena,what search term could I enter into the search engine known as Google to find knowledge of this event in the state known as Kansas? (Assuming that BadWrongFun yielded no results worth mentioning)
Before I answer that question, allow me to pose a couple to you. Are you in the possession of large sums of money? What are your feelings regarding investments made in swamplands?

I am not in possession of large sums of money. My feelings regarding investments made in swamplands are similar to my feelings regarding the believability of ghost stories on internet forums. Which is to say,I feel that I would have to verify the viability of said swamplands or the believability of said ghost stories before taking the word of,well,a self-described fool.

CourtFool wrote:
CommaMaster wrote:

There existed a young human between the ages of 5 and 13 who lived in the state identified as Kansas who participated in BadWrongFun. There remains an unexplained phenomenon involving temperature within the locale where the aforementioned BadWrongFun occurred and the owner of the residence is unable to liquefy this asset due to the belief that said residence is inhabited by the BadWrongFun.

The veracity of this story is confirmed by its existence on a global system of interconnected computer networks.

If I had an unhealthy interest in occult phenomena,what search term could I enter into the search engine known as Google to find knowledge of this event in the state known as Kansas? (Assuming that BadWrongFun yielded no results worth mentioning)

CourtFool wrote:

There's was a kid in Kansas who had BadWrongFun. There is still a place that feels cold when you walk through it and no one will buy the house because they say it is haunted with the very BadWrongFun he had.

It's true. It is on the internet.


I have the 4e core books,am not a savant on the rules therein. Didn't like the "revamped" (and utterly destroyed) alignment system,among other thing. People say it plays like WoW,idk cuz i've never played that either.

Lakesidefantasy wrote:
Caineach wrote:
And add me to the Pete Townshend, who? list
And statements like this are sublime in their irony.


Unrelated,but I was at work and "My Generation" came on the radio. I looked at this guy I work with(who is a serious rock history buff)and said "Who did this song?" "The Who" he replied.

"That's what I just said"

CourtFool wrote:
Andrew R wrote:
The problem isn't roleplay elitists or tactical optimisers, it is mixing them together in the wrong game. Not that either is better or worse but tossing one into the others game is like throwing a grenade on the gaming table.
I bet you would find more mixing than you think. I think it is the extremes that cause clashes.

I agree. They can mix,and even complement each other. But 2 players that want to kill everything and make hats out of their scalps will clash with 2 players that want to talk the God of Destruction into sparing the world and convince him that this plan is just a result of his bad childhood.

Andrew R wrote:
The problem isn't roleplay elitists or tactical optimisers, it is mixing them together in the wrong game. Not that either is better or worse but tossing one into the others game is like throwing a grenade on the gaming table.

Exactly. Some want to play one way,some a different way. If they can't find a way to reconcile their differences and enjoy a game,it just won't end well.

Pete Townshend had this little song called "Talkin' Bout My Generation". (I think). I think that was Thom's point in referencing him.

An example of old school gamer preferences can be found in a thread there was around here where gamers were discussing the "genius of Thac0". At least one gamer stated that they adapted Thac0 for 3.5.

It really is all about opinions,but "old school" players often seem to share similar opinions about certain subjects,although there are always differences amongst any group or classification. Often these opinions about how the game should be played are based on how the game was played in previous editions,how these individuals played their own games,and their own experiences and,again,opinions. For example,I could say that Cartigan is a rude and belligerent hothead based on my experience with the posts I have read by him,but that would just be my opinion. Just an example.

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