Exporters of Egalitarianism,
I understand that you are both citizens of Andoran, and members of the Pathfinder Society, and may worship one of the many gods that Golarion has to offer. It is therefore natural for occasional tasks that one of these three sections assigns you to conflict with one another.
As a Major of the Eagle Knights, I make decisions and assign tasks to further the goals of Andoran. In return for achieving these tasks, I ensure that those who carry them out are suitably recognised within Andoran. You are not required to carry them out, and I am willing to fulfill my end of this agreement even if the actual work has been subcontracted out.
Over the past five years, I have issued various orders that might have been questionable - posting propaganda, buying slaves in Sothis, even ordering assassinations of Pathfinders. Rest assured that all of these have been in Andoran's interest, and the country has thrived as a result.
I have heard that other factions are much less justified in their killings and orders - agents in the field have told me how their fellow agents have cut out competitor's tongues, or killed strangers in a bar. We ensure that all other options are exhausted before ordering such an elimination.
As always, remain circumspect,
Major Colson Maldris.